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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Page 29 YOUTH (Cont'd) FRIENDS OF YOUTH (FOY1 Pres: LAS VEGAS JUNIOR MAGICIANS Secy; David Siege I Box 947 OR 8-1858 J. E?╟? Robinchaud DU 4-3796 Meet: Each Wed., noon, Elwell Election: September LAS VEGAS AREA COUNCIL - PTA Pres: Mrs. Thomas Adams 808 Bracken DU 4-1942 Secy: Mrs. Gary Reese Meet: 2nd Mon ., 8p.m., School Adm. Bldg., 4th & Bridger Election: March Y'S MEN CLUB Pres: John R. Taylor 613 E. Wilson St. DU 4-3051 Secy: Earl Goulet DU 4-4191 Meet: 1st & 3rd Thurso, 6:30 p.m YMCA Bldg. Election: February YM.C.A <0 Pres: John J o Novak Second & Bonanza DU 2-4278 Secy: John Wawerna DU 4-1610 Meet: 2nd Tues., 7 a. m., YMCA Election: February 4-H CLUB - Agricultural Extension Svce, State Building DU 2-0259 Pres: Richard Olson 1425 Wengert DU 4-6847 Founder: Robert Council DU 2-7779 Meet: Fridays, 7:30 p.m., Founder's home Election: June MISCELLA NEO US A.A.U. SOUTHERN NEV, ASSN. Pres: Dave Pearl 1123 Melville Dr. OR 8-3764 Secy: Austin Bowler DU 2-2252 Meet: 3rd Thurs., 2 p.m., Dula Center Election: October AHEPHA -GREEN & AMERICAN Pres: John Stathis 524 S. 6th DU 4-2304 Secy: George Bosmos DU 4-5131 Meet: 2nd Sun., 7:00 p.m. Elwell Hotel, First & Carson Election: December ARABIAN HORSE ASSN. of So. Nev, Pres: Arlene Dow 4839 E. Van Buren Ml 2-3108 Secy: Janice Johns OR 8-3263 Meet: 2nd Tues., at 8 p.m., members homes