From the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Theta Theta Omega Chapter Records (MS-01014) -- Chapter records file.
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man001684. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Theta Theta Omega Chapter Records, 1965-2015, MS-010104. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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Hgfel Kappa Alpha Sorority
to H&ifty-eiglitli Boule
111 kiwisM
lull/ \Or 1998
Eoror Nonna Solomon White
Twenty-fifth SupremeBasileus
\/ ) upreme Basileus Evans, members of the JK J Directorate, past and present, delegates to the last Boule in this millennium, sorors gathered here, greetings. It is with deep devotion, esteem and high regard that I share with you, my sorors, this message of commitment, hope, and great expectation for the future of our cherished sorority.
It is customary and appropriate to say thanks to you here today. But how can I say thanks for the things you have done for me? Things so undeserved, that you gave to prepare me to take this giant step to the new millennium. The voices of a million sorors could never express my true gratitude. All that I am and ever hope to be, I owe it all to you. So I say thanks to you, Soror Eva for affording me varied experiences and opportunities, to headquarters staff for the assistance given, to Sorors Mattelia . Grays, Bernice I. Sumlin, Mary Shy Scott and Carey B. Preston for mentoring and sharing in so many ways, to my chapter, Gamma Rho Omega, for keeping that foundation firm over these forty-three years, to all of my Beta Alpha sorors for having faith in my potential and for accepting me with open arms in 1952, to my dear sorors of the Significant South Atlantic Region for supporting me every step of the way, to sorors across the globe for the many kind words, good thoughts and best wishes, to my family and friends for always being there when I needed you, and most of all, to my greatest champion long before any titles followed my name, my devoted and loving mother, affectionately called Soror "Mama," the "wind beneath my wings." You are all here and I thank you with all my heart.
( this year, 1998, we look back up celebration of ninety years as a sorority. We look forward to the 21st century Where do we find ourselves at this moment in history? Since 1980, the suicide rate of African-American teenagers, between 10 and 19, has increased at the alarming rate of 114 percent Because of the backlash against affirmative action, the University of California, San Diego, has admitted 45.6 percent fewer African Americans. There are more families in poverty
than ever. The increased incident of HIV, AlDS',Uind tuberculosis in the United States and Third World countries -iF staggering. School violence is mounting. With guns in the hands of youth and vicious criminals it is out of control. So much violence on television, in movies, on video games and in music is distressing and depressing to young minds. National and International government and institutional leadership leave much to be desired. Thus, we stand at this moment in history on the brink of disaster, or unearthing new and innovative solutions to our current problems.
Destiny calls us from ninety years ago; vision propels us toward the 21st century. Will we meet the challenge? How do we answer? We answer in the affirmative: "Yes.I We take. mM stand. We can do no less. We will do it in EDUCATION. We will do it in HEALTH. We will do it with the BLACK FAMILY. We will do it in ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT. We will do it in the ARTS. We will do it in GLOBAL LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT.
As the new millennium approaches, the world is undergoing enormous change, a process of great upheaval and great potential. To survive in the 21st century, prominent and productive organizations will require a new breed of leader. The leaders of tomorrow must establish a real vision and a sense of values. What will we do? Alpha Kappa Alpha will do what Js promising and productive because we have the, vision and we have a plan. Step One began with the Long-Range P/ru/J developed ten years ago. Step Two carried through the "SOC" survey and its report eight years ago. During the next four years, we will "BLAZE NEW TRAILS" and prepa&ouiU members and our youth for international leadership.
As we focus on GLOBAL LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT, we propose to:
♦ Establish a two-prong Leadership
Training Program: (1) forisorors who desire to serve on the directorate; and (21 for the newly elected directorate at the beginningvf fhelerm.
TARGET V9 M The Arts
Alpha Kappa Alpha, throughout her rich heritage has Kmilinually focused her attention on the arts. In many of our schoolsz the arts a rein fat I on ger included in the curriculum. Alpha Kappa Alpha can fill this void for we know that the arts can improve the quality of life for all mankind. The arts can be R mcani11gfuljfai nninication and education.
?'//<-/<-/<>»RW must continue to heighten awareness of the arts* support «/ R education, promote potential artists, augment appreciationthe art&» and make the arts available to a larger public This program will promote Chapter Summer Arts Programs ami arts performances at conferences^ It will also recognize African Americans in the Arts.
/-At the last Boule 1 conducted a survey and promised to ‘/^/\use IhM-esults in planning for the future. You fajelguhelmingly asked us to focus on REACTIVATION; therefore the International Membership Committee will be charged Hp/7/z planning and implementating a mammoth RECLAMATION and RETENTION program.
/ iheTssues you raised about technological advances made / it very clear that as the new millennium approaches, $ipha Kappa Alpha must look towards utilizing technology. It is important that we consider procedures and policies to address technology issues. The Internet presents a new challenge to Alpha Kappa Alpha, since (herd are no procedures in the organization to address it. In order to deal with these matters volunteer technology specialists will be appointed to formulate a plan of gc//()// fo/technological issues related to the sorority. The specialists .will look at ^.uch issues as Chat Rooms, Discussion GroupScollective Web Sites, Web Sites and Copyright Laws and make recommendations to the sorority. If there is a way to control the negative aspects of the Internet, we must do so now. Chapters Thust also bee^wuraged to secure email accounts so that we
may communicate via email rather than incurring flit expense
of express mail or the delays in regular mail. You may now reach
me at:
You were pleased with Alpha Kappa Alpha's presenceayji
Washington; therefore, the Governmental Affairs Office will
be retained with a director and volunteers.
Volunteers will also assist with writing grants [orthASororit'i/.
This report includes the following rc’CommeiidalionmL
That the 58th Boule approves the appointment $ one Ad Hoc
Committee for this administration:
♦ Leadership Task Force
This Task Force will plan, develop aiiaoinslilul^
the Global Leadership Development Project.
That the sorority cease all solicitations, at the national level, for
the rest of this century and direct the”FinancMKtommittee to
design a long-range financial plan to be presented ml the
Boule in the year 2000.
Wnori) my pleasure tiUpresent the sorors W/m
serve on committees for the next two
please stand as your names are called and remain standing until
your entire committee has been introduced.
And now sorors, I am pleased to announce that Chevroh^xvjll
award Alpha Kappa Alpha $50,000 to conduct the 7999
Leadership Fellows Program and will providipmcawp /R ifljKd
for program initiatives and activities tm Cljicago.
Training Modules for all
chapters to train their officers each year.
4 Continue the Leadership ^Teltows* Program
annually with the addition of two male fellows
from eaclf of the five fraternities in the (NPHC)
National Pan-Hellenic Council.
4- Execute “Leadership 2000 , an international and
local training program for high school students.
QnH International Program will . include five targets:
Our goal is QUALITY EDUCATION for all. This target will
focus cm A IGA, the acronym for "AKA KIDS ALERTAKNe
feel that
4- AKA KIDS must enjoy and excel in learning.
Parents of AKA KIDS must be involved in the
education of their children
4- AK/r KIDS must become responsiblMadults.
IVY AKAdemy will continue to serve as the umbrella for all
educational training and humarr resource development
experiences provided by local chapters and will stress reading,
writing* speaking, listeningS mathematics, Science and
PtMS will remain I viable segment of the program to be
implemented at the chapter level. Summer Regional PIMS
Samps will be encouraged.
Healthy bodies make healthy minds; therefore,USB must encourage youth and adults to take good care of themselves, eat well! exercise and enjoy good physical and mental health. Parents must be inspired to help their children make healthy choices.
This program target will focus on health issues that disproportionately affect minority populations, especially African Americans as well as health issues specified in tha President's Race Initiatives. The Alpha Kappa Alpha Health Net will be developed.
AL. TARGET III - IrUfr The Black Family The world we seek, in the new millennium, is one where a child's need for time with his or her parents is a top priority; whereI family togetherness is prized9 where family lies are reestablished; where parents consider the well-being’of their children; and where homelessness doesn't exist. This program will focus on issues that divide the black family, at-risk youth, family values for middle and high school youth, and AKA Coat Day for homeless families. "ON-TRACK" is the Signature Program for this administration.
Economic Empowerment We can only prosper if we are prepared for thework force, if we get the high paying jobs, and if we promote black businesses. It is important that the Black community gain empowerment. Ownership remains the key to wealth and power in America. We must arm African Americans with the information and encouragement they need to become^uccessful entrepreneur This program will focus on financial planning and management, employment, entrepreneurship in the 21st Century and Black Dollar Days.
Pillsbury is interested in continuing the partnership with Alpha Kappa Alpha in sponsoring the Leadership Fellows Program, This would represent a great expansion for this worthwhile program for undergraduates.
I inally, I invite all of you to join us in Arlington,
S Virginia for the first International Program Launch October 2-4, 1998. At that time, the International Program Committee will fully explain the new program and present guidelines for its implementation.
March 5-7,1999
You are invited to attend the International
Regional Conference in Freeport, Bahamas
July 9-11,1999
The 1999 Leadership Seminar will be held at the Walt Disney World Dolphin Hotel
July 6-12, 2000
The first Boule in the new millennium will
be held in Dallas, Texas
July 20-22, 2001
The 2001 Leadership Seminar will be held in San Juan, Puerto Rico
July 8-14, 2002
The 60th Boule will be held in
Orlando, Florida
I V\ /hen y°u elected me four years ago, I promised u, y y that you could count on me for maximum returns. Last night, you promised that 1 can count on you through thick and thin, that I can call on each region and you will be there. Today we must count on each other to Help Our People and Save our Youth. In 1942, Margaret Walker wrote: "For my people standing trying to fashion a better way from confusion, from hypocrisy and misunderstanding, trying to fashion a world that will hold all the people, all the faces, all adams and eves and their countless generations. Let a new earth rise. Let another world be born ...Let a beauty full of healing and strength of final clenching be the pulsing in our spirits and our blood. Let a race of {women} now rise and take control.
Today sorors, let a race of Alpha Kappa Alpha women now rise and take control. Sorors must and will acclaim that we are...
The Alpha Kappa Alpha Way!