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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes Index 2, 1911-1960: documents, item 290


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    [not legible] [not legible] Ordinance - Request to repeal - 8/27/1954
    Eachus & Josephson - Use Permit Rezoning approved - 9/1/1954
    Extension of Use - Cashman Field - 9/1/1954
    Emergency Repair - Sewer Outfall time approved - 9/1/1954
    Engineer, Assistants - [not legible] Yale Lerid - 9/1/1954
    Eastern Ave. - Street Improvement Bid opening set - 9/1/1954
    Extra work approved - Westside St. lighting - 9/1/1954
    Effluent Ditch - R/W deed by Du Bay & [not legible] - 9/1/1954
    Eachus, V.D. and Ann. - R/W deed Washington Ave - 9/1/1954
    Employees - raises for competent employees [not legible] - 9/1/1954
    Ensley Place tract - Tentative Map approved - 9/15/1954
    Eastern Ave. - St. Improvement Bids opened - 9/15/1954
    Electric Lamps - Bids Requested - 9/15/1954
    [not legible] & Sidewalk Permits - Fremont Hotel - approved - 9/15/1954
    Extension of Washington St. - [not legible] from North Main & "A" Street - 9/15/1954
    Educational Program - [not legible] Draftsmen - no action - 9/15/1954
    East Charleston land - Mrs. [not legible] request to purchase denied - 9/15/1954
    Examiners & Appeals, Board - Reappointment [not legible] [not legible] - 9/15/1954
    Erwin, Jim - Reappointment Board of Examiners & Appeals - 9/15/1954
    Electric Bulbs - Bid No. 54.36 opened - 9/29/1954
    Electric Bulbs - Bid No. 54.36 awarded Osborne & [not legible] - 10/6/1954
    Equipment Rental - St. Improvement Repair - 10/6/1954
    Edgeview Manor - Tentative map approved - 10/20/1954
    Easement, Sewer - Deed for - Thomas Beam - 10/20/1954
    Easement, Sewer - Deed for - Joseph, Mary & Suzanne Mankinwitz - 10/20/1954
    Easement, Sewer - Deed for - City to So. Nevada Power Co. - 10/20/1954
    Easement, Sewer - UPRR - N. of Charleston & E. of Hastings - 11/3/1954
    Easement - Assessment Dist. N. 100-23 - Colorado River Exp. Co. et. al. - 11/17/1954
    Easement, sewer - Lloyd T. & Ann Greta Jones - 11/17/1954
    Easement, street - Clive & Francis Malone - 11/17/1954
    Elks Lodge - Use of sound truck approved - 11/17/1954
    Eastwood Subdivision - Drainage protest referred to City Attorney - 12/1/1954
    Extension of 21st St. - Proposal Mr. Stocks - denied - 12/15/1954
    El Centro Tract #2 - Rezoning R-3 to R-4 approved - 1/5/1955
    Espy Bros. Bid 54.40 - Awarded Spencer St. Storm Dr. - 1/5/1955
    Easement deed for - John H. & Lois Clark - 2/2/1955
    Effluent Ditch - Temporary crossing approved - 2/2/1955
    Easement - Deed for - Las Vegas Valley Water dist. accept - 2/2/1955
    El Mirador Motel - Cigarette Appl. renewal approved - 2/2/1955
    Emergency Ordinance # 629 - Assessment Distr. # 100-25 adopted - 2/2/1955
    Eight Ball Bar - chg. owner - Liquor appl. to Sousa, H.J. held 3-2-55 - 2/16/1955
    Election Municipal - To be held 5-3-55 Proclam. adopted - 2/28/1955
    Eachus & Josephson - Use Permit - 90 day ext. appr. - 3/2/1955
    Encroachment - Ronzone's Store denied - 3/2/1955
    Eight Ball Bar - Liquor application no action - 3/2/1955
    Election Boards - Appointment approved - 3/3/1955
    Electrical Code Amend - Prop. Ord. ref. committee - 3/16/1955
    Eight Ball Bar - Gaming Appl. New appr. - 3/30/1955
    El Cortez Hotel - Gaming appl. addl. appr. - 3/30/1955
    Election - Bond Questions - Ordinance (Em.) # 640 adopted - 4/6/1955
    Emergency Ordinance # 641 - Assessment Dist. 100-25 adopted - 4/6/1955
    Emergency Ordinance # 640 - Election Bond Quest. adopted - 4/6/1955
    Electrical Code - Prop. Ordinance unfavorable report - 4/6/1955
    Easements R/W UPRR - Hastings & Ogden accepted - 4/20/1955