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I agree.ROGERS ?? COWAN, INC. PUBLIC RELATIONS 250 NORTH CANON DRIVE BEVERLY HILLS, CALIFORNIA CRESTVIEW 5-4581 CABLE ADDRESS ROCOPUB BEVERLY HILLS,CALIFORNIA October 9th, 1959 Mr. A1 Freeman Sands Hotel Las Vegas, Nev. Dear Al: The following is to outline on paper what we discussed verbally regarding the Sands Hotel's involvement in a Frank Sinatra promotion for his latest record "Talk To Me". The plan, as now set up, pending your agreement, is this: "Why I want Frank Sinatra to Talk To Me" - ?╟÷ - is the basic idea of the contest* Capitol Records will supply posters stating "Win a weekend in Las Vegas at the wonderful Sands Hotel", "Win a beautiful new high-fidelity console", "Win ten of Frank Sinatra's latest Capitol Albums" simply by finishing this sentance in fifty words or less ?╟÷ "Why I Want Frank Sinatra To Talk To Me". Al, most of the brunt of this promotion is falling on Capitol who is supplying two Hi-Fi sets, one for the winner of the contest, and one for the disc jockey who has the winner as one of his listeners. They also are supplying the posters in all the cities, and tentatively have set up for approximately 75 of the key cities in the United States. Naturally, we will make it exclusive to one key disc jockey in each city. What we would like the Sands to supply is two double rooms for the weekend that Frank appears, which would be the 27th and 28th of November. We also would like the Sands to supply them with food and beverage during their trip. Frank will pick up the transportation tab and we will do our best to publicize the Sands Hotel, Capitol Records and Frank Sinatra in connection with this promotion. 40 EAST 49TH STREET NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. CABLE ADDRESS: ROCOPUB NEW YORK NEW YORK OFFICE PLAZA 9-6272