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I agree.Loo Angeles - April ?» l?5k m a m Mr, A. a. Stoddard* la your telegram S-'JlO of April 6th, you advised that President Campbell of Las Vegas Valley Water District had furnished you copies of M s letters to me of April 1st and 2nd with attachments. sere different on the original which case to ae than oa the copy *hleh went to Mr* Bennett, In order that you should be fully provided with these documents, 1 am sending you two copies each of *notice Inviting Seeled 1 am also sending you two copies each of a Beport and Analysis prepared by Black: & Veateh, tSonsult-ing Engineers, in Kansas City* Missouri, on the proposed water supply for the Las Vegas District; and also two copies of a similar report prepared by James M, Montgomery, Consulting Engineer, from Pasadena, California, X think these documents should make your fils The attachments to the letter of April Sad Proposals •and “Proposed Official Statement*. complete (Signed) WM. R E IN H A R D T Wm, Beinbardt Enel