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PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York LOS ANGELES, CALIF. HERALD EXPRESS Circ. D. 335,375 - S. 281,552 JUN .2, 1553 Dog Rouses Margaret O'Brien, Mother as Home Catches Fire' By HARRISON CARROLL Margaret O'Brien's miniature terrier, Spotty, a ,tiny dog with a big bark, may have saved the lives of the former child 1 star and her'mother yesterday morning. The O'Briens were awakened at 4 a. m. by thel frantic yelping of the terrier. The house was thick with smoke. Firemen held the blaze to a corner of the living room/lfhe 4 O'Briens had had guests the night before. Apparently..somebody had dropped a cigaret on a davenport. But for the terrier, Margaret and her mother might . easily have suffocated. * * * yp^iii On June 10 Zachary Scott legally adopts Shell'sy^the, 12- year-old daughter of his wife, Ruth Ford. Zach's own daughter, Waverly (by his previous marriage) enters Smith,College in the fall, but, before that, will make a bicycle tour of Europe with 18 other students. "."-?√ß After finishing "Rage of the Jungle" here, Zach is booked for an eastern straw hat tour in "The Moon Is Blue." Later he plans to^ co-produce a play, "Requiem *???╟≤ & Nun," which William Faulkner wrote specially for Mrs. Scott. Reveal Reconciliation It's now an official reconciliation for David Street and Mary Beth Hughes. David is doing very well with his TV show, "Time for Music."'Mary Beth also is working in TV. Tb& -two. $lan. to jjo^ out * and, celebrat^at Ray Anthony's opening on the Sunset Strip. Zachary Scott Although she wasn't sure when she left here,'I'm betting that MOna Freeman will find time to see Vic Damone while she is in the east. Vic what is going to happen," she tells me. Melinda- Markey saw her first bullfight Sunday. At Ti- juana, on the arm of Pat Ner- ney. Gilbert Roland, also down from Hollywood, made 32 Mexican boys hysterically happy by buying them all tickets of admission. has been calling her from New Vipe^s^ew Beau York almost every night. In *\ . fact, he has been a busy lad on the telephone. He's been calling Joan Tyler, too. Mona told me her main purpose in going east was to pick up her mother in Baltimore and bring her out here. * * * The scheduled June mar- mge of Casey Adams and Jffarjie Miller may never come ^Toff. Casey (he was Jean Peters' salesman husband in "Niagara") has left for a month of p.a.s. in the east. Marjie is just back from there. "We are not sure now Piper Laurie devoted most of her weekend to Eliot Schu- biner, wealthy Detroit real estate man who flew out to see" her. They cocktailed at Romanoff's, dined at Chianti's r^d-^had Sunday dinner with ; Pipers family. Tt'jj|jipye Cochran already has ;,3m&Op a date in Germany?╟÷ ['?·&/Tlerney's ex-wife, Hanne Axman, who lives near Munich. And Jack'Dempsey and Mamie Van Doren were rehashing the old days at both the Mocambo and Ciro's. They went steady when Mamie was Joan Olander. Took Bob Hope and all the kids to blow out the candles on Bob's birthday cake. "That was worse than the Chicago fire," cracked Bob. Everybody was singing at the party, even Dolores. * * .,* Things will be livening up. Terry Moore's back in town. She says Bob Wagner is a swell fellow, but tp forget the romance rumors. Even if they did spend two days at Nassau shooting underwater love scenes for "Twelve Mile Reef." Golfer Al Besselink had been-tryingr to call Terry all day. He may be coming out here to see her. But she says she isn't serious about anybody. . * * * Police Rescue lana T They had to call the Naples mounted police to get Lana Turner J^*tt|i____aterfront location Flame ; thous^i _ "streets^ beauii again Vegas has D'ee'n the Sahara Grangers finally si -vacation in New York... Elaine Stewart and Joe Waring at the Encore Room. And Yvonne De Carlo with Turhan Bey at the Tallyho.. .The Sidney Shel'dons (she's Actress Jorja Curtwright) are frantically wiring back from a New York bound train. They are heading for Europe and forgot their passports!...Paramount just gave Joanne Gilbert a dressing room with her name on it. And what do you think? They misspelled it:?? "Joan." TgM > wW9^__Wj_ki^ TODAY'S PUZasMtMfefe ex- husband d|.^Pnjp'^feminine star makesf her sp^ nervous, staring at her whenever they go to the same parties? It's all the more embarrassing because he has remarried. I ESTABLISHED 188ft BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street 1 New York LOS ANGELES, CALffi MIRROR Circ. D. 215,006 JUN PS? 1SS3 Paul V.Coates Well, Medium and RARE AS ?╟÷ Impervious to the lusty tarby slot machines, Tallulah in the cocktail lounge of the ^delicately smothered a yawn, jked on the left by a young man \ed glasses and on the right by a bout horn-rimmed glasses. ild," she said toj l with the glass- Ypu look dread- j ;ht," he said 'II stay up with "No," she insisted. "Go to bed. Do what mothah says." For a moment, he glanced distrustfully at the other young ] man. Then he got up and left. ' "He's a dear," Miss Bankhead told me. helps me with my music." I leaned forward. "Is it a romance?" She brushed the hair away from her right eye. "You idiot child," she snorted. "Of course not. He's just a boy." Then she looked after him wistfully and repeated, "Just a boy." The waiter brought another drink. Tallulah took it. H A GHASTLlrTHING I suppose I really shouldn't," she said. "It's not good for me while I've got this ghastly thing." I "What ghastly thing?" I asked. \ "Shingles," she replied. She raised her blouse, lowered the waistband on her skirt and turned to me. "See?" I A reporter from Billboard, the trade magazine, [came over to us. Tallulah quickly adjusted her blouse and I introduced them. "Billboard," she said. "How divine to meet you." "Thank you, Miss Bankhead," he murmured. "I hear your magazine gave my act a perfectly mah'velous review. And I'm quite flattered." "Glad to do it, Miss Bankhead," the reporter said "People tell me a good review from Bill- board_is_most important," she said. He shrugged modestly. "If you want to work carnivals," she added. The reporter left quickly. Tallulah finished her drink. I took oul^rperfcil ariclibegan making 1 notes. "^?__f' She watched me narrowly. "You're going to Quote me," sliflfaccused. I nodded. ?╟≤: Jg Tallulah sighed,- || "Do be careful, da'h'ling," she begged. "I've been quoted on so many things I never said. "And," she coniflpjed, "I've been 3 quoted on so many things I ^fish I'd never saifcl;" JUST ?·IKE DADDY Jake Friedman, the Houston (Tex.) cowboy : who owns the Sands* came up to our table. He slapped Mis?╜||p|ikhead soundly on the back. $*3?·$L iK^'J "Tallulah," he irasped. "How the hell are ya, Tallulah?" Jk "I'm fine, dan'linj^|a|?·," she repMikd. "Sit down and behM&effvj^fest Friedman plojp&d i^tfa; chair. He lit a cigarette. Then he^p^che^^\^^.^nd slapped her on the back again,^^& ^Mc$^:/- "Yuh old l|ag^'Jbue ^ied jfe pially. "Ummm," ?·&&. j^ai^paured. " ?f||3^<-i 3 Priedma^^f]^^y^?╜ie^"Shc*^^[0; spring chicken," He*', boomed; ?√ß?√ß?√ß "but there's still a helluva lot ^f-^wjlmujn there, huh, Tallu?" "Urilmm, she^%td^?gain. - A moment latei^^^^. She followed him with her eyes. ?╟≤ "Jake's a dahllmj^lpie .;sai|l^''H%reminds me of daddy. aMs?* "Both of them," she explSmeqf^are from the old school of southern gentlemen." TONIGHT'S DATE: Joe E. Lewis at Mocambo.