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Congregation Ner Tamid newsletter, February 2000



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    CONGREGATION NER TAMID THE REFORM JEWISH SYNAGOGUE OF LAS VEGAS ...A SPECIAL PLACE TO BELONG FEBRUARY 2000 - VOL. XIV NO. 5 SANFORD D . AKSELRAD Rabbi BELLA FELDMAN Cantorial Soloist DREW LEVY President NEAL SCHUSTER Student Rabbi 25 SHEVAT - 23 ADARI 5760 MONTY E . WILLEY Executive Director JACQUELINE FLEEKOP Education Director Lois BERGMAN Preschool Director MELANIE GORMAN Program Director CNT WELCOMES RABBI RICHARD ADDRESS DURING ITS ANNUAL SCHOLAR IN RESIDENCE WEEKEND FEBRUARY 2 5 - 27, 2 0 0 0 Rabbi Richard Address is the regional direc-tor of the Union of American Hebrew Congre-gations' Pennsylvania Council and Federation of Reform Synagogues of Greater Philadel-phia, and was named the Directorof the new UAHC Department of Jewish Family Con-cerns. He will be sharing his wisdom and in-sights with the Jewish Community during Congregation Ner Tamld's annual Scholar In Residence program, this February 25 - 27th. As the Director of the new UAHC Depart-ment of Jewish Family Concerns, Rabbi Address will bring to-gether the work of a variety of different UAHC programs in ar-eas such as: Older Adults. B i o - e t h i c s , Changing Jewish Family, Substance Abuse and self destructive behavior. Special Needs, AIDS, Gay and Lesbian Inclusion and the Syn-agogue as a Caring Community. The weekend will focus on Tlkkun Ha- Nefesh": Transforming The Self And The Synagogue. The Scholar In Residence weekend will begin on Friday evening, Febru-ary 25^ with Shabbat services at 7:30pm. Come meet Rabbi Address and hear his views on how to integrate the synagogue experi-ence into your personal experience and how to transform the synagogue community into your extended family. After services, please plan to stay for the Oneg Shabbat, spon-sored by our Sisterhood, and discuss with the Rabbi, CNT Board Members, and other congregants some of the things you'd like to do to transform your synagogue experience. On Saturday morning, please join us for a Continental Breakfast at 9:30am followed by Shabbat moming services and an explo-ration of issues our community must ad-dress in light of our aging population. The "Baby Boomer" generation, and their unique impact on our society, has long been a topic of discussion, but rarely have we taken the time to explore the Jewish Baby Boomers, and their impact on our Jewish community. Rabbi Address has studied and written on the spirituality of aging and has seen new rituals emerge to ad-dress the spiri-tual needs and interests of congregants as they mature. Rabbi Address has also become an expert on the "Sandwich Generation" - those caught between their aging parents and their dependent children, finding the burdens of caregiving overwhelming and yet rewarding. This discussion will take place in the Library immediately following Shabbat moming services, and will conclude by 12:00 noon. That afternoon. Rabbi Address will meet with members of the Chesed Committee (the Caring Community), acknowledging their volunteerism and discussing issues re-lated to organizing, leading and expanding the congregation's Caring Community. Mem-bers of the Chesed Committee visit Jews in the area's hospitals, provide respite for full-time caregivers of dependent adults, and help others by shopping or telephoning reg (continued on page 11) Rabbi Jay Karzen, Jerusalem's Bar Mttzvah King, Will Speak at TJNT Just a reminder, on Monday, Feb-ruary 7*. at 7:30pm, Rabbi Jay Karzen will lead a discussion based on his book, Off The Wall. Don't miss out on this opportunity to hear his wonderful tales of Bar and Bat Mitzvah's at The Wall in Jerusalem. If you wish to pur-chase Rabbi Karzen's book, it will be on sale at the program, or you can purchase it or read excerpts online at 99-0012.html. Off The Wall is only 015. The evening will be co-sponsored by Nate Mack Greater Las Vegas B'nai B'rith and will be free of charge. Please call the CNT office, 733-6292 to R9VP. WRaobrbshi'isp MSeerssvaicgees 22 SMcehsosoalg eN efrwosm our President 34 CFNebTr uParreys cBh'onoali Mitzvah 56 ANuewxi lMiaermiesb/eCro Wmmelcitotmeees 68 TBooraardh SBteuadt y Opportunities 1122 TBriribthudtaesy s/Anniversaries 1134 Yah(trhzee Bitus ll&et iInn I sM puembliosrhieudm m onthly)1 6 d (Special <J)laee. <ZJo (Belong S'Werovrischeisp CAoknsdeulrcatedd & b yC Raanbtobril Saal nSfoolrodis Dt . Bella Feldman FEBRUARY 4 TOT SHABBAT 6:30PM SHABBAT SERVICES 7:30PM ONEG SPONSORED BY THE SISTERHOOD FEBRUARY 5 TORAH STUDY 10:00AM FEBRUARY 11 2ND GRADE SHABBAT W/JR. CHOIR 7:30PM ALTERNATE SERVICE 7:30PM IN THE BEIT TEFILLAH ONEG SPONSORED BY THE SISTERHOOD FEBRUARY 12 DANA BENEDICT BAT MITZVAH 10AM TORAH STUDY 10AM KIDDUSH SPONSORED BY THE BENEDICT FAMILY FEBRUARY 18 ALLISON BERMAN BAT MITZVAH 7:30PM ONEG SPONSORED BY THE BERMAN FAMILY FEBRUARY 19 ZACHARY RUDOLPH BAR MITZVAH 10AM KIDDUSH SPONSORED BY THE RUDOLPH FAMILY FEBRUARY 25 SHABBAT SERVICES 7:30PM ONEG SPONSORED BY THE SISTERHOOD Sitting here typing on my com-puter I am a frttle let down. No computer crashes. No end of the world hysteria. No .... well, uou get the point...and if I were tne superstitious kind I should remember not to "tempt the evil eye" or give a "keyn ahora" to the world! Is it just that we were really, really well prepared or was it that the Y2K was a lot of hype? Maybe a bit of both. But it did force everyone to do something that we often fail to do: plan ahead. Oh we talk about it a great deal. What we would like to see for our fami-lies, our work, the year to come. But often people I come in contact with remember the past a lot better than they are able to envision the future. I suppose that both are neces-sary. After all it is hard to plan for the future without a firm handle on the past. But for many the future is something very scary. I have heard it expressed many times: "What kind of world are we leaving our children? Hun-ger exists for billions the world over. War and the threat of nuclear war is still very real. The internet is a threat to the moral fiber of our childrenl 8oon people will never leave their home (as if to validate this one, I witnessed the morning news story about the "dot com guy" who in fact will stay at home ordering everything on the internet he needs for one full year!). I think that Charles Dickens said it best in writing, "It was the worst of times, it was the best of times..." And so too is it today. Technolo-gy per say is amoraf. It is up to us to shape this technology into something that serves humankind for the good. Whether it is advances in computers or medi-cal technology or communica-tions- the century ahead will present tremendous challenges of ethics and responsibility for our society. Indeed it is impossible to even imagine what lies ahead. Considering the fact that 80% of all scientific advances have occurred in the last century we can only dream of what the next century will bring. But one thing is certain: the next century is with us. We are here. If we fail we have no one to blame but ourselves. Humanity is humanity's own best friend...and worst enemu. And so if we are to plan ahead, let us plan for good and noble ideas. For a world in which we make strides, not only technologically, but in terms of numan character and deed. B'shalom, 'Kabbi Satiford A/(sefrarf CoitQREQATiON NER TAMld FEbRUARy 2 0 0 0 r TEMPLE BOARD MEMBERS D R E W L E V Y President STEWART BLUMENFELD VP Administration Scan STOLBERG VP Ways & Means HOWARD LAYFER VP Membership IRA SPECTOR VP Religious Activities JUDY C O R N E T VP Education & Youth L Y N N S A S S O VP Member Activities SYLVIA BELLER VP Social Action DAVID STAHL Treasurer R U T H URBAN Secretary M E L HALLERMAN Trustee R I T A GOLDSTEIN Trustee FRANCES KLAMIAN Trustee JACKY R O S E N Trustee-Membership L E O N M A R C O Trustee JERE' DAVIS Trustee ESTHER SALTZMAN Trustee-Youth SHARNA BLUMENFELD Trustee-Library M I N D Y U N G E R - W A D K I N S Trustee-Bulletin SANDY STOLBERG Sisterhood STEVE JOSEPH Brotherhood STUART K A L U C K NTTY T B D TNT SANDY PITTLE Golden Chai B O B UNGER Past President JERRY GORDON Past President C A L LEWIS Past President EILEEN ROLLINS Past President KENNETH SCHNITZER Past President D R . DAVID WASSERMAN Past President D R . STEVE ROLLINS Past President MICHAEL C H E R R Y Past President D R . BERNARD FARROW Past President EUGENE KIRSHBAUM* Past President RABBI SANFORD AKSELRAD EX Officio ?Deceased O7IO A Y OIO A Y < t > Y OIO f OIO t OIO A Y <8> T ^gotlonAte / ?KIT' <Xa> O ^ A \ CCNNTT L*S<> oio A p p a r e l A PUVCE YOUR ORDER NOWL P0L09 AND 8WEAT9HIRT9 IN BLUE T-QHIRTQ IN BLUE AND WHITE POLOS - $ 2 0 ADULT 8WEATSHIRT - $15 ADULT T-SHIRT - $10 YOUTH 8WEATOHIRT - $12 YOUTH T-SHIRT - $8 CALL JERE' DAVIS AT 6 5 5 - 1 1 7 0 OIO t OIO A Y OIO Y 010 11 ff ESSAGE FROM OUR TEMPLE PRESIDENT SUNCJAY JANUARY 9RH HAS COME ANCI qONE ANd wflAT A qtlEAT dAy iT WAS. DsbbiE FRiEdMAN WAS pERfc>RMiNq liVE ON T^E STAqE AT TIIE ORIEANS HOTEI ANd TWO diffERENT jEWish CON' qREqATioNS WERE siniNq iN TJHE AU' diENCE, pROud of TITE COMbiNEd EffoRT. Two jEWish CONqREqATiONS CAME TOqET^ER, AS ONE, foR T^E COM' MUNiTy ANd SpONSOREd A WONdERful EVENT. This dAy would NOT hAVE woRked if iT WERE NOT foR AII TIHE hARd WORk ANd dEdiCATiON of MANy MEMbERS of bOTh TEMplES. SpECiAl T^ANks qo TO OUR RAbbi ANd RAbbi F E I I P E GoodMAN of TEMPIE BETII ShAloM. All pROCEEds will bE dO' NATEd TO jEWish CAUSES iN l_AS VE' qAS ANd iN ISRAEI. WE EXPECT TO COMbiNE EffoRTS AqAiN ANd SpONSOR MORE COMMUNiTy EVENTS lllcE This iN ThE fuTURE. As ilAS pREViOUSly bEEN WRiTTEN iN This COluMN, A NUMbER of OUR CONqREqANTS ATTENdEd T^E U A H C BiENNiAl, iN ORlANdo, iN DECEMbER ON bE^Alf of ThE TEMplE. TUE qROup iNcludEd rhE RAbbi, MoNTy WillEy, M E I A N I E GORMAN, D E B B I E & M E I HAIIERMAN, STEWART BluMENfEld, SANdy STolbERq, STEVE KolliNS ANd MySElf. WhAT A WON' dERful, iNTERESTiNq ANd EyE'OpENiNq TiME WE AII hAd. NOT oNly WERE WE ToqET^ER wiTh 5 , 0 0 0 REfoRM JEWS fROM All OVER ThE COUNTRy TO STudy ANd iNTERACT, buT WE All ATTENdEd FRidAy NiqhT ANd SATURdAy MORN' iNq SERViCES TOqET^ER iN ONE lARqE CONVENTiON NaLI. WfiAT A FEEllNq TO WEICOME iN TIHE SAbbATh wiTh AII TIIESE pEopU. ONE of TIHE hiqh' liqhTS of TIHE woRship SERvicES is ThE pRESidENTl'Al SERMON pRESENTEd by RAbbi ERic YoffiE, pREsidENT of TIHE UAHC. RAbbi YoffiE pROcUiMEd A NEW REfoRM WoRship REVOluTiON, which will MAkE syNAqoquE W O R ' ship OUR MOVEMENTS' fOREMOST CON' CERN. O N E of his FIRST PROPOSAIS WAS foR EAch MEMbER CONqREqATiON'S BoARd TO TAkE TiME TO dsfiNE A WOR' ship AqENdA foR ThE TEMplE. RECOq' NiziNq ThAT ThE boARdROOM is ThE STARiNq plACE fOR WORShip REfoRM, hE SUqqESTEd ThAT ThE boARds, iN' CONCERT WiTh ThE RAbbi ANd CAN' TOR, bEqiN A COMMUNAI discussiON of CONqREqATiONAl pRAyER. YOUR boARd hAS hEARd ThE woRds of RAbbi YoffiE ANd is pREpARiNq TO ACT UpON ThEM. REliqious AcTiviTiES VP, IRA SPECTOR, hAS bEquN discussiONS wiTh ThE RAbbi TO bEqiN pREpARiNq A D'VOR TORAh pRoqRAM foR ThE boARd which WE will iNcludE iNTO OUR MONThly MEET' iNqS. If you ARE iNTERESTEd iN REAd' iNq ThE pRESidENTiAl SERMON of RAbbi YAFFIE, you CAN EiThER qo TO ThE UAHC wEbsiTE (www.UAHC.ORq) OR obTAiN A copy fROM ThE TEMPIE offiCE. Also, All ThE SESSiONS of ThE BiENNiAl ARE TApE'RECORdEd ANd COP' iES ARE AVAikblE foR pURCllASE. AqAiN, you CAN qo TO THE UAHC WEbsiTE ANd liNk RiqhT iNTO ThE BiENNiAl pAqES which will liNk you TO ThE liST of SESSiONS ANd ThE ORdER foRMS. Drew Bella had her baby! We are so happy t o an - nounce the birtn of CARA ANN FELDMAN, daughter of our Cantor, Bella and her husband, Michael. Cana was bom Wednesday, January 12. weighed 6 .5 pounds arid is 20" long. Cara is t h e l i t t le sister of Avi and granddaughter of Bobbi Newman and Don & Fay Feldman. Mommy and baby are doing j u s t fine! FEbRUARy 2 0 0 0 Religious School News Give Credit Where Credit is Due A long time ago I learned a saying from Pirke Avot (Ethics of the Fa-thers) which says "Whoever re-ports a saying in the name of its originator brings the world towards redemption." This may seem like an exaggeration of "give credit where credit is due," but it is more than that. It is a profound truth based on Jewish historical experi-ence. Next month, Ner Tamid will cele-brate Purim. We will have a spe-cial service and a carnival. Even though we dress funny, eat Ham-mantashan and play games there is a lesson to be learned from the holiday of Purim. The Book of Esther tells how Ha-man tried to convince King Ahas- SPRING IS ON THE WAY AND SO IS PURIM. MARCH 177H AT 7:30PM PURIM FAMILY SERVICE MARCH 19TH FROM 11:00AM TILL 2:00PM IS THE PURIM CARNIVAL, GAMESFOOD AND FUN FOR EVERYONE. SUPPORT OUR RELIGIOUS SCHOOL....IF YOU HAVE A PRI2E TO DONATE FOR THE RAFFLE, PLEASE CALL JACKIE FLEEKOP AT 733-6292 OR LEAVE A MESSAGE FOR JUDY CORNETT, OUR VICE PRESIDENT OF EDUCATION. R varus to issue a decree that would have led to the destruction of the Jews in Persia. Previously, Mor-dechai, Esther's uncle, uncovered a conspiracy by the King's guard to kill the King. Mordechai told Esther, who in turn told the King. Esther gave Mordechai the credit. Months later the King was unable to sleep and he had someone read chronicles to him. In the chroni-cles he was reminded that he had never repaid Mordechai. If Esther had not given credit to Mordechai, the King would not have owed him a favor and the Jews of Persia would have been destroyed. Parents are often amazed at their children's response to Mitzvah Day, how they collect things and get excited about helping others. Mitzvah Day is February 6th this year. MOVIE NIGHT WITH RABBINIC INTERN, NEAL SCHUSTER Join Student Rabbi, Neal Schuster on February 5th at 7:OOpm for the viewing and dis-cussion of Mother Night. The movie is based on a Kurt Von-negut novel and stars Nick Nolte, Alan Arkin, Sheryl Lee, and John Goodman. It is a compelling sto-ry about a man named Howard W. Campbell Jr. Is he a Nazi war criminal or an American Hero? Come to the program and see for yourself! After viewing Mother Night, Neal will lead a discussion based on the movie, using Jewish texts. This event is free of charge, but please RSVP to the office at733-6292. At Bat or Bar Mitzvahs, parents sit in awe of their child's poise and talent. Parents thank us, the religious school and temple staff. This is very nice, but we must "give credit where credit is due." Your child works hard to please you. This is their gift of love to G d, their people and you. The educator cannot give that desire to your child. We put in informa-tion that they in turn use. You the parent give your child the desire to do well, to please others, and the sensitivity needed to help oth-ers. I give you credit tor the wonderful people that fill our class-rooms. Todah Rabah, Joc((i? Jted^op MIVZVWH <DA.<y Sunday, JeSruary 6h. We are responsible for those in need. We can a Difference. These are not just say-ings, they are facts. We need your support to ma?e this day a success. Canned and packaged foods. Soups, Cereals, VegetaSles, fruits, Cafe {Mixes - anything not perishable. Cashfor diapers and SaSy food. Clothing, especially for zuomen and children. Support Mitzvah Day... It feels m v v v v m v CONQREQATION NER TAN Id FEbuuARy 2000 mm CNT PRESCHOOL mm January went by so quickly and we are already into the swing of this new semester at the Preschool. We have more wonderful children who have joined our CNT preschool family in all of our classes. Martin Luther King Day was a holiday all of the boys ana girls enjoyed. We planted vegetable seeds and bulbs in our garden for Tu B'Qhevat (The Jewish Arbor Day). It was certainly a joy to see our young-sters get their hands in the soil and get back to nature. Our stu-dents can't wait to enjoy the fruits of their labors. The children at our school are very busy and always having fun and delight in the learn-ing process. This month we will be celebrating Ground Hog's Day (hope he sees his shadow) and Lincoln's and Washington's Birthdays as well. Our students will be going on a field trip to the Cultures of the Southwest, a hands on experience for learning about different types of people. We will be baking Chal-lah and preparing for our Pre-school SaDbath which will be held in March. Next month we will be celebrating Purim on March the 21lrt and, of course, we will be the stars of our special Shabbat on Friday evening March 3rd . We are very proud of our students accomplishments during the last few months of school. The children are learning and thriving in our loving Preschool environment. The work of our ded-icated teachers certainly is appar-ent on the faces of our students. We continue to work on our Kin-dergarten program and we are very excited about the prospect of adding another dimension to our already outstanding program. More information will be forthcom-ing very shortly. Summer program-ming is also in the works (it's hard to believe). We will soon be tak-ing applications for our Camp Chaverim which will be held from June 26th to July 28* (for young-sters 2 1/2 - 10 years of age). The students all enjoy our visit from "The Library Lady" and our on-going mitzvan projects. They are a delightful group of young-sters who enjoy their friendships with their fellow students and teachers. We have only two spots left in our program for new students so if you are interested please give us a call at the office at 733- 6292. Lois 'Bergman Above LEh: BAIN'S 5XH BiRihdAy Top Riqhi: PbvyiNq WBH A PARACHUTE LEfr ANd AbovE: WoRkiNq iN T^E GARdEN MFoEnBdaRyU, AFeRbYru a2r0y0 02 1 PreNsiod eSnct'hs ooDl ay No MSAchRoColH H2o0l0id0a ys this month MonAdPayR, IAL n2ri0l 0107 -21 SpNroin gS cBnoreoal k ThurNsdo ayS,c hAoporli l 27 Passover (last day) MoMndAaYy, 2M0a0y0 29 MeNmoo rSicahl ooDl ay FJrUidNayE, J2u0n0e0 2 LAST DAY OF SCHOOL FebRUARy 2000 cA Special r()laee \Jo ^Belong 2 0 0 0 C N T PRESCHOOL CALENDAR Hil My name is Allison Berman and I am in the seventh grade at Greenspun Junior High School. I enjoy dancing for the Greenspun Dance Team, swimming in the sum-mer at the recreation center, chat-tine on the Internet with my buddies and hanging out with my friends on the weekends. I am very excited about mu Bat MHzvah and I hope you will all join my family ana me on February 18. Hil My name is Dana Benedict. I am 12 years old and am current-ly in the seventh grade at K.O. Knudson Middle School. I am on the Clark County Sandpiper Swim Team. I enjoy swimming, shop-ping, playing cello and being with my friends and family. I am pleased to be able to share my Bat Mitzvah with my friends ana family on February 12. Hi, my name is Zachary Rudolph. I attend Becker Middle School and I am in the 7th grade. I was born in Minneapolis and moved to Las Vegas almost 3 years ago. I love to plau basketball, baseball and Nintendo. I really enjoy hanging with my friends. Please join me along with my family antf friends on Saturday, February 19th at 10am when I am called to the torah as a Bar Mitzvah. MARViN ANd BARbARA BudqAR MARViN ANd BARbARA BudqAR joiNEd TIIE C N T fAMily iN Mid'NOVEMBER. ThEy ARE RETiREd ANd llAVE livEd iN CLARK COUNTY foR 5 YEARS, CURRENTIY RESidiNq iN HENdERSON. MARVIN ANd BARbARA ARE lookiNq foR A HAVURAH TO pROVidE AN EXTENdEd fAMily, SiNCE ThEiR childREN ARE All qROWN ANd NOT liviNq iN NEVAdA. WE look foRWARd TO SEEINQ you, MARViN ANd BARbARA, AT MANy u p c o M i N q TEMPIE EVENTS so TITAT y o u CAN MEET EVERYONE. A k EARTy WEICOME TO y o u BOTK! SoIomon ANd HannaU BIoom SolOMON ANd HANNAh BIOOM llAVE STARTEd tIie yEAR 2 0 0 0 off by bECOMiNq MEMbERS of C N T . THEY ARE TIHE AUNT AND UNCIE of DAvid ANd CAROlyN CohEN ANd hAVE livEd iN LAS VEQAS foR 2 7 YEARS. S o l ANd HANNAk ARE RETiREd ANd WE hopE TliEy will hAVE TiME TO bECOME iNvolvEd iN GoldEN ChAi, OUR OTIV ER TEMPIE AUXiliARiES, ANd whATEVER OThER pROqRAMS ThEy fiNd of iNTER' EST AT CONQREQATION NER TAM'ld. PIEASE WEICOME Sol ANd HANNAH, ANd look foR TliEM AT upcoMiNq TEMPIE fuNCTiONs! CONQREQATION NER TAN Id FEbuuARy 2000 Congregation [er TamidStaff and Members Attended Conference The 1999 Union of American Hebrew Congregations (UAHC) Biennial Convention took place in Orlando, Florida from December I S * - ^ . This year, several staff members and board members from Congrega-tion Ner Tamid attended the convention. Rabbi 8anford Akselrad, Monty Willey, Melanie Gorman, Drew Levy, Stewart Blumenfeld, Mel Hallerman, 8teve Kollins, and Jerry Gordon went to this uear's conven-tion. At the same time, Sandy 8tolberg, and Debbie Hallerman partici-ated in the Women of Reform Judaism 42nd Assembly. One of the ighlights of the UAHC Convention was a major address given by Rabbi Eric Yoffie, President of the UAHC. The participants from both conventions attended Friday Night Services, where tney prayed and sang with 5000 other Reform Jews from around the Unitea States and Canada. The convention was an incredible learning experience and a great time was had by all I Above: MEI HAIERMAN, DREW LEVY, AND STUART BluMEisfeld clAp AND sinq AIONQ ON FRIDAY Niqhr. BEIOW: DREW LEVY, MEIAN'IE GORMAN, SANDY SrolbERq, DubbiF HAIIERMAN, AND MEI HAIIERMAN PREPARE TO p/wy wirh 5000 OT^ER REIORM JEWS. CNT LIBRRRV Mony thanks to the fol loot-ing congregants who gave a Chanukah gift to the CNT Li-brary: Esther and Rlvin ?sbin Loretta and Vic Hollander Mr. & Airs. Marvin 'liny" Haplan Denise UJolson Stacey and Don Vahraus Pamela and Skip Rapoport Although Chanukah is past, gifts to the CNT library are always appreciated. The sug-gested donation at Chanu-kah was $25, but any amount will be welcomed. These donations will be used to buy books for the library. (Please remember that we are not accepting used books ot this time). UJe would also like to thank Sandy Stolberg for purchas-ing a book ot the JCC Book Fair and donating it to the CNT Library in her children's honor. The Library Committee has been meeting over the post few months to develop plans for our CNT Library reopen-ing, for some cosmetic updates to the room, and for the purchase of books, furni-ture, etc Our goal Is to make our library an at-tractive and useful resource for adults and for the Reli-gious School, Vour patience is re-quested while we work to do it right! SHfiCaurnmae nfekC Library Committee Chairperson FEbRUARy 2000 ?A Special rpiaee ^Belong A U X 1 L 1 / V R 1 E S & m m m H S i s t e r f i o o a X c w s ^ i H H H H To write a Torah is an honor, and a privilege. The last command-ment of The Book of MHzvah, an anthology of the G13 command-ments, states "It is a mitzvah for every Jew to write a Torah scroll." Torat Nashim, meaning "women's torah" is a new project of Women of Reform Judaism: the commis-sioning of a 8efer Torah. At the 65th UAHC/WRJ Biennial I had the privilege of completing that com-mandment. At the WRJ conven-tion the scribe was writing the torah, and for a minimal donation anyone wanting the chance to write in the Torah could. The scribe held your hand and directed you in the motions to write the letters. I wrote a nun for my daughter Megan, and an alef for my son Benjamin. As the scribe writes eacn letter, he must chant a bless-ing. 275,000 letters in all. I think this was one of the biggest high-lights of the convention for me. Some other high points included listening to Dr. Ruth, the Oneg Ohabbat song session with all the cantors, ana the Shabbat 8ervice with over 5000 Jews praying to-ether. I must say being Sister-ood President has some great Perks! The weekend of Jan 14-16* CNT hosted the NTTY Conclave. There were 210 teens that invaded CNT. A Hearty Todah Robah goes out to all that helped sisterhood with the Shabbat dinner and oneg. As always The Party Shop did a great job. Thursday Feb 24*, 7:00pm is our Clinique skin care workshop. Please R8VP to the temple office. March is the month for Rabbi's book review luncheon, please watch your mail for more information. Shalom and thanks for all your support, Sandy m i l mmmmwrnewnoow ///// M00ELNF' QC LCAL8U8BIC O PEN Attention Golfers and Duffers: I have been asked many times, "when is there going to be anoth-er Golf Tournament". That time has come so sign up now for the Men's Club Open Golt Classic which will be held on Sunday, April 2, 20001 THI8 TOURNAMENT IS OPEN TO EVERYONEI It is a "8H0T GUN BE8T BALL TOURNA-MENT" and will start at 8:00am, with check-in at 7:00am. You can make up your own "Four Person Scramble Teams" or we will do it for you. The tournament will be held at the Sun City Summerlin Highland Falls Golf Course. Priz-es will be awarded and a buffet lunch served after the tournament. Buy a Mulligan or two and a "Bag of 8tring" tor those close putts that you just miss! This is a time for fun and an opportunity to get out with friends, business associ-ates, your customers and clients, play some golf and get some new material for those taHstoriesl Men &? woman, good golfers i t duffers alike are welcome! Prizes will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishers and individual priz-es will be awarded for various ac-complishments. The fee for this tournament is $100 per person, which includes the Buffet Lunch. In addition, you and or your com-pany can 8ponsor a Hole for $150 and a billboard will be placed at that hole. All entries must be re-ceived on or before March 17, 2000 in order to make all the nec-essary arrangement for a successful event. If you have any ques-tions, contact 8tephen Joseph at 702-G56-99G3 or Gary Oilman, Vice President of 8ocial activities at 702-360-3211. 8ET UP A TEAM & 8P0N80R A HOLE OR JUST BRING Y0UR8ELF, BUT GET READY TO TEE OFF AND HAVE FUN AND WE'LL 8EE YOU IN THE CLUB HOUSE. DON'T MISS OUT - 8IGN UP NOW 80 WE CAN MAKE THE NECES-SARY RE8ERVATION8 AND BE READY FOR YOU. 8T0P WHAT YOUR DOING AND SEND IN YOUR APPLICATION TO-DAY 111 I want to take this opportunity to thank MIKE MILANO, Men's Club Administrative Vice President, for doing an excellent job the last three months during my recuperation. Individuals like Mike make the Men's Club the successful organi-zation it has become. Stephen Joseph Brotherhood President CONQREQATION NER TAN Id FEbuuARy 2000 Simcha Fair Calling all photographers, caterers, and party planners, and anyone else who mahes a living helping others celebrate that special day! CRT Sisterhood is planning the 3rd annual Simcha Fair, a convention o! sorts lor families planning a simcha. whether it be a Bar/Bat flTifzvah. a wedding or a bris. QJ^W these lamilies will need your help. 31 you would like " to receive information about securing a booth at the Simcha lair, scheduled lor Thursday evening. Hlarch 9th. please call Sandy Stolberg at 228-6263. Anyone who has used an exceptional vendor and thinh they should be included in the Simcha Fair, please let us Know. r o i i r ^pjj t e v i v e >bur 5>Oul Massage Your M i n d Attentf Kallcih The oAuh u (or fnrt '; <*ru<iv anJ ?pintitol c\f\rk <n. \ SI a*m*f>nc>ot PROBETNE EX, HUC'IIR & UAHC PRESENT THE FAMILY STORIES OF TORAH INSIGHTS FOR CONTEMPORARY LIFE A WEEKEND KALLAH RETREAT FOR MEMBERS OF REFORM TEMPLES IN OUR REGION FEATURING TWO SPECTACULAR SCHOLARS OF THE BLBLE Professor Tamara Cohn Eskenazi, HUC-JIR Professor J. William Whedbee, Pomona College plus a staff of Rabbis, Artists, and Musicians SHW\T WEEKEND OF APRIL 2 8 TO 3 0 , 2 0 0 0 O n CAJFORNA CONTACT RABBI JERROLD GOLDSTEIN AT THE UAHC OFFICE: TOLL FREE 8 8 8 / 8 3 4 - 8 2 4 2 E-MAIL JGOLDSTEIN@UAHC.ORG FebRUAHy 2000 c4 (Special rpiuee xJe rBelonq \ 9 Golden Chai Rabbi Akselrad installed our officers who are: President Sandy Pittle Vice-President Carl Pittle Corresponding Secretary Gert Landy Recording Secretary Sidney Garber Treasurer Marty Hirsch We had a Post 2 0 0 0 New Years Party and a novelty orchestra with piano and kazoo accompa-niment. We welcome everyone to our meetings the first and third Thursday of each month at 11:30 am to enjoy our entertainment. We will be going to Mesquite soon. Stop in and get to know us. For more information, please call 655-8603. 8halom, Sandy TittCe Scrip Changes As this New Year came with many chang-es so has it brought us a ma-jor change in our scrip program. Most of you are familiar with the program but, for those who are not allow me to briefly ex-plain. Many stores allow the temple to pur-chase gift certificates at a discount, and then you buy them at face value to use to pay your bill. The temple then profits on the difference, and you get merchandise equal to the money you paid. This works very well since the grocery stores are all involved and we all must eat. In the past the scrip program was all done with paper. You gave the temple cash or a check and we gave you paper gift certifi-cates. This has not always been the easi-est thing for people to participate in since you needed to come to the temple when-ever you needed more. 5ome of the stores are continuing with this. We want to make it easier for you to get the paper certificates. You can now call the office the day before any event place your order and have it available for pick up. This includes the weekday satellite religious school, dinners, meetings, and even until 7:15 PM on Friday before services. Now for some of the changes: Albertsons no longer requires you to buy certificates for the temple to get their donation. All you have to do is swipe the enclosed card whenever you shop at Al-bertsons and the temple gets 5% of your purchase at the end of the quarter. A "win - win" what could be better than this?!! There Is also a program called E-Scrip, I will explain briefly. Several oth-er merchants will donate back to us vari-ous percentages as long as you pay with registered credit cards or debit cards. For Vons you only register your current Vons card and pay any way you like. There is a $10 charge to register annually and the temple will pay it. All you have to do is fill out the enclosed form and return it to the office. What a fantastic deal. It cost us nothing out of pocket and the temple gets much-needed funds for programs and opera-tions. If you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to call Monty at 733 - 6292 during the day or myself at 226 - 6663 evenings. Please enroll today with your help this can raise $20,000 or more annually for our congre-gation. Scott J StolBerg VP Ways & Means JACKIE FLEEKOP, CUT'S DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION, WILL BE A SCHOLAR IN RESIDENCE Jina cRkeies iwdeinllc eb ea tt hBe' nSaic hSohloar- Vlomirg iinni aH uthntiisn gtFoenb, ruWareyst. Bco'nnagir eSghaotiloonm w iisth a5 5s mstaul-l dscehnotso l. in Jtahcekiri e rewliilgli obues wspeeeakkeinndg otfh rFoeubgruhaoruyt 1t8he 2000 about various Jewth-, icsuhs st owpaicyss. thSaht et hwe ilslc hdoios-l lcuamn ,r evaanmd p wthielli r lceuarrdi cua- taetaivceh ere dinu-cseartvioicne oinn ctrhee- ymeeaert 2w0i0th0 . theJ acykoiue thw iilnl tlahtee icnovmolmvuemnietyn t.t oI ns taidmdui-- teixopne, risehnec ews itlhl ast hsahree hthaes hofa d itneatecrhfianigt ht he ccohuipldlreesn. Jhaocnkoire owf idllo ianlsgo thhea vFer idthaye nSiegrhvitc esse.r mon at Shabbat wIne elokoeknidn,g J afockrwiea srtda tteod t"hine ochnae ngwee etkheen dw oIr ldca, nnboutt bpee rhaawpasr eI ocfa nw hhaetl pis tnheecm- ehsigsahreys t tpoo tteenatciahl itno othrdeeirr tvoi abolfef eJre wthisehir Esdtuucdaetinotns ."a CONQREQATION NeR T/KDHid FEbRUARy 2000 ANNUAL SCHOLAR IN RESIDENCE (coNiirwEd fnoM PAQC 1) ularly. There are many more needs in the congregation for other services, and the Committee will explore with Rabbi Address how to develop a vibrant, ever-evolving com-munal response to these needs. Saturday evening, Rabbi Address will discuss issues related to the beginning and ending of life, in a progr