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University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

\f* freeman company 01 pub/jc/sts r ' 10/4 Dear Bill, Sorry the first batch of pictures didn't get there yet, but an sending along this uaterial to you at your hone, and hope it fits the bill. Everything 1 sent you in the first batch is here, except for one color picture, but I don't believe it will sake too nuch difference. I would appreciate your returning the color photos of the casino as they are nearly the last copies 1 have on hand, and everything else you can keep?╟≤ I an sending out under separate cover, 200 wallets for your people, plus sene nice plastic coasters with pictures of the Sands and its facilities, which will make good place decorations. Also in the nail are other things such as Sands cocktail napkins, natches, ash trays, and cocktail stirrers. Please let ne know what elese you can use and X will rush the naterlal to you. If you will send us the nane of the winner of the door prize of a Sands vacation, 1 will have a personal letter sent to the winners fron Mr. Jack Entratter, our general nanager at the Sands, inviting then to be our guests. X undestand now that this will be for a stay of fron Monday thru Thursday, based on our availability, and good for roon and seals only. This will not Include beverages or ganbling expenses or payouts, for obvious reasons, but you can be sure we will invite then in to see the dinner show in the Copa Room as our guests and will bend over backwards to give then a good tine. Please try to take sone plx of your decorations to show to our people here as Justification for the participation in the promotion, as well as for goodwill with your people, and sore important, because it's a good cause. X will follow up on the Sylvanla sales nesting naterlal soon, but X personally feel you ought to see theSands and its facilities and talk to our Mr. Entratter and Mr. Xioveland and get a clearer picture of what we can do for you. I an enclosing a Sands TIMES issue which shows we are active la such gatherings, and hope it answers sone of your questions. I will be in Beustoa on Monday or Tuesday at the Shanrock, so call ne there If you need anything further, and X will folio, thM,, ?╟? s H* A?f 0 g?╜$ ?╜ ^kH th /our B affair......*1 freeman iW 2-8611