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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Mr* K nick erbocker: #£ January 25, 1933 on account o f r e lo c a tin g more re d a ctio n from the a s s e s s ­ment o f the r a ilr o a d property* which I would like to present t o them, and w hile they may not conernt to low ering i t th ie tauch, y e t we might he able to secure eo^e red u ction from the present assessed valu a­tio n , and i t would g ive us a foundation fo r going b efore the 3oar3 o f E q u a lisa tion in dugast to fig h t fo r s reduc­tio n in our taxes* I have o a tlin e d below the assessed va lu a tion Booming House Present 'Valuation Proposed Valuation Saving in Taxes B uilding Io ta Persons! 184,000 4224*85 Banch 425 Acres 9 {4 0 280 Acres $ fI 15 #17,000 200 A cres # $40 225 A cres ® f 15 280 /o r e s @ #10 fU T m #335.15 #8,000 3,375 £.800 T otal saving Tours very truly oo - Mr. Chas* Adams i w i i M i s ; V ice P residen t and Agent