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    ESTABLISHED 1888 ffj BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CUPPING BUREAU 165 Church ^Street - New York HUNTINGTON. W. VA. HERALD DISPATCH Circ. D. 38,090 g$e?║U5 1953 Excited Yasmin Almost Breaks Up Ceremony LAS VEGAS, Nev., Sept. 24. I f ?·f Lj$g INS> ?╟÷ Little Princess ! Yasmin- three-year old daughter iof Rita Hayworth and Prince Aiy |Khan, almost broke up the ceremony today when the glamorous |actress married singer Dick | Haymes in a flashbulb - popping Las Vegas wedding. The Brooklyn - born Rita was a I nervous, shaking bride despite her I background of three previous mar- I riages, but Yasmin was plain ex- ?║ Cited. During the ring ceremony, the I child leaped through the t h r o n g I and screamed at her mother: "I want the ring! I want the ring!" 1 Rita and Haymes were mar- I ried in a three-minute ceremony that looked more like a Holly- | wood press conference than s | wedding. j. liie bride's two little daugh- 1 ters, Rebecca, eight, and Y min, sat on-a divan-.while their mother and Haymes went.through I the ceremony, in the Gold Room I of ttie Sands Betel. The children kept tornini-^ f r 6 m I the phomgraphers back to the wedding ceremony 'almost as though watting a tennis match The wedptfg, staged by a press j agent as ifVit were a scene out of \ one of Miss. Hayworth's movies, was an hou^ate. This was due in ljart to MeW^ide's nervousness in getting drj??||d and to the judge's tardinesSvt^Ptised^ a jur3?·.|rfp| he was cq^ctiflggdowntown, FORGETS HIS RING' ESTAfiLI^ED 1888 BArclay 7-5371 flESS CLIPPING BUREAU I6S Church Street - New York mobile, ill. di|fAtch Circ. D. 26,902 ?P?? 2-31953 jlRita and Dick If^ed Thursday Itgwas the fourth marriage fdr each. Haymes<^bf&&ed. a- Nevada Itpaymes and Rita PTo Wed Thursday 1 iSSr of trouble with ?√ß wives and ^^e??^oTX^ ~on Flynn HaymeJl^b.ora.^inger_ and DICK SLIPS RING ON RITA'S FINGER; YASMIN WANTED ONE TOO Judge McNamee At flight; Jack Entratter, Best Man, Behind Haymes decree only yesterday from Nora Eddington Flynn Haymes. She won a California decree last week. Rita vvas divorced from Moslem Prince Aiy Kha'n in Reno last January. Rita; smiling radiantly and look- !a% beautiful as a movie queen] ^tild, went calmly through the ceremony until she answered with the traditional, "I do," Then big tears came to her eyes and she started fidgeting. The ceremony was so brief it] was over before the double ring part of the rite could be. accom-j pj^hed. Haymes got the ring on Rita's finger during the three- minute span, but after the wedding i was over, hotelman Jack Entratter fished out the ring that Rita was (supposed to put on Haymes' fin- |gew|So she put it on anyway, i When her daughter Yasmin saw thisi she yelled: "Mama, I want a irihgv--^.*' ;> The wedding procession was one of the longest in Las Vegas history. Rita and Dick, arm in arm, I walked from her quarters in a remote section of the'sprawling resort hotel. Several hundred people lined the way, a half dozen or more standing atop the high diving board at the pool to get a better look. ihave been guests, xt ! riage No. 4 for both. Federal Judge GAMBLING GOES ON || The two came in the side entrance of*tfte hotel, past the casino where Imuran games went on without a miss of the dice. - As they.; went upstairs to where they were to be married, lathered customers of the barber shop lined the hallway and pincurled matrons got up from the beaucy; salon ,to gawk at the gwedding Pfjfrty. Judge Frank McNameetkas stiH in court, so Rita and I|ibk w?·nt into Entratter's p r i v aCe office where each was bolstered by [shot of boufbQn. As the wedding party entered t|ie ceremony room, riewsr*jjj^camera- Imen's bright lights lit iKhe place* like a movie set. Theyv^roceeded *p a microphone where thf judge was waiting. The ceremony start- id when the press agent gave the judge the signal. Rita wore a short-sleeved blue linen dress thali^she had wil$B many times before, and a t?½?║lp? colored tulle and Welvet hat.^^el wore gloves to match, and carried a bouquet of orchids and lilies of the valley. $i&L Haymes wore a blul^lw^i^ei suit and blue tie. Rita said: "I feel woftde^ft^ happy. I am married to tW'ipfo I really love. It sounds so wonder-j, :ul to be called Mrs. Hayi^es/' NIGHT CLUB TOUR IgJ tion Service hearing on his possible deportation in Los Angeles*fflie^t; Monday. Kft have every confidence in the world I will not be deported^ he said. ^if|8 ^Included among the congratulatory wires sent to the nemly-j llpds were messages from somej W the couple's ex-wives andjtex- husbands. Rita's former mates include oil- Han Edward Judson (whom she ?╤ed when she was dancing in an Agua Caliente, Mexico, border- s&iwn night club at the age%%X, jgjtor - producer Orson Welle?, amd Moslem Prince Aiy Khan. ties' former wives are Chicago dancer Joanne Marshall, actress Joanne Dru and Nora Eddington. >ra Edd-1 -d^ wrtf G, MINN. S? 23-1353 _; She said she would spend her | honeymoon traveling with her hus-J band on his night club tour. Theyj have Irented a home-in Greenwich, 1 Conn. |H They plan t#%f^ York] Saturday, then later to*Muladel-j phia, where Haymes op^B?║t:nlgiit| club engagement Monday night I Haymes said it is hdt.liecessaryi for him to appear at the immigra-f WBmmMStM^1 It "will be i ~~:h. Frank'MacNamee '- En- will c be: !??w??i?flout??mbePr the guests ttae| DICK HAYMES By JIM BACON | LAS VEGAS, Nev. W ?╟÷ Dick ?√ß[Baylies, a crooner who has had ft! plenty of trouble wil'lh wives aa' 1 Uncle Sam, takes out a marriaigi |license today with Rita Hayworth, 1,0, ..'Sg.L <g*Wkg*s,ihi" io *?╤gm8&F ?√ß?╜ iifl the United States when, on an impulse, he visited Rita in Honolulu. best manjfcotel ofrn- ing stories. TAYLORVILLE, ILL. BREEZE-COURIER Circ. D.05,816 j S?·$fJ 1953 HAYWORTH ANB I AYMES GET THEIR LICENSE By JIM BACON ?√ß Las Vegas, Nev. & ?╟÷ Dick Haymes, a crooner who has had plenty of trouble with wives and Uncle Sam, takes out a marriage license today with gRita Hay worth, a gal who has had her share of husband trouble. Haymes and the glamorous screen star'pick up the wedding lic^se at 4 p. m., CST. That is just one hour after he gets a divorce from Nora Eddington Flynn Haymes. | i-d'tfjjwg * The Argentine-born sin^#; anS the a e t i e s s will .be married Thursday morning in thp.t^pds| Hotel, where both have been .-gwe^,fOT;|phe' time. It will be marriage p?. 4 for both., 'wt' The couple -spent a quiet night j on the eve of Haymes divorce 1 action. They ate'dinner together in Miss HaywoJjtJjfs room while her two g^th^panibters,. Rebecca, off-spring of Qjlph Welles, and-Yasmine, daught||gof Prince Aiy Kahn, ;had theife^iriher in the hotel dining rdof^\ '^WsSt'^ A friend,said that-S&ss, Hayworth's . st^f, here hageen cdn- fined mostly to her^pm. She has been here toTae m&x Hayihes w^e,, be esta.^^sj|^,, his six weeks residences reqt^ed^li^ a Nevada dlvprco.';|| f^^^h^^_% The wedding w'H ^fe^a^WBSPle one, contrasftedito her'?!^ish French wedding to the Moslem prince in 1#49. Federal' Jud^% Frank Macna^ mee will perforMr;the briet. rites in the hotel" Icifei. i Jack Entratter, corownerl oMhe Sands, will be the only atiroidant. The. only inwed guests are eighf^ business -??1' legal associ- ates^K the coulpie. The press, alscr invited, wuPoutnumber the guests three to o&e. "I want a wading witk no frills this time^ljta said. "After ail, I'm'gettinggfi|ck, and that's all that matters||| SHc cried tor fsgo lijiars'Tues- day.jMter the thlp 1^ Haymes sign^the wat^iiiat;enabled the Jf^jger te g^pis divorce to- day^^pe, ifteo ipuld have had to wm% anothet~-30 days before matry^g &t&'j?·*FC iP^;"~ Cfojjipiliends reported that Rits|p^?╜fcS#- were' an emotional out&j^g.f$er dsafS-ifiif tension built up ,^^PS* ^^t ;Nora would be stub^rrt aftc^pipe waiverym H^^p^<^nv plans must wait re^Ri^ti^of a deportation hearing, starts last pibhth and scheduled togt^ttrne nesct Monday in Los Angeles. U. S??. Immigration authorities hold' ttj'at jreita'S" Wo dat^hJefs, Rebecca, 8, by her marriage to actor Orson Welles, and Pri^ess Yasmine, 3%i by ex-hus??g6d': Aiy Khan, looked on fromJ||5divan, In connection .m$fc his immigration difficultiesp|peantime, ,m&\ honeymooning cmbner could take cheer from a federal court decision yesterday in|-Miami, F?½ ; In a similar case at Miami, (Judge John w. Holland ruled in GPederal District Coiul; that the return of Harry O. Voiler, 62, former Miami Beach newspaper publisher, from Puerto Rico in 1951 "did not constitute an. entryginto | the United States within the iffiean- jing of the 1917 Immigration ^t." I Puerto Rico and Hawaii $tff in- Isular possessions of the ijlmteog I States. Judge Holland-^eld that ?√ß "For a resident alien.;^:inake a ?√ß reentry, he must go to a. foreign; Ipor^" the aliait 'Haymes/ forfeited hia right to remain in thesUnitedj States when, on an impfiiisg-hd visited Rita in .Honolulti^. g ZAITUSdlLIOl;, OHIO SIGHAX. SEPT. 23*1953 Dick and Rita Pian '^g I Wedding Tomorrow | LAS VEGAS, Nev. US) ?╟÷ Dick I Haymes, a crooner. Who has had | plenty of .trouble with wives and I Uncle Sam, takes out a marriage I license today with Rita Hayworth, 1 a gal who has ha^rtWP^HW?╜iof I husband trouble. | Haymes and the glamorous 1 screen star pick up the wedding license at 3 p.m. (Pacific daylight | time). That jSi|Ust one hour after I he gets a divorce from Nora Eddington Flynn Haymes. The singer and the actress will be married tomorrow at 11 a.m. in SandsJHotel, where both have beefl'^HIS'lartome time. It will be marriage JJej^;f^gboth^^ ?╟?nJ LUBBOCK, TEX. AVALANCHE JOURNAL Circ. S. 40,879 p0yme?Sig|??5 Pact Ti Funds From Any Debt LAS VEGAS, Nev., Sept. 19?╟÷UP ney, ?╟÷Crooner Dick Haymes announced him: Saturday he has signed a pre-nup- at 1 ?╟≤Hal pact With Rita Haywnrth d6r "PT^ daring that all *?½FWFWn earn- |j ings-and holdings wq?║ld be pro- * tected "for life" from any debts or Obligations he might incur as her" husband. Haymes,. who has announced he intends marrying the aetress when he" obtains a Nevada divorce from Nora ^Eddington Flynn Haymes, , who ".ifeceived her own California decree ?╟≤ Friday, said, the reciprocal agreement was drawn up at his own * orderX J vlfet- ^1^have ordered tbis-pact drawn u^to protec^lita frqhigany claim whatsoever ttagainst nie," he de- cl^^.' "I intend to sta^e^jfemy ovvhrwo feet and take care^of all ] niyltrpubies whether, theyl^mon- e^i^^il Or personal difficulties." ,, ^*^^mes said the agreement was drawn up by the film star's.attorrJl' ; He Mayjmi^ ; Bartley Crum, arid-^Kted||by self and Rita??4ate Friday J^gjHt !,he Sands Hgtfll hergk' /f^'/f