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Congressional Record, Volume 132, Number 69, May 21, 1986


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Congressional "Record th proceedings and debates of the 99 congress, second session Vol- 132_WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1986_So. 69 Senate United States of America Mr. HECHT. Mr. President, an adequate supply of safe, potable water is important to our communities. In ' Nevada it can mean the difference between survival and demise of a community or settlement. In many of Nevada's small communities, residents have been drinking the local water untreated for years?certainly long before EPA standards were established. So it bothers me that EPA can 1 essentially close down these communities by declaring their water unsafe? not because of manmade chemicals, but because the waters contain some natural chemical or element. For example, Mr. President, arsenic occurs naturally in drinking water supplies in many parts of the country. In the Western part of the United States, sometimes the only source of drinking water for a community may contain arsenic at levels higher than the curre