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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    September 16, 1952 Mrs. Ruth M&nes 0* Box 102 Redding, C a lifo rn ia SERVICE MO, 901? Pear Mr®, Malnes: Thank you f o r your ©heck f o r |5,65, Slnoe w r itin g you on August 1952, th ere has been an in crease in the water ra tes in Las Vegas, E ffe c t iv e September 1, 1952, the ra te on your property a t 1202 S» 16th S tre e t is 93«ftQ per month* ¥@ did not a n tic ip a te th is In crease when we wrote you previou sly* W# h a w c re d ite d your check fo r $5,65 as in d icated on the enclosed r e c e ip t. Your account now stands I f2,85 on account fo r September, 1952, le a v in g a balance due fo r September o f 55j^« Yours tr u ly , LAS VEGAS LAMP AMD WATER COMPANY