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    7 F O R M 3510 4-52-2M UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY % . _______ 422 W EST S IX T H STREET L O S A N G E L E S 14. C A L I F O R N I A December 5* 1952 80-11 Res Las Vegas Valley Water District bid. cc* Mr. Wm* Reinhardt / Mr. W. H« Johnsons/ Mr. R. L< Adamson Dear Leot In connection with our conference held Thursday, December 4th, with Mr, Campbell, I am enclosing two copies of revised draft of bid, which I think contains the changes in the bid, subject of my letter of December 2nd. I suggest you give this consideration, and if you desire any changes, or if I have not included the changes suggested at our conference as you understood them, I would appreciate your writing me before this bid Is submitted to the Directors of the District, As I stated in my other letter I hope to maps and have the other contract prepared prior to action thereon by the District on this proposal, and if they contemplates any speedy action, I hope It will b® delayed for another week, as I am having considerable difficulties having the maps prepared. Yours very truly, Mr. W. H. Johnsons S. B . Bennett Herewith draft of proposed bid to be submitted by the Water District which has been changed in a few minor aspects after my conference with Mr. McNamee and Mr. Campbell, If you have any comments to make with respect to this bid as now written, I would appreciate early receipt of them, as I believe the District will act in a very short time, BIB