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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, July 1, 1992






Includes meeting agenda and minutes with additional information about senate bills.

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uac000721. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OFFICE OF THE SENATE PRESIDENT M I N U T E S S E N A T E M E E T I N G 22-18 W E D N E S D A Y , JULY 1, 1992 BEH 542 5 : 0 0 P.M. C A L L TO ORDER S E N A T E P R E S I D E N T PRO T E M P O R E WILLIE ROMERO called the meeting to orde r at 5:03 p.m. I I . ROLL CALL P R E S E N T A B S E N T S e n a t o r Amend (late) S e n a t o r Houston (excused) S e n a t o r B r o w n S e n a t o r Nalder (excused) S e n a t o r D a v i s S e n a t o r Steck (excused) S e n a t o r F i s c h e r S e n a t o r F i s h e r S e n a t o r H a l l S e n a t o r K i e c k e r S e n a t o r L a g o m a r s i n o S e n a t o r R o m e r o S e n a t o r S e g a l S e n a t o r Y o h e S e n a t o r Y o u n g I I I . APPROVAL OF SENATE M I N U T E S 22-17 M o t i o n to approve by Senator Y o u n g . Seconded by T h e r e were no c o r r e c t i o n s . Motion carried with and Senator Yohe a b s t a i n i n g . S e n a t o r Brown. S e n a t o r Fisher S E N A T E PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE WILLIE ROMERO MOVED OUT OF THE O R D E R OF THE DAY INTO ITEM V, BOARD AND C O M M I T T E E R E P O R T S. V . BOARD AND C O M M I T T E E REPORTS A P P R O P R I A T I O N S BOARD DIRECTOR FINMARK: I have the end of the year budgets for e v e r y o n e (passed out b u d g e t s ) , and every account w i l l be ending with a positive b a l a n c e , which is a good thing. We also have a surplus of $60,000+ which we w e r e n ' t e x p e c t i n g, so that is going to go into the contingency a c c o u n t . [She a n s w e r e d q u e s t i o n s by Senator F i s c h e r. S E N A T E PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE ROMERO MOVED BACK INTO THE ORDER OF THE DAY INTO ITEM IV, A N N O U N C E M E N T S . is out of town by M o n d a y . I s o f t b a l l game, I V . ANNOUNCEMENTS P R E S I D E N T KOSTMAN: Vice P r e s i d e n t Jay Jay Held to handle a family e m e r g e n c y , she will return h a v e challenged SNCC Student Government to a but as yet we have had no r e s p o n s e . S E N A T E P R E S I D E N T PRO TEMPORE ROMERO: I a p o l o g i z e that the new S e n a t o r s do not have C o n s t i t u t i o n s , we don't have any made, and are waiting due to r e v i s i o n s . There will be a Bylaws meeting next W e d n e s d a y , July 8, at 6:00 p.m. in the CSUN Conference N ^ A ^ g / f e V E ^ A s a S '89154/(702) 739-3477 SENATE MINUTES 22-18 page three V . BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS STUDENT SERVICES, BRIAN DEVINE SPOKE FOR DIRECTOR SMITH: We have had some success with ads for the Campus Directory as well as numbers of people signing up. We are doing good with the book exchange. LORI SNYDER, CSUN BUSINESS MANAGER: Director Finmark has given most of my report, but the figures may not be final due to other bills I have no control of (postage and phone bills). [She answered questions by Senator Fisher.] SENATE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE PASSED THE GAVEL TO SENATE PRESIDENT BUD B E N N E M A N , WHO ENTERED THE M E E T I N G . E N T E R T A I N M E N T AND PROGRAMMING DIRECTOR ZENTNER: I have a letter of introduction from Mark Thomson, who I have nominated for the Assistant Directorship position. He has been, and will b e , spending a lot of time in the office with me planning events. We should have almost the entire Fall semester planned by the next Senate m e e t i n g s . [There were no questions.] NEVADA STUDENT AFFAIRS DIRECTOR KENNEDY: There is not much going o n , I am working on the tuition fee policy, and will be giving the Senate a written history of it at a later date. I have revised my Operating Policy, and it will hopefully be up for a p p r o v a l at the next Senate meeting. I will have a proposal for a contract for a lobbyist/consultant soon. [He answered q u e s t i o n s from Senators Fischer and Lagomarsino.] STUDENT CAMPUS SAFETY AWARENESS COMMITTEE CHAIR FISCHER: We are working on projects outside of the committee, and I have spoken with several Senators and Vice President Held about a Student Campus Safety Awareness Course/Lecture to be held on both sides of the campus for safety education. RULES CHAIR FISHER: No report. V I . SENATE COMMITTEE NOMINATIONS A . Approval of Caprice Houston to Bylaws. B . Approval of Hobreigh Fischer to Rules. V I I . EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS A . Approval of Willie Romero to E&P. B . Approval of Willie Romero to A p p r o p r i a t i o n s. C . Approval of Willie Romero to OSI. D . Approval of Mark Lowndes to E&P. E . Approval of Louri Wilson to E&P. F . Approval of Kerry Brown to E&P. G . Approval of Kerry Brown to E l e c t i o n s. H . Approval of Hobreigh Fisher to the Academic Standing Commi t t e e . I . Approval of Rachel Kiecker to the Academic Standing Commi t t e e . SENATE MINUTES 22-18 page three V I I I . UNFINISHED BUSINESS A . Nomination/Approval of Vacant Senate Seats: 1. Business & Economics (2) a . Mamie Howard b. Brian Devine Senator Amend: Are the GPA forms were completed for the two nominees? Senate President Benneman: Mamie Howard and Andy Sabatini have checked out, but Brian Devine's hasn't been completed. Motion to close nominations for the vacant Business & Economics Senate Seats by Senator Amend. Seconded by Senator Fischer. M o t i o n carried 8 - 4 - 0 . [Senators Fisher, L a g o m a r s i n o , Young, and Romero opposed.] Motion to have each candidate speak and answer questions followed by an election by Senator Amend. Seconded by Senator Young. There was much discussion. Senator Fisher: I don't want to have d i s c u s s i o n . In the summer it is easier to have a smaller Senate due to problems with q u o r u m . Also, I want to give the general student population the opportunity to become active in Student Government. The n o m i n a t i o n s are closed, but we can reopen them. I am against this motion. Senator Yohe: I agree with Senator Fisher, as the other Senator from Business & E c o n o m i c s . The entire college population should be given a chance. Senator Fischer: POINT OF INQUIRY: Since the motion was for an election, does unanimous acclamation apply or do we chose one over the other? What I'm trying to say is, will we fill both seats? Senate President Pro Tempore Romero: We would fill both seats. Senator Hall: When is the next election? Senate President Benneman: The next election are the first two weeks in October. We have not had the opportunity to a d v e r t i s e , as the Rebel Yell has not been printed this summer as of yet, and won't run until sometime this month. Senator Brown: I don't understand why putting the two nominees on the Senate would not be beneficial now. We'd have two Senators with experience when the fall semester starts. Senator Amend: We have two very qualified people, and there is only a month or so to learn. I say we fill the position now and have two Senators who can do something. POINT OF INFORMATION by Senate President Benneman: The new Senate will be installed on August 5th, and once a week beginning S e p t e m b e r . Senator Amend: I say we fill the seats now. Senator Fisher: There is some confusion here. I am not against the two nominees personally. The point is, quorum is difficult to reach in the summer even with smaller numbers of Senators. The Senate represents ALL students, so ALL students should get SENATE MINUTES 22-18 page three V I I I . UNFINISHED B U S I N E S S , CONTINUED Senator Fisher: a fair chance to participate. I am not concerned with filling the seats, they always get filled, but students should know that the seats are open. By filling the seats over the summer, the rest of the student body doesn't get a fair chance to be active. We aren't hurting the Senate or the Student Body by leaving the seats open for the summer. If no one else in school but a select few get into the Senate, it isn't fair for the incoming students or others who want to get involved. M o t i o n to reopen the Business & Economics Senate Seat nominations by Senator Fischer. POINT OF INFORMATION by Senate President Benneman: There is already a motion on the table, so Senator Fischer's motion is out of order. Senator Fischer: By closing the nominations, we have to a u t o m a t i c a l l y accept both of these nominees. Senator Fisher had some good points, and now I am against the motion. Senator Yohe: I agree with Senator Fisher. There seems to be a small number of people who fill and reshuffle positions among themselves. This is not personal, but we should give other people a chance, students who are not directly involved. Senator Hall: The comments about quorum are i r r e l e v a n t. Senator Amend: Concerning reshuffling, Mamie Howard has never been a Senator. By parliamentary procedure, there was vote to allow Senator Yohe to speak a g a i n . Motion carried 6 - 5 - 1 . Senator Yohe: We are not discussing the c a n d i d a t e s . The problem is that we want to be fair, and to get others involved. We should give others a fair opportunity to get involved. Motion failed 5 - 6 - 1 . Senator Young: Are nominations closed? Senate President Benneman: Motions are closed at this time, but can be re-opened at a later date. 2 . Student Development NO ACTION TAKEN. 3 . Hotel Administratio n (2) SENATOR FISCHER nominated ANDY SABATINI for a vacant Hotel A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Senate Seat. 4 . Fine, Performing Arts NO ACTION TAKEN. SENATE MINUTES 22-18 page three I X . NEW BUSINESS A . Approval of Senate Committee N o m i n a t i o n s. M o t i o n to approve Senate Committee Nominations as a whole by Senate President Pro Tempore Romero. Seconded by Senator Fisher. M o t i o n to divide the question by Senator Yohe. Motion failed 1 - 10 - 1 . Motion carried by voice vote with Senator Fischer abstaining. B . Approval of Executive Board N o m i n a t i o n s. Motion to approve items A, B, C, F, G, H, and I as a whole by Senator Fisher. Seconded by Senator Fischer. There was d i s c u s s i o n . Senator Young: Why? Senator Fisher: The Senate knows the Senators up for approval, but most of us don't know Mark Lowndes or Louri W i l s o n . Also, it is customary for those up for approval to come to the Senate for i n t r o d u c t i o n. Motion carried by voice vote with Senator Yohe opposed and S e n a t o r s Romero and Fischer a b s t a i n i n g. Motion to approve item D by Senator Romero. Seconded by Senator F i s c h e r . There was discussion. Senate President Pro Tempore Romero: Through the Chair, is Mark Lowndes present? Senate President Benneman: No, he is not. Senator Fisher: I yield the floor to Director Zentner to speak on her nominees. Director Zentner: Mark Lowndes came in and spoke to me p e r s o n a l l y , and is really excited about E&P. He has given me a list of ideas, and he has a different point of view, a view which I would like on my board. He is interested the e n v i r o n m e n t a l side of issues, and would be here today, but is in South America on a student tour. I know he would be here 100% of the time to support any events E&P does. Senator Fisher: You seem to have hesitation in your voice when you speak about Mark Lowndes. Director Zentner: He ran for Senate in the last election, and I like him as a person and I like the fact that he has a totally d i f f e r e n t viewpoint, but some people have said that he is strange . Senator Fisher: Will this "different viewpoint" cause a d i s r u p t i o n on the Board? Director Zentner: Not at all, because he accepts other's views w i t h o u t agreeing with them. I want different views, a fully rounded Board, not just one focus. Senator Fisher: What college is he from? Director Zentner: Liberal Arts. Senate President Pro Tempore Romero: Through the Chair to Director Z e n t n e r , when will he be back? S E N A T E M I N U T E S 22-18 6 page six V I I I . NEW B U S I N E S S , C O N T I N U ED D i r e c t o r Zentner: He will be back around the first of A u g u s t, but I don't have exact d a t e s . S e n a t e President Pro Tempore Romero: In the past it has been c u s t o m a r y that the Senate meet the nominees f i r s t . Would it a f f e c t anything if we wait to approve it? D i r e c t o r Z e n t n e r : No, it w o u l d n ' t be a p r o b l e m . S e n a t o r Young: I know him, and he is really c r e a t i v e , very i n t e l l i g e n t . Also, he follows through on what he says he will do . S e n a t o r Yohe: I think we should wait until the next m e e t i n g, and I don't see any problem with o p p o s i n g v i e w p o i n t s. M o t i o n to postpone until the next Senate m e e t i n g . Seconded by Senator L a g o m a r s i n o . Motion carried by voice vote with S e n a t o r s Hall and Segal a b s t a i n i n g . M o t i o n to approve item E by Senate P r e s i d e n t Pro T e m p o r e R o m e r o. S e c o n d e d by Senator F i s c h e r . There was d i s c u s s i o n. M o t i o n to postpone by Senator L a g o m a r s i n o . Seconded by Senator F i s h e r . Motion carried by voice vote. C . Introduction of Senate Bill 22-11. M o t i o n to refer to the Bylaws Committee by S e c o n d e d by Senator Fischer. Motion carried D . Introduction of Senate Bill 22-12. M o t i o n to refer to the Bylaws Committee by S e c o n d e d by Senate President Pro Temp o r e R o m e r o . n u n u n i_aiij_t;u by voice vote with Senator Yohe a b s t a i n i n g. E . Approval of Senate Bill 22-08. M o t i o n to approve by Senate President Pro Tempore Romero. S e c o n d e d by Senator F i s h e r . There was d i s c u s s i o n. S e n a t e President Pro Tempore Romero: It is just an addition to the statutes which makes the a t t e n d a n c e policy for all boards and committees uniform. Motion carried by voice vote with S e n a t o r Yohe o p p o s i n g . F . Approval of Senate Bill 22-09. M o t i o n to approve by Senator Fischer. Seconded by Senator F i s h e r . Motion carried by voice vote with Senator Yohe a b s t a i n i n g . G . Approval of Senate Bill 22-10. M o t i o n to approve by Senator Fischer. Seconded by Senate P r e s i d e n t Pro T e m p o r e R o m e r o . There was d i s c u s s i o n. S e n a t o r Yohe: We had a SHAC c o m m i t t e e , but not in b y l a w . What has SHAC done in the past? S e n a t o r Fisher, by voice vote. S e n a t o r Fisher. Mnt i n n r*ar-r*-ioH SENATE MINUTES 22-18 page three V I I I . NEW B U S I N E S S , C O N T I N U E D. Senate President Pro Tempore Romero: It was formerly known as SHAC, but there was no bylaw to ensure that it would continue. They do a lot of good things, and have some very successful events such as Health Awareness Day, Handicap Awareness Day, and educational programs concerning any and all health related issues (i.e. AIDS, Student Health Insurance, etc.) Also, the they assist in hiring the employees at the Student Health Center. Motion carried by voice vote with Senator Yohe opposing and Senator Fisher abstaining. H . Approval of $4582.30 out of the 908 account for printing costs for the Sexual Exploitation Handbook. M o t i o n to approve by Senator Hall. Seconded by Senator Amend. There was much discussion. Motion to table by Senator Yohe. There was no second. Motion dies . Senator Fisher: Through, tJie Chair t,o President Kostman, I saw trie note ancT stuff, a%d T want to Know wno is asking ana now the money is to be d i s t r i b u t e d. P r e s i d e n t Kostman: Liz Baldizan is asking for the money, and the actual amount will be 20,000 copies for undergraduate s t u d e n t s which will be dispersed through the Organizations B o a r d , the Student Health Center, CSUN, and all the Senators. Eighty to ninety (80-90%) of the handbooks will be distributed through CSUN affiliations, such as Organization rosters. It came to us as we have funded it before, and the price is great- 43£ a copy. This book can be a crucial tool in explaining about various forms of harassment and rapes, as well as providing n u m b e r s for hotlines and c o u n s e l i n g. Senator Fisher: We are not paying the entire printing costs. P r e s i d e n t Kostman: The Committee is all voluntary, and v o l u n t e e r s from all over campus joined together for the task force to update the handbook. The are just asking for funding to enable them to distribute it to s t u d e n t s . I know that 20,000 h a n d b o o k s are a lot, but the price is r e a s o n a b l e , and it will be available for all students. Senator Yohe: I will be voting against it, as I have never seen the updated copy. POINT OF ORDER: Senator Yohe has already spoken once. Senator Lagomarsino: I agree with Senator Fisher, these are t r e m e n d o u s l y helpful. But there are less than 20,000 students, and not all of the students are in o r g a n i z a t i o n s . I think we need to scale it down. Senator Amend: Through the Chair, can we keep down the numbers? P r e s i d e n t Kostman: Basically, the lower the number, the higher the price. 20,000 is the best possible break. If we go below a certain number, we double the cost. These are for all u n i v e r s i t y population, but mainly to undergraduates. People SENATE MINUTES 22-18 8 I X . NEW B U S I N E S S , CONTINUED need to know the information that is in the handbooks. RHA has done a rape survey, and there are quite a few incidences in the dorms and this booklet can help. It can be distributed through SHC, orientation, and through Senate speeches. If we table this item, this monumental project, if we wait, we won't have it for the students until the middle of the fall semester. Senator Amend: Have they tried to ask the graduate students of classified for the money? This is a lot of money. P r e s i d e n t Kostman: This is NOT a lot of money. For 43<£ a copy in the REAL WORLD is i m p o s s i b l e. Senate President Pro Tempore Romero: Through the Chair to P r e s i d e n t Kostman, I don't understand why didn't the Executive Board just fund the money through their summer funding ability? P r e s i d e n t Kostman: It was important to bring this to the Senate as it is an essential topic. You needed to know that the money for this has been allocated through last years budget, not this y e a r s , and that it is solely from the OSI account. Senator Young: Joel said e v e r y t h i n g . It's a great price, the d i s t r i b u t i o n can be done fast, and can be passed out at o r i e n t a t i o n . There are a lot, but they will be distributed. If there are extras, so be it. We can use them next year. I would rather that there be too many than not enough. I am c o n t e n t , the first was a great model, and as long as it not w o r s e , I am s a t i s f i e d. Senator Brown: Think if we only distribute half of the 20,000. Even if we help two people, it is worth the money for helping to inform others and to have others seek help. Senator Fischer: If we don't distribute them all, then it will be good for years to come. It won't affect future budgets, and it would be wise to get this number of books, but do we have the storage space? P r e s i d e n t Kostman: If there are extras, you can tell the s t u d e n t s in their speeches, as it is up to all of us to dispense the books. Senator Fischer: So we save money in the long run. Senator Davis: The cost of this is nothing if it prevents one i n c i d e n t , the price is n o t h i n g . Senator Hall: I yield the floor to President Kostman. P r e s i d e n t Kostman: Clayton stated an excellent point. Just r e c e n t l y , Mike Kennedy and I were involved in the apprehension of someone who was exposing himself to females on campus. We now have two female students who have problems walking on campus. Think how they felt, they didn't know what to do, and if we hadn't been there, that situation wouldn't have been stopped. If we prevent one thing, if we help one person, then the cost is nothing!!! It is a valuable tool, and sets a good example. Senator Yohe: To approve something that I have never seen, there are eight pages new that we have never seen, what if the i n f o r m a t i o n is incorrect? P r e s i d e n t Kostman: First, the book is 18 pages now. Second the Health Center and the whole committee have far greater SENATE MINUTES 22-18 9 I X . NEW B U S I N E S S , C O N T I N U E D. k n o w l e d g e than we do, and the professionals prepared the facts. For you to say this is ludicrous and a s i n i n e . This is all fact. Everything is pertinent and factual, and every year it keeps being pertinent. Senator Yohe: First of all, we don't know these people, and if you look at textbooks, which are prepared by professionals, they are not at all factual. Senator Fisher: There is a misunderstanding here. I am not at all concerned about funding issues, or how money is being s p e n t , but how and where is the booklet going to be distributed? Maybe they might go to Dr. Ackerman for discretionary funds like they did for the mailers. I wanted discussion on those i s s u e s . There was no question about funding. I am actually willing to put faith in our professionals who print this. It is the best we have, and yes, there could be a lot of inaccuracy, but we are not qualified on the stuff to say so. I am in favor of it . Senator Hall: It seems that the problem is with people being e x c e s s i v e l y uninformed and i g n o r a n t . We have to have good faith. P r e s i d e n t Kostman: It is just being republished with updated i n f o r m a t i o n . Senator Hall: It is absolutely necessary, and it is not a lot of money if we help one person. Senate President Pro Tempore Romero: I am in favor of all the stuff brought up, I saw the item, I looked into it, and the entire Senate had three days notice to do the same. You know ahead of time, so go yourself and look. Senator Fisher: Call for the question. Seconded by Senator F i s h e r . Motion carried unanimously. M o t i o n carried by voice vote with Senator Yohe opposing. enator Brown: I don't think this should have warranted this much discussion. The credits in back of the handbook are...if I can't trust these people, why are they here to teach and act? If anything is wrong there would be so much flack!!! Senator Young: For the meeting next month, think about Mamie and Brian, they are two good people and they are not part of any clique. It will be good to get more people on the Senate. Senator Segal: It is my first time on the senate, and I think people should take the time to be informed, the handbook was a pretty basic item. Senator Hall: I think that each Senator is responsible for checking the issues. We have three days notice, and we should not drag out the m e e t i n g s. Senator Amend: No comments. Senator Fisher: I'm glad you saw my way on the elections, as I didn't this I stood a chance in Hell. I still don't have a problem with the candidates, I hope the people voted this way for the right r e a s o n s . Did Crystal resign? Senate President Benneman: Yes, she did. SENATE MINUTES 22-18 10 X OPEN D I S C U S S I O N , CONTINUED Senator Lagomarsino: I agree that the positions should be open and be publicly known and available and at least advertised in the Yell to the Student Body. Senator Davis: No comments. Senator Kiecker: I apologize for being so quiet but I was paying a t t e n t i o n to the m e e t i n g . Senator Fischer: Senator Scott Fisher was in really good form t o d a y , I am i m p r e s s e d , he had good things to say. I don't under-stand the questions about the handbook, it is just a revision. I can see a question about the size of the order, but it does save money. Senator Yohe: First, the election was not personal, but I voted a g a i n s t it due to lack of fairness and choice. The booklet, I don't have much credence in the Student Health Center. The "Safe Sex" packet is a joke, have you seen the description of "unsafe" sex in it? This "water sports" is it skiing, or what, I mean I figure urinating on someone is pretty unsafe no matter what you do. I do not approve this type of stuff, and I won't a p p r o v e things I haven't seen. P r e s i d e n t Kostman: Definitely stop by and see the handbook, it is your duty as Senators to do so. As far as "golden showers" are c o n c e r n e d , the booklet doesn't talk about it, it talks about R A P E . The disbursement of books is your responsibility and m i n e . Go to the Organizations Board, your classes, etc. You have to do it too. I hope you have a good summer. Senate President Pro Tempore Romero: First of all the e l e c t i o n, c o n c e r n i n g the vacant seats, I like the two individuals but I feel very uncomfortable voting them in without letting the student body know. I am glad we decided to wait until the next m e e t i n g . I apologize to the n o m i n e e s , but I glad we are w a i t i n g . The C o n s t i t u t i o n , I read mine and did Senate Bill 22-11. It is lengthy, but good. The next Bylaws meeting will be next W e d n e s d a y at 6 p.m. Bring your packet, and read it before the m e e t i n g . All Senators are i n v i t e d . Welcome Senate P r e s i d e n t. Senate President Benneman: Thank you for the w e l c o m e . We have a lot of open committees, and we definitely need two people for the Parking and Traffic Committee as they will be bringing up the parking fee again next year. IAC needs people, that is the committee that allocates the seats to the sporting events. See meet to get on these c o m m i t t e e s. Senate President Pro Tempore Romero: Just a r e m i n d e r , see Becky to update the phone list. Senate President Benneman: Vice President Held is working on the Director evaluations according to her Bylaws. I apologize for being late, but I had an inspector due at my shop at 1 p.m. who showed up at 4 p.m. X I . ADJOURNMENT Senate President Benneman adjourned the meeting at 6:30 p.m. A G E N D A S E N A T E M E E T I N G 22-18 W E D N E S D A Y , JULY 1, 1992 BEH 542 5:00 P.M. I . CALL TO ORDER I I . ROLL CALL I I I . APPROVAL OF SENATE M I N U T E S 22-17 I V . ANNOUNCEMENTS V . BOARD AND C O M M I T T E E REPORTS V I . SENATE C O M M I T T E E N O M I N A T I O NS C a p r i c e Houston to B y l a w s . H o b r e i g h Fischer to R u l e s . V I I . EXECUTIVE BOARD N O M I N A T I O NS W i l l i e Romero to E&P. W i l l i e Romero to A p p r o p r i a t i o n s . W i l l i e Romero to OSI. M a r k L o w n d e s to E&P. L o u r i Wilson to E&P. K e r r y Brown to E&P. Kerry Brown to E l e c t i o n s . H o b r e i g h Fisher to the A . A p p r o v a l of B . A p p r o v a l of E X E C U T I V E BOARD A . A p p r o v a l of B . A p p r o v a l of C . A p p r o v a l of D . A p p r o v a l of E . A p p r o v a l of F . A p p r o v a l of G . A p p r o v a l of H . A p p r o v a l of C o m m i t t e e I . A p p r o v a l of C o m m i t t e e R a c h e l Kiecker A c a d e m i c to the Academic S t a n d a r d Stand<s-f4& V I I I . UNFINISHED BUSINESS N o m i n a t i o n / A p p r o v a l of Vacant Senate Seats: 1 . Bu s i n e a . Ma b . Br 2 . St uden 3 . Ho tel 4 . Fi ne , & Ec on omic is still open.*"* I X . NEW BUSINESS A . Approval of Senate C o m m i t t e e N o m i n a t i o n s. * * * S e n a t e Committee Chairs Romero and Fisher have requested a p p r o v a l of items A and B of Senate Committee nominations.*-** B . Approval of E x e c u t i v e Board N o m i n a t i o n s. *-"-*Directors Zentner, Finmark, and Bunin, and the Executive Board request approval of the items in Executive Board N o m i n a t i o n s . * * * UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS. NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OFFICE OF THE SENATE PRESIDENT S E N A T E AGENDA 22-18 page 2 I X . NEW BUSINESS C . Introduction of Senate Bill 22-11. * * * B y l a w s Chair Romero requests that this item be referred to the Bylaws C o m m i t t e e . * ** D . Introduction of Senate Bill 22-12. ^""'Senate President Bud Benneman requests that this item be r e f e r r e d to the Bylaws C o m m i t t e e . * ** E . Approval of Senate Bill 22-08. * * * B y l a w s Chair Romero r e q u e s t s a p p r o v a l of this F . Approval of Senate Bill 22-09. * * * B y l a w s Chair Romero r e q u e s t s a p p r o v a l of this item.*** G . Approval of Senate Bill 22-10. * * * B y l a w s Chair Romero r e q u e s t s a p p r o v a l of this item.*** H . Approval of $ 4 5 8 2 . 3 0 out of the 908 a c c o u n t for p r i n t i n g costs for the Sexual Exploitation Handbook. * * * P r e s i d e n t Kostman r e q u e s t s a p p r o v a l of this item.*** X . OPEN DISCUSSION X I . ADJOURNMENT P o s t e d in a c c o r d a n c e with Nevada Open M e e t i n g Law in: MSU 160, BEH 1st f l o o r , FDH 1st f l o o r , and WRI 1st floor. B B / b j s UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS. NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3477 SENATE BILL 08 OF THE 22ND SESSION S p o n s o r : Senator Willie Romero S u m m a r y : Creation of CSUNRS to establish a t t e n d a n c e policy for committee members. Items underlines are to be added. Items in brackets are to be deleted. W E , THE CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, R E P R E S E N T E D IN THE CSUN SENATE, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: 205.00 BOARD DIRECTOR, COMMITTEE CHAIR^_ [AND] DEPARTMENT H E A D , AND MEMBER REPORT AND ATTENDANCE 205.14 For all purposes not otherwise defined, three (3) unexcused absences shall constitute removal from the Board or C o m m i t t e e. This act shall be effective upon passage and a p p r o v a l. Items that are underlined are to be added. Items in brackets are to be deleted. SENATE BYLAW 29 SENATE SECRETARY (Effective October 20, 1988; Revised March 4, 1992) I. JOB DESCRIPTION A . The Senate Secretary shall maintain all Senate records i n c l u d i n g , but not limited to: 1 . Minutes of the Senate Meeting to be typed and submitted to the Senate President within seventy-two (72) hours. 2. Maintenance of Senate attendance roll call. 3 . Maintenance of the CSUN Board and Committees m e m b e r s h i p lists. 4 . Correspondence that pertains to Senate business. 5 . Posting of all Senate agendas in compliance with the Nevada Open Meeting Law. [B. In the absence of the CSUN Secretary, the Senate Secretary shall perform those duties that do not conflict with official Senate business.] [ C . J B ^ The Senate Secretary shall perform any duties as assigned [by the Senate.] that pertains to Senate b u s i n e s s . C . The Senate Secretary shall perform any duties as assigned by the following CSUN officials in order of priority. 1 . The Senate President 2. The Senate President Pro Tempore 3 . The Senate Committee Chairs 4 . Senators A . The Senate Secretary's supervisor shall be the Senate P r e s i d e n t . In the absence of the Senate President, the Senate President Pro Tempore shall be supervisor. [B. The Senate Secretary shall submit to the Senate Presi-dent at the beginning of each semester a schedule of office hours that will be m a i n t a i n e d . The Senate P r e s i d e n t will then inform the Senate.] [C.]B. The Senate Secretary shall be a CSUN member in good s t a n d i n g . [D.]C. The Senate Secretary shall submit a schedule of office hours to the Senate President at the beginning of each semester for approval. The Senate President shall notify the Senate of those hours and post them in the CSUN offices. [E.] D_;_ Removal of the Senate Secretary requires a two-thirds (2/3's) vote of the Senate. I I I . REMUNERATION A . The Senate President shall recommend remuneration of the Senate Secretary to the Senate for approval. B . Remuneration may include, but is not limited to: 1 . Hourly wage 2. [Six (6) c] Credit course fee waiver(s) [3. Not to exceed $6.00 an hour.] C . The Senate Secretary shall be paid from the 900 account . S E N A T E BILL 22-09 p a g e two I I . SELECTION AND S U P E R V I S ON A . The Senate S e c r e t a r y ' s supervisor shall be the Senate P r e s i d e n t . In the absence of the Senate P r e s i d e n t, the Senate President Pro Tempore shall be s u p e r v i s o r . [ B . The Senate Secretary shall submit to the Senate Presi-dent at the beginning of each semester a schedule of office hou