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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    May 1, 1950 Mr. F. W. Charske, Chairman Mxeeutive Committee S e w Y o r k, N. Y. W M . R. MAY 8 o50 Dear Mr. Charske: with reepeot to proposed Increase In water rates for the tea Vega® Lent and Water Company at Las Vegas, Nevada: Is timely, as for the past several months we have heen con­ducting a study of the problem in connection with obtaining an Increase in the water rates. The study has been conducted under the direction of Mr. Reinhardt, and I am sending copies of this material to hi® and to other interested officers for their consideration in connection with the rate study now in progress preparatory to filing petition for Increased rates. fhe reason the Railroad Company instead of the Water Company furnishes water to the so-called "west side industries" in the Sonants Avenue area is because the LVIAW So, has no water main in that vicinity. This la also true with respect to water furnished to the "south Industries" along Main Street. are charged monthly by the Railroad Company for water used in accordance with contract terms, which are 12j? cents per 0 cu. ft. for the first 800 cu. ft. and 10 cents per G cu. ft. for the remainder, with a $2 .5 0 minimum charge, per month. Your letter and the data transmitted therewith fhe "west side industries" and "south industries" Yours very truly bec-Mr. Wm. Reinharc Mr. W. H. Hulsi: Mr. R. M. Suttoi