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^ | j STATE OF CALIFORNIA j|? 4 ^ denomination, to solemnize within said county the ^Mharriage of ^ ._______________ , aged^ resident of_ m I I COUNTy OF VENTURA I and license any eJustice o f the Supreme Court, Pudge o f Superior Court, ^Justice o f the Peace, PRayor, JPriest or dITinister o f the Gospel o f any < native o f , {- ^*~ jP . , State of______ , a native ojm resident of\ County o f .. a £ ± Said parties being o f suffcient age to be capable o f contracting marriage 0~L-+ .., State of _years Til O lttne$$ O lb e re 0 ft f have hereunto set m y hand and affixed the seal o f the jjjjtiperior fjjjourt o f said ffjfounty, this_________- 2 - / f 9- _____ ( 2 __ day o f __ •£*+ j ________________<Jl, <%). 190'S )iy Vy yK $ * I... ]J__ _I.. :. I .I.I..... - J m ........... ....f State Oj... d^S ft km,............. ......... an d - LfLiJijUh&US^. PPkdtrejUfJL*............ .............. a resid en t of... . I A i j|jfe \ County o f ...£kkX..^i^L^gLLlU............. , State ....................w ere present as w itnesses o f said cerem ony. ? J . J5 gin IgpitttetfSr ^ flx ev ecfi I have hereunto set m y hand, this..... .<£/££.......... ....... ........ d a y o f................ d j b s ~ ............... A. D. 1 9 0 3.. 7iAAA A County Clerk/fuel E x-officio Clqdc o f Superior Spurt in and fo r said Ventura County. B y__________( J k v D eputy Clerk. State of California, County of Ventura, ss. Q Hjerelnj ffievtifjt, that I believe the fa c ts sta ted in the above L icen se to be tru e, an d th a t upon due in quiry there appears , j to be no lega l im ped im en t to the m arria ge o f sa id d... fdLeJLa**.. .dffgL. .JidZfuLuxA^.................... L...... p i th at sa id p a rties w ere jo in ed in M arriage by m e, on th e.......____________ d a y o f ...rpf&A\L£dy............ ...A, D. 1901.., in.../dgtMAl*A^.............. said County a n d S tate; th a t.... AA A T H E B A R T L E T T C O ., V E N T U R A , N O . 1 0 5 4 2 . _2*,.. . *