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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, May 12, 1997






Includes meeting agenda and minutes.

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    uac000895. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President TERRY A. MOORE Leia Fleischman Fine Arts Joaquin Trujillo Business Heather Anderson Business Robert Solomon Education William Price Urban Affairs Margaret J. Persch, R.N. Health Sciences Kyle Lopez Student Development Frank Lideros Engineering Steven Amend Business Ben Campbell Student Development Stephanie Gonzales ' iberal Arts lesia Hayes ~~Education Nicole Lehman Education Joey Song Business Matt Stark Liberal Arts Stephanie Poole Hotel Administration Ildiko Lutar Student Development Matthew Knutson Hotel Administration David Shapiro Sciences STUDENT SENATE MEETING 27-18 Monday, May 12,1997 Moyer Student Union Beam 242 6:30p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Senate Committee Reports B. Faculty Senate Committee Reports C. Residence Hall Liaison Report D. Business Manager Report VI. PUBLIC COMMENT[in accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)] VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of FY 97-98 CSUN Budget as submitted by the 1997-98 CSUN Executive Board. VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Appointment of one (1) student of the Hotel College to fill the vacant Hotel Senate seat. B. Action Item Appointment of one (1) student of the Urban Affairs College to fill the vacant Urban Affairs Senate seat. C. Action Item Appointment of one (1) student of the Liberal Arts College to fill the vacant Liberal Arts Senate seat. D. Action Item Nomination/Election of one (1) Senator to the Ways and Means Committee. E. Action Item Nomination/Election of one (1) Senator to the Bylaws Committee. F. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of one (1) Interim Chair for the Bylaws Committee. G. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one (1) Senator to fill an open seat on the Faculty Senate Admission Committee. c^cOr - —J -— rn (- CO fOO .I? 0 ^ 0:: S—LT;; >~n i,:>j ::r CO«U £0> T0t 5 —-J CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4 5 0 5 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 8 9 1 5 4 - 2 0 0 9 • (702) 8 9 5 - 3 4 7 7 • FAX (702) 8 9 5 4 6 0 6 H. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one (1) Senator to fill an open seat on the Faculty Senate Scholarship Committee. I. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one (1) Senator as Student President Pro-Tempore for the remainder of the 27th Senate Session. J. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Executive Board Stipends: Student Body President: a monthly stipend of $900.00 per month plus a 42 credit fee waiver; Student Body Vice President: a monthly stipend of $850.00 per month plus a 42 credit fee waiver; Student Senate President: a monthly stipend of $850.00 per month plus a 42 credit fee waiver; to be encumbered out of the CSUN 2702 (Gen) Account. (For the first two months the stipend will be taken out of the FY96-97 budget and the remainder will be taken out of the FY 97-98 budget.) K. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Director Stipends: Entertainment & Programming: a monthly stipend of $400.00 per month plus a 24 credit fee waiver; Organizations: a monthly stipend of $300.00 per month plus a 24 credit fee waiver; Office of Student Information: a monthly stipend of $300.00 per month plus a 24 credit fee waiver: Nevada Student Affairs: a monthly stipend of $300.00 per month plus a 24 credit fee waiver; Student Services: a monthly stipend of $300.00 per month plus a 24 credit fee waiver; Elections: a monthly stipend of $150.00 per month for the months of July, August, November, and January, and a monthly stipend of $300.00 per month for the months of September, October, February, March, and April, plus a 24 credit iee waiver; to be encumbered out of the CSUN 2702 (Gen) Account. (For the fust two months the stipend will be taken out of the FY96-97 budget and the remainder will be taken out of the FY 97-Q8 budget.) L Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Pro-Tempore Stipends: Vice President PT: a monthly stipend of $100.00 per month; Senate President Pro-Tempore: a monthly stipend of $400.00 per month plus a 24 credit fee waiver; to be encumbered out of the CSUN 2702 (Gen) Account. (For the first two months the stipend will be taken out of the FY96-97 budget and the remainder will be taken out of the FY 97-98 budget.) U. Action Item: Discussion,'Approval of encumbering $2800.00 from the 2702 account for the purpose of travel related expenses for the remaining months of the 1997 Legislative session for lobbying purposes. (See Attachment 2.) V. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Delta Kappa Delta funding request of $500.00. (See Attachment 3.) W. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Collegiate Honors Council Funding request of $500.00. (See Attachment 4.) X. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Minority Science Student Program funding request of $500.00. (See Attachment 5.) Y. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Alpha Kappa Alpha funding request of $400.00. (See Attachment 6.) Z. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Student Organization of Latinos funding request of $500.00. (See Attachment 7.) AA. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of UNLV Chess Club funding request of $500.00. (See Attachment 8.) BB. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Purchase of Hey Reb Cold Air Inflatable from D & R Balloons for the total purchase price not to exceed $9900.00 to be encumbered from the 2702 account with CSUN to be reimbursed by the UNLV Alumni Association $3000.00 for their share of the cost and CSUN to also be reimbursed by UNLV Sports Marketing $3000.00 for their share of the cost. (See Attachment 1.) IX. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS X. GOOD OF THE SENATE XI ADJOURNMENT Posted in accordance with Nevada Open Meeting Law(N.R.S. 241.000) at the following locations: Moyer Student Union, Frank & Estella Beam Hall, Flora Dungan Humanities, Classroom Building Complex and Thomas Beam Engineering Complex. \ University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President MINUTES SENATE MEETING 27-18 Monday, May 12,1997 Beam Hall Room 242 6:30p.m. I. II. CALL TO ORDER: SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE called Senate Meeting 27-18 to order at 6:36 p.m. S3» r-o t—o —TA>J CO ROLL CALL: PRESENT ABSENT Steven Amend Heather Anderson Ben Campbell Leia Fleischman Stephanie Gonzales Alesia Hayes Matthew Knutson Nicole Lehman Heather Hunt Matthew Knutson Nicole Lehman Kyle Lopez Ildiko Lutar Margaret Persch William Price David Shapiro Joey Song Matt Stark Joaquin Trujillo Frank Lideros (excused) Stephanie Poole (excused) Robert Solomon (excused) I I I . APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion to approve Minutes for Senate Meeting 27-01 and Senate Meeting 27-17 made by SENATOR TRUJILLO, seconded by SENATOR ANDERSON. SENATOR PRICE motioned to correct the Minutes for Senate Meeting 27-17 on page 3 under VI. PUBLIC COMMENT which stated "Jennifer Jones" and should be changed to read limosa Jones"; seconded by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN. CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4 5 0 5 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 8 9 1 5 4 - 2 0 0 9 • (702) 8 9 5 - 3 4 7 7 • FAX ( 7 0 2 ) 8 9 5 - 4 6 0 6 SENATE MINUTES 27-18/ May 12, 1997 Move into a vote. Motion to correct the Minutes for Senate Meeting 27-17 passes 16-0-0: Move into a vote. Motion to Approve the Minutes for Senate Meeting 27-01 and Senate Meeting 27-17 passes 15-0-1. (SENATOR AMEND abstained.) IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS: SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE announced the following policies for the next year that he will adhere to: 1. No personal attacks made upon any Senator or upon any member speaking to this body from a Senator will be tolerated. 2. He encourages all Senators to attack and disagree with ideas, not people. 3. Please direct all remarks to the Chair; don't direct them at each other. V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS: A. Senate Committee Reports: 1. SENATOR PRICE announced a meeting for the Ways and Means Committee day. He added that there are a couple of items on the agenda that are out of order which need to be -passed by Ways and Means; those are items AA. and X. B. Faculty Senate Committee Reports: 1. SENATOR PERSCH announced that the Health Sciences Dean Search Committee has submitted two names. 2. SENATOR PRICE announced that Urban Affairs is all done with their Dean Search Committee. C. Residence Hall Liaison Report: JENNIFER PECK announced that she is the President of the Residence Hall Association on campus and she's going to be the liaison hopefully for the summer and spring semester She stated that they are preparing for their Welcoming Weekend; they're working on several constitutional revisions; they're going to be sponsoring a booth at the Orientations throughout the summer; she's working to increase summer programming in the residence halls to benefit the students more; they've started off their Summer Conference housing this morning and it's pretty exciting; and finally, they're preparing for their National Residence Hall Association Conference which is going to be held at Ball State University at the end of May. E. Business Manager Report: 2 SENATE MINUTES 27-18/ May 12, 1997 BUSINESS MANAGER JIM MOORE read the expenditures for the week: $400.00 for Public Safety parking permits for the reserved parking space for the E-Board, $ 139.60 for catering for the Faculty Excellence Awards, $250.00 to Charles Owens for providing sound at the E-Board banquet, $53.45 for the gift for Rob Bonghi's assistant, $16.56 to Heather Hamilton as a reimbursement for banquet photos from the E-Board banquet, $22.90 reimbursement to Joe Mills for the invitations for the E-Board banquet, $265.00 to replace the missing graduation chords, $497.90 for pencils to get us through finals week. In response to questions, STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT MILLS stated that he is holding off on submitting the names to Public Safety for the reserved parking space until he knows who is selected for the Senate President Pro-Tempore. BUSINESS MANAGER JIM MOORE announced that the radio station, KUNV, has received approximately $37,000.00 from their fund-raiser(s) and estimates that they will receive about $15,000.00 more between now and June 30, so he wants to project that the deficit is to be about $20,000.00 instead of the $10,000.00 previously reported. He then added that the contract for Mr. Brian Saunders, the Operations Manager for the radio station, doesn't have the conditions and stipulations set by the Senate that needed to be placed into his contract. He also stated that the contract was prepared by Student Services; signed by the radio station and by Student Services; but it was not signed by any person at CSUN. He stated that we have stopped the E-Doc and are going to try re-preparing an E-Doc with the stipulations and make sure we get all the appropriate signatures. response to question about KUNV having a savings account, Jim Moore replied that there are a -whole series of options that the Senate has at it's disposal, one of which would be reducing next year's funding by the amount of whatever they're short this year. He stated that we are already working with the radio station to get as much money out of the grant account as we can and he has a feeling that it's going to be used up and (that the radio station will) still be about $20,000 short. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT [in accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)] SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE stated that he believed that they had several people present who are running for the open Senate seats and asked them to come up, one at a time, and state their name and the position they are running for. JENNIFER MARSHALL introduced herself and stated that she is running for the Senator of the College of Health Sciences. She stated that she is running because she wants to learn other ways how to get involved for herself and others. CARMELITA "MILLET" CONCEPCION introduced herself and stated that she would like to represent the Hotel College. She stated that she is currently the elected president for the Student Human Resources Association for 1997-98 and the new elected treasurer for Club Management Association of America. She added that she basically wants to promote unity, not just with the Hotel College, but throughout the entire student body. 3 SENATE MINUTES 27-18/ May 12, 1997 JOSEPH COX introduced himself and stated that he is running for the Senate position open r the College of Urban Affairs. ANDRE BRUNETT introduced himself and stated that he is running for the Senate position for the School of Business. DONNA MILLS introduced herself and stated that she is running for the Hotel Administration open seat. She passed out a newspaper that she was on a couple of years ago to give the Senate an idea of the different things she's done. MICHAEL BERK introduced himself as a junior of the Hotel School and he is running for the Hotel School open Senate seat. EMILIE MANDEL introduced herself and stated that she is running for the open Senate seat for Hotel Administration. SLOANE ARNOLD introduced herself and stated that she is running for the Senate seat for the Liberal Arts College. DAVID SORENSON introduced himself and stated that he is running for the open Senate seat for Urban Affairs. STEWART RHODES introduced himself and stated that he is running for the College of -liberal Arts Senate seat. DIANNA MASHBURN introduced herself and stated that she is running for the Senate seat for the College of Urban Affairs. ERIC MCLEOD introduced himself and stated that he is running for the open Senate seat of the College of Liberal Arts. ERIC COYLE introduced himself and stated that he is running for the open Senate seat of the College of Urban Affairs. CHRIS AUGUSTIN introduced himself and stated that he is also running for the open Senate seat of the Liberal Arts (College). LEIAH GRIFFITH introduced herself and stated that she is seeking appointment for the open Senate seat for Urban Affairs. MATT GARLEY introduced himself and stated that he is also running for the Liberal Arts (Senate) seat. BRADLEY SMITH introduced himself and stated that he is running for the Senate seat for the college of Urban Affairs. He thanked the Senate for their welcome. 4 SENATE MINUTES 27-18/ May 12, 1997 RANDY MILMEISTER introduced himself and stated that he is running for the open seat for the College of Liberal Arts. HEATHER HAMILTON introduced herself and stated that she is running for the Senate seat for the College of Urban Affairs. SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE thanked everyone. In response to a question, he confirmed that Sun Joo Kang, Denise Meyer, and Brooke Baumkirchner for the Hotel Senate seat and Glenn Obsenares for the Urban Affairs Senate seat were not present and stated that he has some explanation on some of these candidates and will go into (detail) later. VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of FY 97-98 CSUN Budget as submitted by the 1997-98 CSUN Executive Board. SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE announced that this item was tabled at the last meeting. Motion to Remove from the Table made by SENATOR ANDERSON, seconded by SENATOR TRUJILLO. Move into a vote. Motion to Remove from the Table passes 15-1-0. (SENATOR FLEISCHMAN opposed.) Motion to Move Out of the Order of the Day to items J, K, L, U and move back into VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS item A made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR LEHMAN. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN stated that she did this because she didn't want to go ahead and approve the budget when we haven't talked about these things that are already in the budget. Move into a vote. Motion to Move Out of the Order of the Day passes 16-0-0. VIII. NEW BUSINESS J. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Executive Board Stipends: Student Body President: a monthly stipend of $900.00 per month plus a 42 credit fee waiver; Student Body Vice President: a monthly stipend of $850.00 per month plus a 42 credit fee waiver; Student Senate President: a monthly stipend of $850.00 per month plus a 42 credit fee waiver; to be encumbered out of the CSUN 2702 (Gen) Account. (For the first two months the stipend will be taken out of the FY 96-97 budget and the remainder will be taken out of the FY 97-98 budget.) SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE commented that this item must be tabled per Bylaw 4. Motion to Table made by SENATOR PERSCH, seconded by SENATOR LOPEZ. 5 SENATE MINUTES 27-18/ May 12, 1997 Move into a vote. Motion to Table fails 8-7-1. (SENATORS GONZALES, FLEISCHMAN, "ANDERSON, TRUJILLO, SHAPIRO, PRICE, and AMEND opposed, SENATOR SONG abstained.) Motion to Waive Bylaw 4 for items J, K, L, and U made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR TRUJILLO. Move into a vote. Motion to Waive Bylaw 4 for items J, K, L, and U passes 16-0-0. Motion to Approve item J made by SENATOR STARK, seconded by SENATOR PERSCH. SENATOR PRICE stated that Ways and Means went over the budget and suggested that the Senate reduce the monthly stipends to the previous year's levels. Motion to Amend for Student Body Vice President monthly stipend to read $700.00 and the same for Student Senate President made by SENATOR ANDERSON, seconded by SENATOR LEHMAN. SENATOR TRUJILLO stated that making $750.00 would only be a fair amount because of the raise due last year. Move into a vote. Motion to Amend passes 10-4-2. (SENATORS GONZALES, STARK, RUJILLO, and SHAPIRO opposed, SENATORS KNUTSON and PERSCH abstained.) SENATOR AMEND reflected upon the salaries of past CSUN members and stated that he doesn't believe the cost of living has "increased that much over 5 years." Motion to Reduce Student Body President's monthly stipend to $800.00 made by SENATOR AMEND, seconded by SENATOR STARK. PRESIDENT MILLS explained why the E-Board had put the pay at the levels that they had. He stated that he left the presidential level at the same that it was at $900.00 because he'll be able to survive on that, but he added that he supported the positions of two other Executive Board positions, that of Senate President and Student Body Vice President, because they need at least $850.00. He then asked the Senate for their support "to accomplish the goals that we have set for this university, but to do so we need your support and we need your support from day one. I think it's admirable that students have put the time out to come here and be in the Senate and I would like to see all the people who are applying to see what we do as far as Student Government is concerned...if we reduce the salaries, it's going to disable us from being able to pay bills that we have and we're not going to be able to concentrate this fully on the things we're trying to accomplish." In response to questions, he stated that he was not able to survive on $700.00 last year because he is in debt; he has never used the 42 credits in office and the most he'll be using this year is 21 because that's all that he has left to graduate; he stated that to survive last year, he did take a pay cut from $750 -$700, but financially he so far in debt it's not funny and he's tried to borrow money from friends and family and "to graduate from college with more debt than the ones that you really have is crazy." In response to 6 SENATE MINUTES 27-18/ May 12, 1997 another question, he stated that the constitution says that that you can work 20 hours outside the 'SUN, but "as most of us know, it's very difficult to find an employer who's willing to hire you for '20 hours." SENATOR ANDERSON pointed out that Senators get reimbursed, but that's only if we have fulfilled paying prior to that. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN added that she didn't support lowering the stipend for Student Body President. SENATOR AMEND referred to volunteers in CSUN and stated that "when (students) come to CSUN whether they're running for a Senate position or an E-Board position, they look at it as a ... job, and not necessarily (as) giving to your school (anymore)." Move into a vote. Motion to Strike $900.00 from the Student Body President's monthly stipend and replacing it with $800.00 fails at 2-9-5. (SENATORS PRICE and AMEND approved, SENATORS FLEISCHMAN, KNUTSON, ANDERSON, LUTAR, and HAYES abstained.) Move into a vote. Motion to Approve item J passes 12-1-3. (SENATOR AMEND opposed, SENATORS SHAPIRO, TRUJILLO, and GONZALES abstained.) K. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Director Stipends: Entertainment & Programming: a monthly stipend of $400.00 per month plus a 24 credit fee waiver; Organizations: a monthly stipend of $300.00 per month plus a 24 credit fee waiver; Office of Student Information: a monthly stipend of $300.00 per month plus a 24 credit fee waiver: Nevada Student Affairs: a monthly stipend of $300.00 per month plus a 24 credit fee waiver; Student Services: a monthly stipend of $300.00 per month plus a 24 credit fee waiver; Elections: a monthly stipend of $150.00 per month for the months of July, August, November, and January, and a monthly stipend of $300.00 per month for the months of September, October, February, March, and April, plus a 24 credit fee waiver; to be encumbered out of the CSUN 2702 (Gen) Account. (For the first two months the stipend will be taken out of the FY 96-97 budget and the remainder will be taken out of the FY 97-98 budget.) Motion to Approve mace by SENATOR TRUJILLO, seconded by SENATOR SHAPIRO. Motion to lower Entertainment and Programming to $300.00 per month made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR SONG. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN stated that she thinks everyone needs to start out with the same base pay. Move into a vote. Motion to Amend the monthly stipend for Entertainment and Programming fails 7-8-2. (SENATORS STARK, CAMPBELL, KNUTSON, LOPEZ, 7 SENATE MINUTES 27-18/ May 12, 1997 ANDERSON, PERSCH, and AMEND opposed, SENATORS TRUJILLO and PRICE abstained. ENATE PRESIDENT MOORE opposed to break the tie.) SENATOR FLEISCHMAN added that she is glad that Elections Board is going to be throughout the year. Move into a vote. Motion to Approve item K passes 15-0-1. (SENATOR LUTAR abstained.) L. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Pro-Tempore Stipends: Vice President PT: a monthly stipend of $100.00 per month; Senate President Pro-Tempore: a monthly stipend of $400.00 per month plus a 24 credit fee waiver; to be encumbered out of the CSUN 2702 (Gen) Account. (For the first two months the stipend will be taken out of the FY 96-97 budget and the remainder will be taken out of the FY 97-98 budget.) Motion to Reconsider item J made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR HAYES. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN stated that she neglected to make sure that they don't have a "double-dip" on the monthly stipend. Move into a vote. Motion to Reconsider item J passes 14-0-2. (SENATOR LOPEZ and NUTSON abstained.) In response to a question, CHIEF JUSTICE MOSS pointed out that if a student was elected to a new position and still held an old position, the constitution wouldn't necessarily apply to them about getting paid for only one of the positions. PRESIDENT MILLS clarified that he is serving both as the advisor to STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT VALERA and as Student Body President as of May 1 and explained the different duties involved. He stated that he believes this is a personal attack. In response to questions, he stated that he is spending 40 hours training the Vice President. STUDENT BODY VICE PRESIDENT VALERA added that in the event that a Vice President Pro-Tempore would take the position of Vice President, he or she would be doing the training or the advising and PRESIDENT MILLS would have little or no role in advising or training. SENATOR ANDERSON agreed with Senator Fleischman and stated that she didn't feasibly see it as 2 jobs. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN expressed her concern about the phrasing of the item. SENATOR PERSCH disagreed with SENATORS ANDERSON and FLEISCHMAN and -'ted that PRESIDENT MILLS is doing two different jobs during the same day. 8 SENATE MINUTES 27-18/ May 12, 1997 Motion to Amend item (J) to read as follows: "Student Body President to be paid $550.00 for e month of May and a monthly stipend of $900.00 per month for the remainder of his term plus a 42 credit fee waiver" made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR SONG. PRESIDENT MILLS suggested that the Senate get on with business because they are spending too much time on such a petty thing. SENATOR HAYES used KUNV as an example and stated that the Senate should address this item and it isn't being petty: "(we).should check everything we do, make it legal, ethical..." SENATOR PERSCH stated that if we are going to do that we should address Former Student Body President ROSENTHAL and Former Senate President LAXAGUE. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN suggested saving this item for the next agenda. In response to a question, SENATOR FLEISCHMAN explained why she wanted the Student Body President's pay to be $550.00 for the 1st month. Move into a vote. Motion to Amend item J fails 7:8:2. (SENATORS GONZALES, SONG, STARK, CAMPBELL, LOPEZ, PERSCH, and SHAPIRO opposed, SENATORS TRUJILLO and LUTAR abstained. SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE opposed to break the tie.) Motion to Approve (item L) made by SENATOR KNUTSON, seconded by SENATOR """LUTAR. In response to a question, SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE stated that the Vice President Pro- Tempore is not receiving a credit fee waiver; that the $100.00 month stipend for the VP Pro-Tempore would not be in addition to the pay for the Student Body Vice President if the VP Pro-Tempore moves into that position. Move into a vote. Motion to Approve Item L passes 16-0-0. U. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of encumbering $2800.00 from the 2702 account for the purpose of travel related expenses for the remaining months of the 1997 Legislative session for lobbying purposes. Motion to Approve made by SENATOR STARK, seconded by SENATOR CAMPBELL. Move into a vote. Motion to Approve passes 16-0-0. The Senate moved back to VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS item A: Action Item: Discussion/Approval of FY 97-98 CSUN Budget as submitted by the 1997-98 CSUN Executive Board. SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE reminded that the motion has been removed from the table. 9 SENATE MINUTES 27-18/ May 12, 1997 Motion to Approve made by SENATOR ANDERSON, seconded by SENATOR KNUTSON. Motion to Amend item A. to read for the Student Body Vice President "12 times $700.00" and 1 times $550.00" and for the Student Senate President "12 times $700.00" plus for the Vice President Pro-Tempore "12 times $100.00" made by SENATOR SONG, seconded by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN. In response to a question, SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE stated that changing the budget now would not allow for merit raises, the Senate would have to go back and change the budget. Move into a vote. Motion to Amend passes 10-6-0. (SENATORS PRICE, LUTAR, TRUJILLO, PERSCH, GONZALES, and CAMPBELL opposed.) Motion to Amend to change Student Body Vice President total line to $8,825.00 and to repeat that on Senate President, and for VP Pro-Tempore to strike $4,800.00 and make it $1200.00 and strike out the bottom total $234,703.00 and put $227,503.00 made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR ANDERSON. Move into a vote. Motion to Amend passes 15-1-0. (SENATOR PERSCH opposed.) SENATOR FLEISCHMAN suggested looking at the budget regarding KUNV now. In -sponse to a question, BUSINESS MANAGER JIM MOORE stated that he still has some reservations about it at this point in time. //The meeting was not recorded at this point for approximately 20 minutes.// Motion to Amend to strike $30,000.00 for the Preschool and replace it with $37,200.00 made by SENATOR AMEND, seconded by SENATOR HAYES. Move into a vote. Motion to Amend passes 15-0-1. (SENATOR AMEND abstained.) Motion to Amend to strike $86,000.00 and replace it with $93,200.00 for Student Services made by SENATOR PRICE, seconded by SENATOR GONZALES. Move into a vote. Motion to Amend passes 16-0-0. Move into a vote on the Main Motion. Motion to Approve Item A as amended passes 16-0-0. The Senate moved to VII. NEW BUSINESS item A. A. Action Item: Appointment of one (1) student of the Hotel College to fill the vacant Hotel Senate seat. 10 SENATE MINUTES 27-18/ May 12, 1997 Motion to Waive Bylaw 4 on Items A, B, and C made by SENATOR CAMPBELL, seconded _ / SENATOR KNUTSON. Move into a vote. Motion to Waive Bylaw 4 for items A, B, and C fails 8-8-0. Motion to Table items A made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR PERSCH. Move into a vote. Motion to Table items A passes 15-1-0. (SENATOR GONZALES opposed.) SENATOR FLEISCHMAN nominated BROOKE BAUMKIRCHNER, CARMELITA "MILLET" CONCEPCION, EMILIE MANDEL, MICHAEL J. BERK, and DONNA MILLS, seconded by SENATOR HAYES. Motion to close nominations made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR HAYES. Move into a vote. Motion to close nominations passes 15-0-1. (SENATOR ANDERSON abstained.) B. Action Item Appointment of one (1) student of the Urban Affairs College to fill the vacant Urban Affairs Senate seat. Motion to Table made by SENATOR PRICE, seconded by SENATOR LOPEZ. Move into a vote. Motion to Table passes 16-0-0. SENATOR TRUJILLO nominated JOSEPH R. COX, HEATHER A. HAMILTON, ERIC COYLE, GLENN OBSENARES, BRADLEY SMITH, DIANNA MASHBURN, DAVID SORENSEN, and LEIAH GRIFFITH, seconded by SENATOR LEHMAN. Motion to close nominations made by SENATOR PERSCH, seconded by SENATOR STARK. Move into a vote. Motion to close nominations passes 16-0-0. C. Action Item Appointment of one (1) student of the Liberal Arts College to fill the vacant Liberal Arts Senate seat. Motion to Table made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR LOPEZ. Move into a vote. Motion to Table passes 16-0-0. 11 SENATE MINUTES 27-18/ May 12, 1997 SENATOR TRUJILLO nominated MATTHEW GARLEY, SLOANE C. ARNOLD, ERIC ICLEOD, E. STEWART RHODES, CHRIS AUGUSTIN, and RANDY MILMEISTER, seconded by SENATOR HAYES. SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE closed the nominations. D. Action Item Nomination/Election of one (1) Senator to the Ways and Means Committee. Motion to Table items D and E made by SENATOR LUTAR, seconded by SENATOR GONZALES. Move into a vote. Motion to Table items D and E passes 16-0-0. E. Action Item Nomination/ Election of one (1) Senator to the Bylaws Committee. See above. F. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of one (1) Interim Chair for the Bylaws Committee. SENATOR SONG nominated SENATOR TRUJILLO, seconded by SENATOR ONZALES. SENATOR PERSCH nominated SENATOR HAYES, seconded by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN. SENATOR HAYES stated that she is not on the committee. It is then determined that she cannot be the Interim Chair and withdrew acceptance of the nmination. SENATOR TRUJILLO received the seat by unanimous acclimation. G. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one (1) Senator to fill an open seat on the Faculty Senate Admission Committee. There were no nominations or actions taken on this item. H. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one (1) Senator to fill an open seat on the Faculty Senate Scholarship Committee. Motion to Table made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR LEHMAN. Move into a vote. Motion to Table passes 16-0-0. I. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one (1) Senator as Student Senate President Pro-Tempore for the remainder of the 27th Senate Session. 12 SENATE MINUTES 27-18/ May 12, 1997 SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE emphasized that at no point in the previous four Senate sessions did those sessions table this item per Bylaw 4. SENATOR LOPEZ nominated SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR LEHMAN. SENATOR SHAPIRO nominated SENATOR TRUJILLO, seconded by SENATOR GONZALES. SENATOR GONZALES nominated SENATOR ANDERSON, seconded by SENATOR SONG. SENATOR SONG nominated SENATOR AMEND, but SENATOR AMEND declined. SENATOR AMEND nominated SENATOR PERSCH, seconded by SENATOR GONZALES. SENATOR HAYES nominated herself, seconded by SENATOR TRUJILLO. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN declined her nomination. Motion to allow each candidate to speak for two minutes followed by a limited question and answer followed by a division of the house roll call vote made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR LUTAR. Move into a vote. Motion passes 16-0-0. Each candidate spoke briefly before the Senate and answered several questions. SENATOR HAYES stated that she is fair-minded, thinks a women on the panel will bring insight, and her goal on campus is t