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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Form 2191 C. S. SYMBOL X C L A S S O F S E R V IC E R E Q U IR E D Px Preferred Immediate delivery Dx Day D elivery during day Nx Night Delivery Time Filed by next morning Indicate Jjper ’tine the class of «efVice required. Do A o t7' specify pretexted service it oth|p,-.^e;rvice .will answer t h e -p u rjS le fa Q ' I = &f A T ' j>;Li L03 Angeles, May 27, 1924* F, H* Khiolrerbociser - Los Angeles, / I* Cahooa - J b s Ang&les- 8 , AeWilliaiaa - Los A n g e le s / 0 . 0 , Barry V*Los Angeles -A# Maguire - Los A n geles/ W, H .sp ettigi*/ - Los Angela9/'-' At twelve noon May 27th, Kosooe Moss Gon^any were f a d i n g t h e ir v & il d r i l l i n g r i g on f l a t car on Las Vegas team traok using th e ir own power to run the o u tfit up skids onto oar* |j Bagine back fir e d s e ttin g apparatus on f i r e * flaty Fire Department o a lle d and extinguished f i r e w ith s lig h t damage to d r i l l i n g o u t fit -/to damage to company property* Joint FEZ, HAW, AM, SC, COB and WHS* C-630, ^ J. p. Carey/.*.. * # M * I * 1 i • 0 • %