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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    11/2/62 Boer Teddy, It was nice hearing free yen, and it was nice seating yea in Springfield. X honestly don't know who took the pictures in Springfield, and have been waiting for score copies myself* X would suggest you contact Mr. Stacy and see if he can run down the photographer?╟≤ Mr. D. Mitchell of Philip Morris, 100 Park Avenue, Sew York 17, H* Y., had a photographer taking scree pictures for him retd X think he nay have taken scree that you are looking for. X would suggest you contact him direct* As X mentioned to you in Springfield, X will be looking for something for you in Las Vegas. Kindest regards, A1 Freeman Promotion Director /aw Mr. Teddy Phillips 332 South Michigan Avenue Chicago 4, Illinois