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uac000659. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OFFICE OF THE SENATE PRESIDENT AGENDA SENATE MEETING 20-19 ^THURSDAY,. APIKL 26, 1990 4:00pm MSU 201 I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS V. BOARD, COMMITTEE, AND DIRECTOR REPORTS VI. EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS A. APPROVAL OF KARA KELLEY AS A MEMBER OF THE ELECTIONS BOARD B. APPROVAL OF BUD BENNEMAN AS A MEMBER OF THE ELECTIONS BOARD C. APPROVAL OF KARA KELLEY AS MEMBER OF THE PUBLICATIONS BOARD VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. NOMINATION/APPROVAL OF THE VACAN)EDUCATION SENATE SEAT VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. APPROVAL OF EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS B. NOMINATION OF VACANT ENGINEERING SENATE SEAT C. NOMINATION/APPROVAL OF VACANT SENATE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE SEAT D. APPROVAL OF $1250 OUT OF THE 900 ACCOUNT TO SEND TWO DELEGATES TO THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF HEALTH ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE IN SAN ANTONIO, TX. E. APPROVAL OF $1697.50 OUT OF THE 903 ACCOUNT FOR THE FOOTBALL PEP RALLY ON APRIL 27th. IX. OPEN DISCUSSION X. ADJOURNMENT, UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3477 GBP/bjb CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OFFICE OF THE SENATE PRESIDENT SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA SENATE MEETING 20-19 THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1990 4:00 pm MSU 201 VIII. NEW BUSINESS F. Approval of the contract with the preschool. G. Approval of encumbering $1400.00 out of the 905 account for the end of the year Yelling Rebel Awards Banquet. H. Approval of $200 out of the 902 account for the ASCE. I. Approval of $400 out of the 902 account for the ZTA. J. Approval of $200 out of the 902 account for Student Accounting. K. Approval of $100 out of the 902 account for the ACM. L. Approval of $400 out of the 902 account for Psi Chi. M. Approval of $400 out of the 902 account for the Psychology Club. N. Approval of $400 out of the 902 account for the UNLV Aikido Club. 0. Approval of $200 out of the 902 account for the Student Data Processing Management Association. P. Approval of $400 out of the 902 account for the UNLV Student Sports Marketing Association. IX. OPEN DISCUSSION X. ADJOURNMENT UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE: April 26, 1990 TO: Doug Morgan, Editor, CSUN Quicksi1ver FROM: CSUN Executive Board, UNLV Subj: NOTICE OF DISMISSAL The purpose of this memorandum is to provide you with formal written notification of your dismissal from the position of Editor of the CSUN Quicksi1ver Literary Magazine. The reason for this dismissal is due to a continued pattern of disruptive and unprofessional conduct unbecoming of an official of CSUN. This behavior culminated in your having to be physically removed from the CSUN offices by the university campus police on April 25, 1990. This termination will become effective as of Thursday, May 3, 1990. You will have an opportunity to appeal this decision in the CSUN Executive Board Meeting on May 1, 1990. cc: All CSUN Senate Members CSUN Business Manager CSUN Publications Board Memo File UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3477 Joe Bunin CSUN President Proposal A: Straight GPA Cum Laude : a cumlative Grade Point Average of 3.5 to 3.69 Magna Cum Laude : a cumlative Grade Point Average of 3.7 to 3.89 Summa Cum Laude : a cumlative Grade Point Average of 3.9 or higher For: Creates simple plan and criteria to follow for designations Against: Discriminates students from programs with tougher grading tendencies. Proposal B: Percentage of Graduating Class Cum Laude : up to 5% of the graduating class in each college Magna Cum Laude : up to 2.5% of the graduating class in each college Summa Cum Laude : up to 1% of the graduating class in each college For: Allows students to receive designations based on grade performance of the college they attend. Against: Percentage of class would change student eligibility for receiving the designation from year to year. Proposal C: GPA/ Percentage and Senior Project Cum Laude : GPA of 3.5 to 3.69 at UNLV Magna Cum Laude : GPA of 3.7 or higher at UNLV Summa Cum Laude : 1% of the total number graduates from the previous year in each college. In addition each candidate will be required to complete a six credit senior project. Students will be selected by a combination of GPA and quality of senior project. Exemptions for Honors Students: Proposal A would be exempt from students enrolled in the Honors program and graduate with a GPA of 3.7 from the 3.9 requirement. Proposal B Students who receive one of the above awards and who successfully complete the University Honors program may also receive the University Honors awards as described in the Catalog. Proposal C Graduation from Department Honors with a 3.7 GPA or higher and a grade of A in HON 499H (Honors Thesis/Project II) are exempt for Summa Cum Laude. Comments: Please return survey to: Mike Kennedy/CSUN MSU 120 AMERICAN COLLEGE HEALTH ASSOCATION 68th Annual Meeting KEN MELANIE REGISTRATION: $ 95.00 $ 45.00 LODGING for 5 days: 442.96 NONE REQUESTED $98 per night FOOD: NONE REQUESTED 126.00 AIRFARE R/Trip: 249.00 244.00 $786.96 $415.00 C O N S O L I D A T E D STUDENTS C O N T R A C T BETWEEN UNLV COLLEGE OF E D U C A T I O N AND THE C O N S O L I D A T ED S T U D E N T S OF THE U N I V E R S I T Y OF NEVADA FOR O P E R A T I O N OF THE C O L L E G E OF E D U C A T 1 0 N / C S U N P R E S C H O O L. 1. House the Preschool as-a part of the College of E d u c a t i o Q . 2. Offer s u p p o r t in terms of a c a d e m i c and p r o f e s s i o n a l i n v o l v e m e nt from the regular College f a c u l t y. 3. An A d - H o c c o m m i t t e e will be formed when c i r c u m s t a n c e s d i c t a t e. This c o m m i t t e e will be s u b j e c t to the approval of the Dean of the C o l l e g e of E d u c a t i o n. 4. Maintain all fiscal and c o n t r a c t u a l r e l a t i o n s h i p s between the p a r e n t s and the Preschool e s t a b l i s h e d in each p r e c e d i n g y e a r . 5. Maintain the Preschool p r i m a r i l y for the services of the s t u d e n ts at UNLV in the following p r i o r i t i z e d manner: (A) CSUN S t u d e n t s / P a r e n ts (B) Other S t u d e n t / P a r e n ts (C) Faculty and Staff/Pa rents (D) All students faculty and staff (E) General Public 6. Assist the Preschool Board in seeking out and a c q u i r i n g other m e a n s of s u p p o r t from other o r g a n i z a t i o n s or i n d i v i d u a l s. 7. Make use of the official title - " C o l l e g e of E d u c a t i o n / C S UN P r e s c h o o l " when a d v e r t i s i n g or p u b l i c i z i n g the P r e s c h o o l. 8 . To r e q u e s t f u n d s , as o u t l i n e d h e r e i n , from CSUN be w r i t t e n noti-f i c a t i o n on or before J a n u a r y 1 of each year. 9. To g u a r a n t e e the financial solvency of the P r e s c h o o l , c o n t i n g e n t upon C S U N 1 s c o m p l e t i o n of f i n a n c i a l o b l i g a t i o n s to the Preschool as o u t l i n e d h e r e i n , for the d u r a t i o n of this a g r e e m e n t. The C o n s o l i d a t e d Students of the U n i v e r s i t y of Nevada agrees to: 1. Pay a subsidy to the C o l l e g e of Education for the cost of opera-tion to the Preschool a sum not to exceed $20,000 for th'e' f i s c a l y e a r of 1990-91. The UNLV C o l l e g e of Education agrees to: U N I V E R S I T Y OF N E V A D A , LAS V E G A S / 4 5 0 5 M A R Y L A N D PARKWAY/LAS V E G A S , NV 8 9 1 5 4 / ( 7 0 2 ) 739-3477 C o l l e g e of E d u c a t i o n / C S U N Preschool Contract Page 2 2. Assist the Preschool Board and the College of Education in s e e k i n g out and a c q u i r i n g other means of s u p p o r t from other or-g a n i z a t i o n s and i n d i v i d u a l s. 3. Make use of the official title - "College of E d u c a t i o n / C S UN P r e s c h o o l " when a d v e r t i s i n g or p u b l i c i z i n g the P r e s c h o o l. It is f u r t h e r u n d e r s t o o d and agreed that each s u c c e s s i v e y e a r of this a g r e e m e n t , each party retains equal rights of r e f u s a l . Each par ty shall have the right to terminate this a g r e e m e n t , with w r i t t e n no-t i f i c a t i o n on or b e f o r e A u g u s t 1 of each s u c c e s s i v e fiscal y e a r . Fail ure by both p a r t i e s to make such w r i t t e n n o t i f i c a t i o n by the date s t a t e d herein in any given year of this a g r e e m e n t , will c o n s t i t u t e ac c e p t a n c e of the terms of this contract for that p a r t i c u l a r y e a r . This a g r e e m e n t will inure to the b e n e f i t of the h e i r s , a s s i g n s , and a d m i n i s t r a t o r s of the parties hereto: UNLV C o l l e g e o f Education witness: Disclaimer C o n s o l i d a t e d S t u d e n t s of the U n i v e r s i t y of Nevada w i t n e s s : By P r e s i d e n t CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OFFICE OF THE SENATE PRESIDENT AGENDA. SENATE MEETING 20-18 THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1990 4:00 p.m. MSU 201 I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS V. BOARD, COMMITTEE, AND DIRECTOR REPORTS VI. EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS A. APPROVAL OF HOLLY WILLIAMS AS A MEMBER OF CSUN STUDENT SEVICES BOARD. VI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. APPROVAL/NOMINATION OF VACANT EDUCATION SENATE SEAT B. APPROVAL/NOMINATION OF VACANT MATH AND SCIENCE SENATE SEAT 1. MIKE CARRIGAN 2. MICHELLE DENSON 3. GARY OGRIN VIII.NEW BUSINESS A. APPROVAL OF EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS IX. OPEN DISCUSSION X. ADJOURNMENT GBP/bjb UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3477 1989 ACTUAL VS. BUDGET EXPENDITURES, APRIL 5, 1990 Gen KUNV ORG BOARD E S P STU SVS TELL CONTING PUBL OS! C/I-KUNV C/I -YELL NSA 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 911 912 TOTAL EXPENSES Prof Salary Budget $35,142 $29,165 $0 $3,375 $7,425 $15,775 $0 $4,275 $1,800 $0 $0 $1,800 $98,757 Actual 38,393 37,111 5,385 3,975 10,877 3,668 3,945 2,279 105,633 (3,251) (7,946) 0 (2,010) 3,450 4,898 0 607 (2,145) 0 0 (479) (6,876) Class Salary Budget 28,661 20,356 0 0 5,583 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 54,600 Actual 27,187 20,355 4,105 51,647 1,474 1 0 0 1,478 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,953 Student Wages Budget 9,534 4,000 0 0 4,500 6,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 24,834 Actual 5,263 6,098 9,654 9,611 30,626 4,271 (2,098) 0 0 (5,154) (2,811) 0 0 0 0 0 0 (5,792) Benefits Budget 11,438 9,700 0 100 2,545 600 0 110 50 0 0 50 24,593 Actual 10,571 9,972 93 1,476 266 43 46 28 22,495 867 (272) 0 7 1,069 334 0 67 4 0 0 22 2,098 0/S Travel Budget 2,730 2,500 0 500 2,270 3,500 0 0 1.000 0 0 1,500 14,000 Actual 1,785 2,020 218 2,789 6,083 680 13,575 945 480 0 282 (519) (2,583) 0 0 1,000 0 0 820 425 Operating Budget 70,000 40,000 17,500 60,000 30,000 54,380 0 15,000 6,000 6,541 6,079 2,500 308,000 Actual 53,091 41,356 10,132 64,408 16,345 55,436 4,818 2,099 935 248,620 16,909 (1,356) 7,368 (4,408) 13,655 (1,056) 0 10,182 3,901 6,541 6,079 1,565 59,380 Total Budget 157,505 105,721 17,500 63,975 52,323 81,055 85,445 19,385 8,850 6,541 6,079 5,850 610,229 Total Actual 136,290 116,912 10,132 70,104 38,344 82,273 8,529 6,095 3,922 472,601 4/5/90 Budget Totals $21,215 ($11,191) $7,368 ($6,129) $13,979 ($1,218) $85,445 $10,856 $2,755 $6,541 $6,079 $1,928 $137,628 INFORMATION ONLY 1. J 20,000 from Student Services was awarded to Student Health 2. $ 14,000 from Student Services was awarded to Department of Public Safety 1989 - 1990 CSUN Budget Amendment, APRIL 1990 ) GEN 900 KUNV 901 ORG BOARD 902 E & P 903 STU SVS 904 YELL 905 CONTING 906 PUB BOARD 907 OS1 908 C/I-KUNV 909 C/I -YELL 911 NSA 912 TOTAL EXPENSES Prof Sal Adjustment $35,142 6,475 $29,165 5,000 $0 $3,375 6,200 $7,425 $15,775 $0 $4,275 $1,800 2,225 $0 $0 $1,800 300 $98,757 20,200 Amend Budget 41,617 34,165 0 9,575 7,425 15,775 0 4,275 4,025 0 0 2,100 118,957 Class Sal Adjustment 28,661 20,356 100 0 0 5,583 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 54,600 100 Amend Budget 28,661 20,456 0 0 5,583 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 54,700 Student Wages Adjustment 9,534 4,000 4,500 0 0 4,500 6,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 24,834 4,500 Amend Budget 9,534 8,500 0 0 4,500 6,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 29,334 Benefits Adjustment 11,438 9,700 200 0 100 2,545 600 0 110 50 0 0 50 24,593 200 Amend Budget 11,438 9,900 0 100 2,545 600 0 110 50 0 0 50 24,793 0/S Travel Adjustment 2,730 1,500 2,500 0 500 2,270 1,500 3,500 2,500 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,500 14,000 5,500 Amend Budget 4,230 2,500 0 500 3,770 6,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,500 19,500 Operating Control Ad j us tment 70,000 40,000 17,500 3,000 60,000 50,000 30,000 11,500 54,380 0 15,000 6,000 6,541 6 ,079 2,500 308,000 64,500 Amend budget 70,000 40,000 20,500 110,000 41,500 54,380 0 15,000 6,000 6,541 6,, 079 2,500 372,500 Total Budget Total Adjustments 157,505 7,975 105,721 9,800 17,500 3,000 63,975 56,200 52,323 13,000 81,055 2,500 85,445 14,800 19,385 0 8,850 2,225 6,541 0 6 ,079 0 5,850 300 610,229 109,800 $165,480 $115,521 $20,500 $120,175 $65,323 $83,555 $100,245 $19,385 $11,075 $6,541 $6, ,079 $6,150 $720,029 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS 8USINESS OFFICE TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ: Attached please find a copy of the Rough Draft of the 1989/1990 audit report that was conducted on CSUN. Mr. John Love, Senior Auditor, will attend the Senate meeting on May 3, 1990. Mr. Love will be at the meeting to answer any questions you may have in regard to the audit. Please review the audit report prior to the May 3, Senate meeting so the question and answer period will go as smoothly as possible. CSUN Senate Larry Holmes, CSUN Business Manager April 23, 1990 Audit Report UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3477 MEMORANDUM From the desk of: JOHN LOVE Internal Auditor Office of the Chancellor University of Nevada Syste* 597-4084 Date: April 10, 1990 From: Enclosed for your review is a draft of the internal audit report for the Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada. Las Vegas. I will contact you in the near future to schedule a meeting to discuss the report. Larry Holmes, Business Manager for CSUN John Love, Senior Auditor J- / Audit Report UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS Internal Audit Report July 1, 1988 through December 13,1989 SCOPE OF AUDIT The Internal Audit Department has completed a review of the operations of the Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (CSUN) for the period July 1, 1988 through December 31, 1989. The scope of our review included such tests of the accounting records and other such auditing procedures as considered necessary. The tests included, but were not necessarily restricted to, these areas: 1. Examining and testing controls over CSUN-generated revenue, including admissions, bar sales, newspaper advertising, lecture notes, and typewriter machine rental. Examining and testing ticket inventories to determine that tickets were logged in and out, and were reconciled to the cash received. 2. Inquiring and physically counting the liquor inventory for proper inventory control. 3. Examining and counting the change fund for proper safeguarding and control of assets. 4. Testing CSUN expenditures for propriety, supporting documentation, and proper signature approvals. 5. Testing the physical existence of equipment inventory. 6. Examining and testing the radio station (KUNV) for controls over: a. Donations received either through underwriting or gifts; b. Delinquent receivables; c. Receipt books and the distribution of presidential receipts; d. Tradeouts; e. Use of qualitative and/or promotional terms during the announcements; and, f. Proper payroll procedures for commission and talent payments. 1 7. Testing long distance telephone charges to determine that a telephone log has been maintained and that there has been no personal use or misuse of telephone lines. 8. Examining the CSUN Constitution and the Board of Regents Handbook for compliance. 9. Examining various CSUN contracts for compliance with Chancellor's Memorandum Number 86-1. 10. Reviewing the prior audit to determine that recommendations have been implemented. Except for the weakness mentioned below, we can be reasonably assured that accounting and operational controls at CSUN are adequate and in compliance with accepted procedures. RECONCILIATION OF CSUN EVENTS Since September 1989 CSUN events have been contracted out to a food service vendor. This contract includes the sale of liquor. All profits are retained by the vendor. Therefore the vendor hires the employees (including bartenders), and is responsible for adhering to all policies included with the sale of food and drinks at the events. The Internal Audit Department noted a number of problems with the reconciliation of cash and tickets at events held during fiscal year 1988-89, before the food services vendor contract went into effect. The following recommendations apply only at such time the CSUN organization reinstates the policy to sale food and beverage at events. The exceptions noted during fiscal year 1988-89 are as follows: (1) Reconciliation sheets either were not used or weren't accurate. The cash received and tickets used were listed on a worksheet, but tickets were not reconciled to cash, thus no overs or shorts were recorded. The worksheets were not dated or signed by the cashier. (2) Tickets were not signed in or out on the ticket manifest as was the practice in prior audits. (3) There was very little documentation for complimentary tickets use. (4) Some tickets used could not be traced to a specific event. (5) On occasion clothing or novelties were sold or given away at events. There was no accountability for these items. 2 The Internal Audit Department recommends when tickets are used for the sale of food, drink, or admissions by the CSUN organization, the tickets be signed in and out of a manifest, the tickets be reconciled to the cash received, the reconciliation sheet be signed and dated by the cashier, and when clothing or novelties are sold an inventory of the items should be maintained and reconciled to the sales. LIQUOR INVENTORY The Internal Audit Department examined the current liquor inventory that is the responsibility of the CSUN Bar Manager. Since the sales of liquor has been contracted to the food service vendor, there is no need to retain the liquor inventory at this time. There were no inventory sheets available for the liquor inventory, so we took a physical inventory of the liquor that has been stored on the second floor of the Moyer Student Union. The liquor has been stored for many months, if not years without use. During the last audit we recommended tight control of the liquor inventory including logging the liquor in and out. We could not find evidence that this was completed during the audit period. Because of the lack of controls and the fact that the liquor is not being used, we recommend that the liquor be disposed of in a responsible manner. TYPEWRITER RENTAL FUNDS CSUN has set up four typewriters for students to rent. The machines have a meter and the cash received can be reconciled to the meter reading. This is completed on a small piece of paper next to the coin box. These pieces of paper are disposed of after a short period of time. We recommend that the meter reading be posted to a ledger sheet, and the money received deposited intact. A change fund should be established through the Controller's Office. The ledger sheets should be kept for a minimum of three years for audit purposes. The rental fees should be deposited when the amount reached S25 and should be stored in a secured area with key control. 3 LECTURE NOTES Students can purchase lecture notes for one ciass period or for the entire semester. The students do not receive a receipt for the purchase and there is no way to reconcile the money received to the amount deposited. We recommend that a receipt be given, and cash received be reconciled to the deposit. The total money received should be deposited intact, so an audit trail of the transaction is available. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING We tested and reviewed the advertising contracts for the student newspaper. The front of the contract states the terms of the agreement including payment policy and penalties. The contract states "the amount must be paid in full, within 30 days of contract or be subjected to a 10% charge". It also states "accounts not paid within 60 days shall be given to collection". The penalty has never assessed and none of the delinquent accounts have been sent to collection. Past due notices are sent throughout the year, but none are sent after the end of the fiscal year. Nothing is done about delinquent accounts after the end of the fiscal year. We noted over $5,000 in delinquent bills as of the end of fiscal year. We recommend that the terms of the contract be complied with by charging the 10% late fee or change the contract. Collection procedures should be established. The Controller's Office could help the CSUN organization to set up adequate collection procedures. Advertising contracts are pre-numbered so they can be accounted for. We recommended during the last audit that the contracts be signed in and out for accounting purposes. This was not completed. We could not account for a large number of contracts. We recommend, again, that all contracts be signed in and out. KUNV RADIO STATION We tested the underwriting contracts, agreements, and tradeouts of the radio station. The only exceptions noted were that a few of the contracts were not being signed by the KUNV General Manager, 4 one tradeout was for the personal use of the staff, tradeouts were not pre-approved hy the Dean of Student Services as recommended in the prior audit, and several of the employees were being paid using a request for check when they should have been paid using an employment document. The tradeout was for food delivered to the station for the employees. We have been told this tradeout has stopped. The employees are being paid using an employment document. We recommend that the General Manager take more care to ensure the contracts are signed and all tradeouts are approved by the Dean of Student Services. GRANT-IN-AIDS In the Board of Regents Handbook, Title 5, Chp. 13, Article VIII of the CSUN constitution states, "Officers or officials who receive fee waivers from CSUN shall reimburse CSUN for the cost of classes not completed". We tested CSUN officers who received fee waivers for fall 1988 and noted that seven students should have been required to reimburse CSUN for fee waivers on classes they had dropped. We recommend that a procedure be established to ensure the students who receive fee waivers are monitored and required to comply with the Board of Regents policy. It also states in the Board of Regents Handbook, Title 4, Chapter 18, Page 1, Section 3. " Recipients of grants-in-aid for the payment of a specified portion of the registration fee will be required to maintain an overall grade point average of 2.00. Moreover, in receiving a mid-year renewal of a grant-in-aid for a payment of a specified portion of the registration fee, each recipient so approved will be required to show a minimum grade point average of 2.00 for the fall semester regardless of overall grade point average". We noted in our testing that three students did not have a 2.0 GPA the fall semester 1988. One student did not return to school, but the other two received grant-in-aid money for spring 1989. None of the students are currently enrolled. We also noted that a student worker who was not eligible received grant-in-aid funds. The Internal Audit Department recommends that a procedure be established to ensure compliance with the Board of Regents' policy. 5 EQUIPMENT INVENTORY The Internal Audit Department tested the equipment inventory for different departments of the CSUN organization. We noted 7 items which could not be located. We found that 4 items were not deleted from the inventory records because of an oversight by the inventory control clerk. He stated that they would be deleted within the next month. The other three items were not located. We recommend that if the items in question cannot be located within a reasonable period of time, a letter be sent to the inventory control clerk so they can be deleted. We also recommend that if equipment is lost, stolen or surplused the inventory control clerk be notified in writing so the items can be deleted from the inventory control list LONG DISTANCE TFT .FPHONE CHARGES We recommended during the prior audit that CSUN maintains a login system for all phones in the organization. This was not completed. We tested two recent months of telephone calls to determine the purpose of the calls. The secretary to CSUN called each number being tested to determine the purpose of the call and party being called. No personal calls were noted. We recommend that either a telephone log system be developed or each months telephone charges be reviewed by the department making the calls and the person making the call, purpose of call, and party noted on the billing. The listing should be reviewed and approved by the Business Manager. STANDARD CONTRACT FORMS Chancellor's Memorandum No. 86-1, released in November 1, 1986 states that an FC-1 form should be used for all contracts in which the University is doing business with an independent contractor, such as a private firm or individual or another state or local government. The CSUN organization was not aware of this memorandum. Since the CSUN organization is involved with signing contracts with many organizations we recommend that a copy of all the standard contracts in the organization should be sent 6 to the General Counsels Office to determine if they are in compliance with the Chancellor's Memorandum No. 86-1. PRIOR AUDIT The last audit covered the period July 1, 1984 though September 30, 1985. All prior audit recommendations have been implemented except the ones mentioned below: -We recommended that tickets be posted to the ticket log after every event and tickets be spotchecked periodically to make sure all tickets are present and accounted for. This recommendation was not implemented. -We recommended that reconciliation sheets for events be closely scrutinized because reconciliation of several events could not be properly accomplished due to multiple-priced tickets, no outages were shown on reconciliation sheets, and tickets could not be traced to the ticket log. This was not completed, however since the food service vendor is responsible for all admission, food, and beverage this is no longer applicable. -We recommended that: (1) only a limited number of advertising contracts be give to CSUN salespeople at one time: (2) all contracts be logged in and out; (3) no contracts be accepted unless properly executed : (4) a good set of accounting records be kept of all deposits: (5) a daily reconciliation sheet be kept of all deposits: and (6) written procedures for giving discounts and sales commissions should be established. All recommendations have been implemented except items 1 & 2. -We recommended that telephone calls be logged in and monthly bills be cross-checked to the log. This was not implemented. -We recommended that tradeouts be approved by the Dean of Student Services before acceptance. This recommendation was not implemented. Las Vegas, Nevada February , 1990 7 John Love Senior Internal Auditor Sandra K. Cardinal Director of Internal Audit 8 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OFFICE OF THE SENATE PRESIDENT MEM)RANDUM TO: ALL SENATORS FROM: SENATE PRESIDENT GINA B. POLOVINA RE: SENATE MEETINGS DURING SUMMER Senate meetings have been scheduled for the following dates during the summer break: May 3, 24 June 7, 21 July 12 August 9, 16, 23, 30 Each meeting will be held at 4:00 p.m. in the MSU, room 201. GPB/bjb UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OFFICE OF THE SENATE PRESIDENT MINUTES SENATE MEETING 2 0-11 THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 199 0 4:00 P.M. MSU 2 01 I. CALL TO ORDER Senate President Polovina called the meeting to order at 4:10 p.m. II. ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Bud Benneman Scott Bennett (excused) Mike Bunin Kim Kershaw (excused) Roderick Colebrook Kim Elliott Lauren Field Rob Fitzpatrick Jorge Gonzalez Kara Kelley Adonna Miller Gary Ogren Paul Pratt Julia Ramsey Melanie Rosenberg Traci Smith Albert Tabola (late) John Ynigues III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion to approve by Sen. Benneman Motion approved by voice vote. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS PRES. POLOVINA stated that Pres. Bunin would be up to give his announcements shortly, as he was downstairs dealing with another matter. She announced the resignation of James Swank, and stated that she would take nominations for the now empty Business and Economics Senate Seat. She stated that the Banquet was fun, and thanked all those who attended as well as stating that it turned out well. V. BOARD, COMMITTEE, AND DIRECTOR REPORTS Ken Tomory spoke for SHAC, and answered questions from Sen. Ynigues and Sen. Smith. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3477 SENATE MINUTES 2 0-19 APRIL 26, 1990 2 Pres. Bunin arrived at the meeting, and requested that he be allowed to give his announcements. Pres. Polovina stated that she move out of the order of the day and go back into announcements. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS PRES. BUNIN stated that under By-Law 22, Doug Morgan has been dismissed for the Editor position of the Quicksilver Magazine. He answered questions by Sen. Benneman and Sen. Ynigues. Vice-President Pro Tempore Fountain arrived at the meeting. Sen. Gonzales left the room. VICE-PRES. PRO TEM FOUNTAIN stated that she had no announce-ments . V. BOARD, COMMITTEE, AND DIRECTOR REPORTS Vice-Pres. Pro Tem Fountain spoke for Appropriations, and answered questions by Sen. Benneman and Sen. Pratt, and Pres. Bunin responded to Sen. Pratt's question. Sen. Gonzalez returned to the meeting. Sen. Bunin spoke for Entertainment and Programming. Paige Zeilinski spoke for the Elections Board. Sen. Tabola arrived at the meeting. Karen Splaw spoke for the Yelling Rebel, and answered questions by Pres. Bunin and Sen. Smith. Chief Justice Wall spoke for the Judicial Council. Dan Bunin spoke for the Publications Board. Mike Kennedy spoke for the NSA, and answered a question from Pres. Bunin. Larry Holmes spoke as CSUN Business Manager. Sen. Elliott spoke for By-Laws. Sen. Fitzpatrick asked about any reports from the OSI, and Pres. Polovina spoke for the OSI. SENATE MEETING 20-19 APRIL 26, 199 0 3 VI. EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS A. Approval of Kara Kelley as a member of the Elections Board. B. Approval of Bud Benneman as a member of the Elec-tions Board. C. Approval of Kara Kelley as a member of the Publica-tions Board. Motion to move out of the order of the day, and go on to New Business, Item D by PRES. BUNIN. Motion approved by voice vote. VIII. NEW BUSINESS D. Approval of $1250.00 out of the 900 account to send two delegates to the American College of Health Assoc-iation Conference in San Antonio, Tx. Motion to approve by Sen. Benneman. Discussion by Sen. Ram-sey, Sen. Tabola, Sen. Pratt. Pres. Bunin left the room. Discussion by Sen. Colebrook and Sen. Fitzpatrick. Pres. Bunin returned to the room. Discussion by Sen. Tabola. Ken Tomory and Brandi Hoffman responded. Motion carried by voice vote. Motion to move out of the order of the day and move on to New Business, Item F by PRES. BUNIN. Motion passed by voice vote. VIII. NEW BUSINESS F. Approval of the contract with the preschool. Motion to approve by Sen. Rosenberg. The preschool repre-sentative, M. Spotts, spoke to the Senate,and answered questions by Sen. Benneman, Sen. Tabola, Sen. Colebrook, Sen. Pratt, and Sen. Rosenberg. Motion approved by voice vote. VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Nomination/Approval of the vacant Eduaction Senate Seat. Questions by Sen. Colebrook. Motion to table the nominations for one month by Sen. Pratt. Pres. Polovina stated that the Chair does not accept th