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    Water Supply - Juab. 7^ |»oa Angeles, Sept.30,1ft?» Mr. R. L.Adamson:* In connection with attached Abstract of title on vi&ter supply and pipe line at Juab, Utah, the following notations are submitted for your attention:- (1) the Railroad Company owns no land in the vicinity of the Spring and there is no evidence to indicate that thie Company or any of its predecessor ooapan-ies have taken any steps to establish record title to this water. (2) A study of the dates of entries, relinquishments etc., as notsd on numbers 1 to 11 inclusive, indicate the probability of some understanding between the various parties and it is reasonable to assume that the land on which the Spring is located was made use of prior to April I S M , being the date of the first entry. If it is deemed advisable to establish the date of first occupation thie can probably be done by interviews and affidavits. fhe records indicate that the Southeast quarter of Section 5 was in use in 1871. (3) It will be noted that klisa Meads who first appro­priated water on MEi section 3( Re. 16) actually occu­pied land in Sec. M Mo's 12-13-1^ 15) and in­tended to us© or did use the water on this land. The occupancy of this land may also have been prior to 183h, see Mo. 12. (k) We have secured affidavits- Mo's 33-3**~ which defin­itely fir the time of first use of water by Railroad Company as being between April and June 1879* The only title this Company has to the water is by continued bene­ficial use and some steps should be taken toward establish­ing or attempting to establish a title which would be a matter of official record. (5) Record title to the Spring and the land upon which Spring is located is now vested in F.C. Thompson (Mo. SJ) subject to conditions of Judgment( Mo.31) and Tax sale (Mo.32)* (7) Railroad Company has title to right of way for pipe line across m i Sec. 9( Mo.50). The remainder of pipe line, being constructed in 1879, antedates any recorded entries and title is by occupation only, f® 3® not find any record of pipe line filing by a railroad oomp&ny. This abetmot shows chain of title on all lands traversed by pipe line as a matter of information. Char le s daise • Hr.