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NEW YORK, N. Y. HBBJBMBi Desert Inn, Las V?╜??j{as Las Vegas, Feb. 24. McGuire Sisters, Paid Gilbert, iyma, March, Art Johnson^ ^fiornf,, irden Dancers (14), Carlton Hayes )rch (12); choreography by Donn \rden; $3 minimum. The McGuire Sisters, with their ?╟≤ refreshing animation and di: have bounced T?ANrI ^ART??N JACK DURANT TOMORROW) ?╟≤"*> Clipping From .._, VARIETY NEW YORK, N. Y. mire Sisters, wun ineir - x& animation and distinctive styling, have bounced back into the Painted Desert Room. Chris, Phyllis and Dottie, presents show biz savvy seems to imorove with each Vegas outing, offer a solid turn. Included in their repertoire is "Pennies From Heaven." "Picnic," "Something's Got. To Give," "Hi "Sincerely,' 'Daddy," "That's slow," and their 'May You Always' click as terpers, ertoire *o 'Picnic," "Something's Got. 'He," "Run, Run, Run," 'One Fine Day," My Weakness Npw," 'and their 1-tast disclick " The girls also ?╟?, and the act is smoothly woven by the baton of Murray Kane, fronting the Carlton Hayes orch (12). Paul Gilbert, now a comedian of major league proportions, is a strong balancer for the bill. His very funny fasties and skits include a batch of new material plus a welcome revival of the standard routines with which he's identified ** number fcatin Quarter, IV. Y. BroT ?*T%\ *??****. Roma'no tn Quarter Dames U8)Tq^?· owe OrchTS1^ & -Buddy H^ e wrens, $6.00 minimum. thJSnni0^^11 P^uction under AMERICA'S NUMBER ONE HIT SONG STARS * TftEVISION FAVORITESI ude a batch of new material puis welcome revival of the standard icutines with which he's identified. Two new production numbers concocted by the fertile artistry of i Donn Arden are outstanding, (tabbed "Man! Like Sprarg!" and I "Little Red Riding, and the Hood.'* Both feature the fine songology of v "Little Ked maing, ana u Both feature the fine son Myrna March and Art .-uyu-u??v?╜, who are decorously surrounded by the Arden Dancers (14). Show is M fnr four frames. Duke ?╟≤"""?╟≤?╜ THVU1 IcGUIRE SISTERS Johnson, > PHYLLIS DOTTI* THE GREAT COMEDY STAR OP cra^r . DONN ARDEN "0""??"*""'"???Σ≤ presents exhft! 7 GREAT ACTS PERFORMING NIGHTLY in the 1 ADY LUCK LOUNGE j and the ;ky room lounge | and OUTDOOR GARDEN : DANCING CARLTON HAYES .?╟??╟? MtIl6str, ,*?╓¬>#* **+ * V l\ X * ?√ß ?╟≤""' RESERVATIONS DU 2-6000 Wilto-CWei- DESERT This Clipping From VARIETY NEW YORK, N. Y. MAR 4 1959 ''ri1Y JpURNAMENT CAS?╟÷$30,000 PRIZES SeLW* StaS Orch (16); $5.50 package. mtery is *. b nis opening four-; he came at the break-m at tne O'Connor bids 1 only two weeks, he s cmch tor re peat bids from Sennes and other ^AcftaVbstantially the same as fee^t^d^Sd^S ler again collaborating. nTnnnor can do piacucdiiy everything and. what's more, do it ?J5l He sings, dances,. mimicks, 1 we , Batfrh-al Everything is smoothlylone in a real pro man- .S?. Miner is solid and[ ^k^ l with O'Connor. Hignhght ot act fs an imitation of P^nist Van Ch- burn, and it's a howl from start acts that it playfaTmShut0Ur new them a elose^e IX^f "?? ly on her m;VPSrfelsl^an^gheavi- ofiefSSMSSS ?·=[*??? audience yL n?one in the roiitino n .g t0 mess up h??r rof was iHnnnS fight' Miss c^- comeo^^orfgs^r Te oX^ ite'ries^fj^ ^^dTe'nne Sfo in N.YFTprotLsabuthr- been "ound to one of The r firVfcPParently ments since buildiL ery en?╜age- recording field Ih3 ^ ,in the labeleersannearinS6 Colunibia siderable Bn"^ come con- break-in on toH?v Sln??e their I nine years aso ^?'-scene about is more related ana tLPrhojection okay audience-pleaser witbh??yS are they mltSial wpJaS JUSt the way it faCg tohold t?╜??fVer' +SOme ??* I dinner show d lnterest at the j done up brown and h?tanb^r' ls pantomLe to so mLhaS7-^ffic!ent the Ammunition"' L??rd and Pas* TutSrrS1 Tri? th.e Thre* follows much the Sm^8?· Aot ?╜ed for some ttoe Butlh^ 3S comely femmp?╜ Qr,^' ut the two getupnow work w1tifale .in rube sion that the mos? LSUCS preci" tf to leap ove? ear-h' J^ ablli" {?√ß thl 5S^S ft hSasUbnedamfenta11^ tat eight or ?╟?ine years fr??fr Jhe Ke^Si^hT/S-thl ?oler^fS?╜-S snatches of S0L SH, fmifx a few ^? intro their^crT ThS'^P^S virtually a 12 ,rlleesoine has with a triple stand ?^ax';ending ofi:to loudPaep?·sdethat gets ^em hunched several SLS.ltup as when Sherrell inlm^&^fony Jn the main leads wfhV??ntinue stdl the "Baghdad r3k ,>Boubouka Oriental gyrltion, T T ^her Plays the!how??w?th hh ^T^1 deftness ditto for Srr1nlfcustoma^A mg, with Buddv^tt??h^atr-0n danc- MISS PATH PAGE - "That Si?╟?8i?╟?o Raiic , sl m a new musical revue at Wilbur Clark's Desert Inn. "Professor Backwards", versatile comic the Donn Arden Dancers in two production numbers and Carlton Hay* and his orchestra also perform ^owhmes at the Desert Inn are 8:15 and 11^45 pm with a 2:15 a.m. show on Friday.