Information about the Echo Park Mobil Home Park sign that sits at 1322 S Mojave Rd.
Site address: 1322 S Mojave Rd
Sign owner: Garcia Maria Hilda and Whispering Sands LLC
Sign details: This location was constructed in 1961 as a manufactured home park that includes a pool and a laundromat.
Sign condition: 3- paint is heavily faded
Sign form: Porte Cochere
Sign-specific description: This sign is placed above a parking garage. The sign is a turquoise color in a linear geometric shape, almost like a long rectangle was attached to a trapezoid on its top left side. On this sign there are white block font letters spelling out ECHO PARK with a black painted trim. These letters contain skeletal neon.
Sign - type of display: Neon
Sign - media: Steel
Sign - non-neon treatments: Paint
Sign environment: This location is off of East Charleston on the side street Mojave,and is surrounded by other mobile parks as well.
Sign - date of installation: Record shows this has been up since at least 2011 though that record even shows aging on the sign.
Sign - thematic influences: This sign shows a good example of skeletal neon.
Sign - artistic significance: These linear geometric shapes showcased on the sign present mid-century modern design aspects.
Survey - research locations: Asessor's page, google maps satelite and road view
Survey - research notes: There is not much information on this location, and there is no designated website to contact anyone for information on the sign.
Survey - other remarks: The condition of the sign looks as though it could have been from around 1961 when the building was constructed especially with the mid- century modern design, but there is no confirmation or evidence to show when it was made.
Surveyor: Emily Fellmer
Survey - date completed: 2017-09-28
Sign keywords: Neon; Steel; Paint; Pole sign
Site address: 1322 S Mojave Rd
Sign owner: Garcia Maria Hilda and Whispering Sands LLC
Sign details: This location was constructed in 1961 as a manufactured home park that includes a pool and a laundromat.
Sign condition: 3- paint is heavily faded
Sign form: Porte Cochere
Sign-specific description: This sign is placed above a parking garage. The sign is a turquoise color in a linear geometric shape, almost like a long rectangle was attached to a trapezoid on its top left side. On this sign there are white block font letters spelling out ECHO PARK with a black painted trim. These letters contain skeletal neon.
Sign - type of display: Neon
Sign - media: Steel
Sign - non-neon treatments: Paint
Sign environment: This location is off of East Charleston on the side street Mojave,and is surrounded by other mobile parks as well.
Sign - date of installation: Record shows this has been up since at least 2011 though that record even shows aging on the sign.
Sign - thematic influences: This sign shows a good example of skeletal neon.
Sign - artistic significance: These linear geometric shapes showcased on the sign present mid-century modern design aspects.
Survey - research locations: Asessor's page, google maps satelite and road view
Survey - research notes: There is not much information on this location, and there is no designated website to contact anyone for information on the sign.
Survey - other remarks: The condition of the sign looks as though it could have been from around 1961 when the building was constructed especially with the mid- century modern design, but there is no confirmation or evidence to show when it was made.
Surveyor: Emily Fellmer
Survey - date completed: 2017-09-28
Sign keywords: Neon; Steel; Paint; Pole sign
Digital ID