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I agree.%y iv FREEMAN COMPANY pub/ic/sts PLANNING Linda Lee Henrich 3448 Normandy Ave DALLAS, 5 LAI-9382 Called SO Contract Out ?╟÷ ya/AS Contract In ?╟÷ /Oy/30 Ticket Out ?╟÷ Route&Arrival?╟÷ American Airlines #426 at 12:37 noon ?╟÷ arrive Oklahoma City (lunch aboard) at 1:39 PM ?╟÷ change to TWA #1, leaving Oklahoma City at 4:25 PM, arriving Las Vegas, direct, 7:05 PM. Carlyn Chapman 2000 A Didsbury Cir. DALLAS, 24 WH 1 -5070 Called /i //2- Contract Out ?╟÷ yd//?╟ Z.i'~ Contract In ?╟÷ O \ Ticket Out ?╟÷ Route&Arrival?╟÷ Same 7 /OS'/ty Diane Davis 912 Laird Avenue KILGORE 9586 Called A>/?? 7 Contract Out ?╟÷ S0/2.C Contract In ?╟÷ I?Σ≤ Ticket Out ?╟÷ Route&Arrival?╟÷ Same.....(will make own way to Dallas) />?· 95 0 8 WILSHIRE BLVD. ?╟≤ BEVERLY HILLS, CAL. ?╟≤ BRADSHAW 2-8611