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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, March 1993



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    Congregation Ner Tamid & Sanford D. Akselrad: Rabbi March 1993/Adar-Nisan 5753 Bella Feldman: Cantorial Soloist Jeanne Schomaker: Principal Garianne Farrish: Bulletin Editor Schedule Of Services Congregation Ner Tamid will hold its annual Cal Lewis: President Robyn Galbraith: Administrator Julie Gruber: Preschool Director Community Seder on April 5, 1993. This year Rabbi Sanford Akselrad and Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman will lead the traditional Seder at the Desert Inn Country Club. The Seder will be held in the Terrace Room at 6:00 p.m. Chairperson, Phyllis Mark, says the food will be delicious and plenty. The Seder menu includes the traditional seder plate, matzah, wine, and juice for the children. This will be followed by gefilte fish, matzah ball soup, roasted chicken, brisket, kishke, potato kugel, and tzimmes. If you still have room, you can indulge in dessert, coffee, and tea. The Seder is open to the community. The cost to members of Congregation Ner Tamid is $35.00 for adults and $15.00 for children under 12. The charge to non-members is $40.00. Reservations must be made by March 26, 1993. Checks should be made out and mailed to Congregation Ner Tamid, 2761 Emerson Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89121. For more information, please call the Temple office at 733-6292. Our wishes to all for a very happy Passover! More on Passover, Page 3, 5, and 7. Conducted by Sanford D. Akselrad, Rabbi Bella Feldman, Cantorial Soloist * Friday. March 5th 6:00 p.m. 3rd Grade Shabbat Dinner 7:30 p.m. Purim Family Service Junior Choir Participating Oneg sponsored by the 3rd Grade Families *Fridav. March 12th 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Services Babynaming of Sarah May Boruszak Oneg sponsored by the Boruszak Family Noted Author to SpeaU at Congregation Ner Tamid Congregation Ner Tamid is pleased to invite you to hear a remarkable speaker on Tuesday, March 16th, at 7:00 p.m. Alicia Appleman-Jurman is a noted Holocaust survivor, author, and nationally acclaimed speaker. She will share her incredible story of survival with us. Her book, Alicia: My Story, received the Christopher Award for Literature in 1989 and was reviewed by the New York Times as the story of a life "profoundly observed . . . remarkably lived . . . (filled with) ferocious bravery." Hers is a thrilling memoir of true life heroism, a thirteen-year-old girl in Poland during the Nazi regime who, despite the loss of all of her family, managed to maintain her faith in humanity and her will to live and to save others. Members of TNT, NTTY, and their parents will be attending. The other Jewish youth groups in the community have also been invited. To hear Alicia is to be inspired by the important truth that one person did make a difference and is still making a difference to the thousands of people she reaches each year by her presentations and autobiography. Come to this special evening and bring your friends. You will be glad you did. -Eileen Kollins Friday. March 19th 7:30 p.m. Hadassah Shabbat Adult Choir Participating Oneg Sponsored by Hadassah *Friday, March 26th 7:30 p.m. Golden Chai Shabbat Oneg sponsored by Golden Chai Saturday, March 27th 10 a.m. Tot Shabbat ?Babysitting available in Rm. 5^ 2 Congregation Ner Tamid ? Temple Board Cal Lewis President Gerry Gordon V.P. Administration Jay Poster V.P. Ways & Means Dyane Kohnen V.P. Membership Alan Mann V.P. Religious Activities Denise Schnitzer V.P. Education Sheldon Rosenberg Treasurer Janis Rounds Recording Secretary Paul Cohen Trustee Lois Doctors Trustee Roger Ewan Trustee Dotty Gross Trustee Debbie Levy Trustee Jerry Polis Trustee Scott Schreiber Trustee Bob Unger Trustee Ron Worth Trustee Rita Malkin Sisterhood Steve Joseph Brotherhood Ronae Fink Golden Chai Andy Gratz NTTY Eileen Koliins Past President Kenneth Schnitzer Past President Dr. David Wasserman Past President Dr. Steve Koliins Past President Michael Cherry Past President Leo A. Wilner Advisor Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Ex Oficio Rabbi's Message The fun and frivolity of Adar's major holiday, Purim, belies the significance of its message. Behind the masks, behind the noise, behind all of the silliness of this wonderful masquarade, is a message which must not be forgotten: In every age there are Hamans?bigots, tyrants, dictators?of every race and creed- in every country and in every civilization- that seek to wage war not just against Jews, but against humanity. Sometimes I think that Purim has been relegated to the realm of a "children's holiday" because its message is too much to bear. A part of us would rather turn aside and hope and pray, and perhaps simply "believe" that such ultimate evil isn't possible. But the message of Purim is that prejudice, and especially anti-semitism do indeed endure. In the February 15th issue of Time magazine there appeared an article entitled, "Halls of Hate." The article described the opening of an extraordinary new museum in Los Angeles, the Beit Hashoah?Museum of Tolerance, built by the Simon Wiesenthal Center. The museum seeks not only to educate visitors about the Holocaust and other genocides, but to provide interactive technology which forces visitors to become active participants in making moral decisions. I have not yet paid a visit to this new museum, but from what I have read, it sounds like it is an extremely important contribution to Holocaust education. By the way, the title story of that Time magazine was "What is Love?" This irony made me recall a comment once made by Elie Wiesel, "The opposite of Love is not Hate, it is Indifference." Purim is one holiday that stands as a perpetual reminder that each and every generation must not take our faith and freedom for granted. B'Shalom Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi President's Message [p czz czzi czzi czzi cm [=3 cm cm cm cpj Another month has flown by and now we are welcoming our spring activities. The school and Jeanne Schomaker have been very busy planning the Purim Carnival. Costumes, activities, and food will all be part of the festivities. This is the major fundraiser for the school to provide the extras that enhance the regular education of our children. Be sure to mark your calendars for March 7th so that we all can show the support that Jeanne and the school deserve. We all need to be making plans for Passover. The Temple is having its annual Passover Seder at the Desert Inn Hotel again this year. Last year was the best and this year should be equally good. The food was good and plentiful, the service was warm and friendly and everyone had only good things to say about it. Phyllis Mark tells me she has held the prices down and it will be the same as last year. Reservations must be in the office by March 26?right around the corner. Check the bulletin for more information or call the Temple office. I need to make special note of the musical evening that we had on February 5th, 1993. This special event came about through the dedication and hard work of Bella, Jay Poster, Lillian Kollar, and the choir. But the evening never would have occurred without the love of music that Hortense and her late, beloved husband, Sam Alper, have and their dedication to the steady improvement of what we have to offer at Congregation Ner Tamid. The choir has always been the special 'baby' of the Alper family and owes its existance to Hortense and Sam. Now we have the beautiful piano that enhances everything that Bella and the choir do. We all owe a debt of gratitude to Hortense, who lovingly gave us this beautiful instrument in memory of Sam Alper. I will close with my usual? participate! There are so many ways to become involved-join an auxiliary such as Sisterhood or Brotherhood, volunteer to help on an event, come to a board meeting. For those who don't know, board meetings are open to the Congregation and are held on the second Tuesday evening of the month. Shalom, Cal 0 D Q Passover is coming April 5th! jj 0 D d Get your order in now to the 0 D Gift Shop. D 0 0 0 Do you need 0 0 Haggadahs? D 1 Seder plates? !j d Matzah coven? 0 0 Matzah plates? 0 Kiddush cups? 0 See us Sundays between 9:15 [ 1 and 12:15 or leave your [! d order in the office. 0 D 0 Qd CZZ) czzi czzi czzi czzi CZZI CZZ] tzzi (ZZI cQ? Congregation Ner Tamid 3 ^ Attention B'nai Mitzvah Parents 1003-04! The Rabbi will once again host his annual parents meeting to be held on Tuesday, March 23, at 7:00 p.m., in the Temple Social Hall. This is a mandatory meeting for all 1994 B'nai Mitzvah students and their parents (and all 1993 parents and students who missed last year's meeting). All B'nai Mitzvah materials will be handed out and the Temple Administrator will be on hand to discuss the various fees and use of the Temple facility. If your son or daughter is planning on having a Bar or Bat Mitzvah in 1994 and you have not received a letter of date confirmation from the Rabbi, please call Judy, the Rabbi's secretary, as soon as possible. Purim Family Services March 5th! Come one, come all to Purim Family Services on March 5th at 7:30 p.m.! Rabbi Akselrad, Bella Feldman, and the Junior Choir will be presenting the program for a wonderful evening with the entire family. As is traditional, Rabbi Akselrad will retell the story of Purim and read from the Meillah. There will also be a costume parade and everyone is encouraged to come in their silliest, most fanciful Purim attire. You will not want to miss this special service! A. J* 2 J)orit diinh the Punim CannivaL ' ^ &u.n.day_. cfiarich Uhl \ Festival of Springtime, Festival of Freedom-Passover is one of the most popular of Jewish holidays. Everything feels fresh; everything feels different. Everyone wears new clothes and there is an atmosphere of joyous new life and possibility. For the Seder, the home celebration of the Exodus from Egypt and freedom from slavery, Jews of all kinds and shades of belief come together. Families reunite around the Seder table, yet the door is also open for the visitor, the stranger who has no home. The ritual foods are arranged on the Seder plate in front of the place of the person leading the service. First, there are the three matzot covered with a fine cloth; near the right hand is the grilled shankbone symbolizing the paschal lamb of the Temple sacrifice. Toward the left side is a hardboiled egg, variously interpreted as the Temple offering, hors d'oeuvre of a Roman meal, symbol alternatively of new life in spring or of mourning for the destruction of the Temple, and above all representing the inuredness to the suffering of the Jewish people. The bitter herbs, usually consisting of horseradish over which a blessing is said, and a ground version of bitter herbs to be eaten with matzot in a kind assovar of sandwich, are placed in the center. The karpas (usually greens, parsley or celery, to dip into the salt water) is found next to the egg. The charoset, a mix of chopped apple, nuts, cinnamon, honey and wine, used to mitigate the taste of the bitter herbs, belongs alongside the shank bone. In shape and texture, the charoset represents the mortar and brick with which the enslaved Israelites built the store-cities of Egypt. On Passover, even the poor must drink at least four cups of wine. These are symbolic of the four acts of God leading to ultimate redemption (Exodus 6:6-7): "I will bring out. . . deliver. . . redeem. . . take. ..." The rabbis debated about whether it was necessary to drink a fifth cup of wine to signify the fifth expression of redemption mentioned in this text: "And I will lead you into the Land." The solution they arrived at was that a special cup should be set aside for the Prophet, Elijah, who will usher in the redemption at the end of days. Elijah's glass presides at every Passover table. -Excerpts from Jewish Folk Art by Joy Ungerleider- Mayerson PASSOVER PLATE (Poland) AND MATZAH PERFORATOR (Holland) A garland of flowers surrounds two fish (possibly carp) with leaves in their mouths. The plate is labeled Chag Ha-Malzot, ?The festival of Matzot."? 4 ? Cantor's Comer What a fabulous turnout we had to our Chassidic service in celebration of Jewish Music Season! We had over three hundred people here for services! The Temple was filled to its capacity, we even ran out of prayer books. One of the highlights of the evening was the presentation of a beautiful plaque to Hortense Alper in recognition of her donation of a Steinway piano in memory of her beloved Sam. Everyone enjoyed the Chassidic melodies and Jay Poster's clarinet playing added that extra special touch. Many thanks to the Choir, Lillian, Ten, and Jay for all their hard work and talent. Planning has already begun for next year's Jewish Music Celebration, you won't want to miss it! Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman, Hortense Alper, and Rabbi Akselrad This month we had a special guest come to school for Tu B'Shvat. Hester Katzman shared her talent and held two story telling assemblies. We combined music with the stories and the children really enjoyed Tu B'Shvat in a new way. Thank you Hester for sharing your stories with us. Just a reminder to all Junior Choir parents, there are NO rehearsals during the month of MARCH. We will resume rehearsals after Spring break on APRIL 25. Shalom, Bella New Phone Numbers The Religious School has its own number. Please call 369-8633 if you wish to speak directly to Jeanne Schomaker or anyone in the Religious School. The new fax number is 733-8553. Please make a note of this. VISIONS "THIS TEAR IN ISRAEL" Ken Schnitzer of Your Travel Place is calling a meeting for all of you interested in going on the Congregation Ner Tamid trip to Israel, June 6 - 18, 1993, on Tuesday, March 30, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. at the Temple. The tour company will be available to answer your questions. This is the last chance to sign up for the trip as plans need to be finalized. Don't be left out! You may have heard that the Temple was broken into over the weekend of January 30, 1993. I am very relieved to tell you that no vandalism or hate crimes occurred. The beautiful stained glass window in the front lobby has since been replaced. Tighter security measures have been taken. We are glad that no one was hurt or that any serious damage was done to our building. We hope that we never have to experience this terrible incident again. Robyn Galbraith Administrator Cliff Jamerson, the maintenance person at the temple, tendered his resignation effective immediately. We want to thank Cliff for his hard work and dedication to Congregation Ner Tamid while he worked here. We wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors. Tot Shabbat Coming Up Mark your calendars now for the next Tot Shabbat. This is a special Shabbat morning program designed for children two through six years of age and their brothers and sisters. Rabbi Akselrad and Bella Feldman conducts a service, especially abbreviated, for younger children. Following services, the children participate in an exciting arts and crafts project, followed by refreshments to complete a fun-filled morning. Special thanks to Chairperson, Bette Stahl, and her Committee for doing such an outstanding job! Place: Temple Sanctuary Time: 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. Date: March 27, 1993 RSVP to the Temple Office at 733-6292 ................................................................................................................ ? Yes, we would like to know more about the Tot ? : Shabbat Programs: j | Name______________________________________ ? | Address____________________________________ ? ! Phone______________________________________ | ; Child's Name_______________________________ : ? We plan to attend March 27th_________________ ; :..............................................................................................................? Congregation Ner Tamid 5 * y0u are incited to Congregation Ner Tamid's Traditional Passover Seder April 5, 1993 Desert Inn Country Club 3145 Las Vegas Blvd. South Traditional Seder in the Terrace Room at 6:00 p.m. MENU Seder Plate # Matzah $ Wine Gefilte Fish $ Matzah Ball Soup # Roasted Chicken Brisket # Kishke # Potato Kugel Tsimmes # Dessert Coffee and Tea Reservations must be made by March 26, 1993 Adults: Members - $35.00 Non-Members - $40.00 Children under 12 - $15.00 Mail checks to: Congregation Ner Tamid 2761 Emerson Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89121 Name_____________________________________________________ How many will attend? adults_____ children Your check is your reservation.* 6 Congregation Ner Tamid ? The Third in the Goldberg Lecture Series Draws ]\ear . . . The Dr. Harry L. Goldberg Jewish Lecture Series of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas proudly announces the third lecture in this season's schedule. On Sunday evening, March 28, 1993, beginning at 7:30 p.m. at Congregation Ner Tamid, our Guest Speaker will be Rabbi Joseph Telushkin. His topic will be: "Jewish Humor and What it Says About the Jews." Rabbi Telushkin is the author of Jewish Literacy: The Most Important Things to Know About the Jewish Religion. Its People and Its History. Currently, he is writing a book on Jewish humor, Why is This Knight Different From All Other Knights? The One Hundred Best Jewish Jokes and What They Show About the Jews. Rabbi Telushkin was ordained at Yeshiva University in New York, and pursued graduate studies in Jewish history at Columbia University. He lectures throughout the United States, and also serves as an associate of CLAL, the National Jewish Center for Learning Leadership. Due to the generosity of our sponsors, this series is free of charge and open to the public. For additional information, call: Beverly Eisen, Community Relations Director at the Jewish Federation Office, 732-0556. Come Break Bread With JEWISH FAMILY SERVICES AGENCY in our new home at 3909 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY (across from "Bookstar") SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 1993 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Bagels, Danish and Coffee will be served Todah Rabah * * * Notice: * * * The Blood Drive for * * Purim * * * * * Has Been * * CANCELLED. w * Thank you. V * Thank you very much to Harold and Naomi Goldsmith for the variety of children's books they donated to the Preschool. Thank you to Ken Herman and Cliff Jamerson for installing the wire and conduit for the computer network software. Thank you so very much to Chris Roth for volunteering his time to repair the heating and air conditioning system. Thank you very much to Lenny Gropman for cleaning the carpet in the Sanctuary and the Religious School Office. LOST AND FOUND The temple has lost many kippot. Maybe you could find them in a jacket pocket? If this is the case, please bring the kippot back the next time you come to the temple and put them in the wooden kippot cart in the lobby. Thank you for your cooperation. ISRAEL BONDS Investments In 1992 Neared $1.2 Billion There are several methods of investments available to support the State of Israel and to make a good rate of return for your money. If you are interested in this very worthwhile program, please contact the Temple Office at 733-6292 or the Israel Bonds Office at 1-800-229-4324. Our sincere appreciation to the Brotherhood for purchasing the computer network software. The staff will be much more efficient now! Thank you so much to Janis and Drew Rounds for the two file cabinets and folders for the office and the Gift Shop. Thank you to Sue Einhom for having the piano bench refinished. Thank you to Sondra and Joseph Schwartz for the executive chair for Bella's office. Thank you to Natalie and Gil Shaw for the beautiful silver candlesticks given in memory of Natalie's father, Harry Weinstein. Thank you very much to Yvonne and Jerry Gordon for the Itoh M-8510 computer printer. Thank you so much to Ken Herman for his continued work on the Temple's security system. |PA=/.=di=A? l Apologies | Ir. $ | Please forgive the accidental J | omission of Linda and Ken J |1. Schnitzer's anniversary from J| the February bulletin. || i i Please forgive the late jj1 acknowledgement of tributes to ?"jj Janis Rounds and Howard U, Greenspun from Jay and Charla I Rauthause. J II J |t-v??q.*??v*?tf?tf??-*?tf???u*?? Congregation Ner Tamid 7 * Reform Judaism's 1st EVER NATIONAL COLLEGE CONVENTION! March 11-14, 1993 Clarion Hotel, Cincinnati, Ohio Join hundreds of college students from across North America for 3 unforgettable days of: - Jewish Challenges?Jewish Choices, Exploring critical isues in our lives and on our campuses - Meeting the leading thinkers, movers and shakers of Reform Judaism Friendship, song and togetherness For more information: UAHC College Education Department P.O. Box 443, Bowen Road Warwick, New York, 10990 (914) 987-6300 Sponsored by: The UAHC College Dept, and the Hebrew Union College Jewish Institute of Religion Oneg Shabbat to Honor Graduating Seniors On May 7th there will be an Oneg Shabbat to honor all seniors who are graduating high school. Families who would like to share in this "Simcha" are invited to join those who are sponsoring the Oneg. Please call Judy at 733-6292. to Winter Office: UAHC Camp Swig 703 Market St. Suite 1300 San Francisco, CA 94103 415-392-7080 Outreach: Passover Workshop Teaches Passover Traditions If one of your children has a Bar or Bat Mitzvah in 1994 and you did not receive a letter regarding the scheduling of the date, please call Judy in the Temple Office at 733-6292. The Outreach for Interfaith Families Program, co-sponsored by Jewish Family Service Agency and Congregation Ner Tamid, will be explaining the Passover Seder and all its traditions during a "Passover Adult Workshop" on Sunday, March 14, from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. in the main sanctuary of Congregation Ner Tamid, located at 2761 Emerson Avenue. The workshop will focus on educating and acquainting the participants with the history and details of Passover and the Passover seder. The workshop will include a mock seder and have "how-to" stations offering instruction or discussion about a certain topic such as "How to Make Haroset" or the "4 Questions." It will even have a display of several Haggadahs and offer an opportunity for families to purchase haggadot for this year's seder. Anyone interested in participating in the workshop should contact Judy at 733-6292 or Shawna at 732-0304. The Easiest Way to Support Our Congregation If you wish to receive SCRIP through the mail, please enclose your check with this order form. Thank you. Congregation Ner Tamid SCRIP Program, 2761 Emerson Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89121 You do not need to use this coupon to buy SCRIP. This is just for your convenience. Name_______________________ Address_____________________ City_____________________Zip Phone ______________________ Date Ordered ________________ Date Needed_________________ Amount Received Store Denomination__________TOTAL Lucky ? 5s ? 10s ? 20s Vons ? 5s ? lOs ? 20s Smiths ?5s ? lOs ? 20s Albrtsn CU 5s ? 10s ? 20s Signature L J* 8 Congregation Ner Tamid ? Religious School News NO SCHOOL APRIL 1ST THROUGH APRIL 11TH Phone number for the Religious School can now be used any time, not just after hours: 369-8633 Our Class Studies Tu B'Shvat By Ricky Mintz's 3rd Grade Class Tu B'Shvat celebrates the birthday of the trees. Trees are important to us for many reasons. They clean our air, provide us with fruits and vegetables, and even the roots hold the soil together. During Tu B'Shvat, we learn about ecology, which is vital to the survival of the earth. Our class is proud to celebrate this special day because we are thankful for the trees and sing the Shehechianu, the song we learned in our music class. Sunday School is always teaching us new things. Aaron Bossak and Matthew Saskin from Ricky Mintz's Third Grade Class. Prices raised on Chai Plaques As of February 15, 1993, The prices of the plaques on the Chai Plaque have been raised. The plaques that used to cost $100 will now cost $200, $150 will now cost $225, $200 will now cost $250, and $250 will now cost $300. Please call Robyn Galbraith at 733-6292 for more information. Temple Wish List 1. IBM-compatible computers 2. Floor Scrubber 3. Letter-quality printer for Religious School Office 4. Water softener system 5. Racks for banquet tables 6. Cannister vacuum cleaner Current Events offered by Las Vegas Hebrew High The following events are being sponsored by Las Vegas Hebrew High: The Production of I Never Saw a Butterfly Thursday Evening, March 11, 1993 from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. at Temple Beth Sholom Parents and Teenagers are encouraged to attend. Community-Wide Dance Saturday, March 20, 1993 at 7:30 p.m. at Temple Beth Sholom All Jewish teens (grades 8 through 12) are invited. Preschool News Shalom!!! Preschool is going great this semester. We have new people calling all the time asking about our school. If you have any questions, |ust call and ask. We had a great Valentine Party with the kids for Valentine's Day. The kids made a special Valentine present for their parents. We want to say a special thank-you to Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Chenin for donating special toothbrush packets to the preschool. We really appreciate the donation, and the kids Just loved the packet. Finally the sun Is shining and we are using our playground. If you have any outside toys that are in good shape and don't use them, we would love for the Preschool to have them. Come by and visit if you ever get a chance. Talk to you next month!!! Julie, Dotty, and Leah? Congregation Ner Tamid 9 * Adult Education Program See Summary and Class Listing in Flyer Included in this Bulletin You are invited to Participate in Shabbat Services! At most Friday night services, congregants can participate in a special way by accepting honors such as: lighting the Shabbat candles, dressing and undressing the Torah, or saying the blessing before and after the Torah reading. The Temple gives any of these honors to synagogue members who enjoy participating in the Shabbat service in this special way. If any congregant wishes to have such honors, please call the Temple office (733-6292) so we can schedule your honors on a convenient Shabbat for you. BULLETIN DEADLINE IS THE 10TH OF EACH MONTH PRIOR TO THE PUBLICATION Note from the Editor: Please submit all information pertaining to Congregation Ner Tamid to the attention of Garianne Farrish. As always, any suggestions or comments that will help this publication become more effective are welcomed. Please let us know of any mistakes so we may correct them in the next publication. Thank you. Garianne Farrish Bulletin Editor Notice Anybody Interested in Bible Study with the Rabbi on Thursday mornings, call Katherine Scott at 564-0903 for more information. The Adult Education Program is unfolding its wings and is flying high. A program of mini courses will be offered in March, April, and May. Sessions will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please see the enclosed flyer for detailed information. Mini-Courses will include: Pathways Through the Praverbook A discussion of the meanings and significance of key prayers. Have you ever wondered what The Prayers mean? Now is your opportunity to learn from our Rabbi the importance and relevance of our major Sabbath Prayers. Knowledge of Hebrew is NOT necessary. Rabbi Akselrad Thursday, March 25, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. Prayers for Parents of Bar and Bat Mitzvah Students Prayers every B'nai Mitzvah parent should know. We will be learning the Torah Blessings, the Sh'ma, and the Candle- Lighting. These are all prayers that parents participate in on their child's Bar Mitzvah. You do not need to know Hebrew. Melissa Glovinsky Tuesday, March 30, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. How to Help Your Bar and Bat Mitzvah Student Study Even if you don't know Hebrew. Every child needs some kind of help or support through their B'nai Mitzvah. This class will help you, the parent, understand what they are studying and in what ways you can help. Melissa Glovinsky Thursday, April 1, 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Friday Night Songs and Chants If you've ever wanted to join in the singing and chanting at Shabbat Services, this is the course to take. Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman Thursday, May 27, 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. Holiday Observance and Prayers Designed to teach students about the Jewish Holidays, their observance, and their prayers. This class will bring you a little closer to your heritage. Eileen Kollins Session 1 Tuesday, March 23, 5:30 to 6:45 p.m. Session 2 Tuesday, March 30, 5:30 to 6:45 p.m. A Short History of Modern Israel A "must" for Temple members accompanying the Rabbi to Israel. However, all are welcomed to leam about the history and culture of a country so central to our faith. Rabbi Akselrad Thursday, May 6, 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Jews in American History Our parents, grandparents, and great grandparents were not the first Jews in America. Find out about the early Jewish settlers and their contributions to the United States. Mort Orzen Session 1 Thursday, April 22, 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. Session 2 Tuesday, April 27, 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. Session 3 Thursday, April 29, 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. A fee of five dollars will be charged to Congregation Ner Tamid members. Ten dollars will be charged to non-members. A minimum of five students will be required before a class becomes viable. Please call Judy at 733-6292 for registration. Registration closes 1 week before each class. We know that the entire congregation will want to support this special program. After all, Jewish education is a life-long pursuit. -Mort Orzen? 1 0 ? Youth Groups MTV TNT About half of our regular members turned out for our February event at Pistol Pete's. The time flew by as we ate pizza, drank sodas, and of course, made good use of available tokens. This was the first event that our new Telephone Committee has had a chance to show their stuff. Although there were a few difficulties, we would like to say "thank you" to them for their efforts! We know that by the time reminder phone calls are made for aour March 16th meeting, it will go off without a hitch! Once again the meeting begins immediately following religious school and will last for half an hour. During the meeting, we will finalize our plans for our April Sleep- Over. Date Change: Our Installations Ceremony had been scheduled for May 2, 1993. We have since encountered some conflicts with this date and are in the process of selecting a new one. As soon as our new arrangements have been made, we will be sending out a flyer with all of the information. TNTers have been invited to participate in several community-wide activities that will be happening in the next several months. Debbie and I would like to encourage all of you to attend as many of these events as possible. For additional information, please look for applicable articles in the Temple bulletin, as well as the Jewish Reporter. Finally, a suggestion has been made by TNT President, Abbie Spoor, that RSVPs should be made by calling members of our Telephone Committee. This should make it a lot easier on the parents and students when trying to RSVP and would also narrow down the phone calls the committee has to make. The names and telephone numbers of the Telephone Committee members are as follows: James Karlin 454-2552 Robyn Schwartz 253-0066 Matthew Unger 454-9331 We'll see you at the meeting! -Sheryl Chenin-Webb -Debbie Karasik The month of February saw our members go from coast to coast. The National Federation of Temple Youth (NFTY) held a convention in New Jersey and the South West Federation of Temple Youth (SWFTY) had a study weekend in Tempe, Arizona, during the last weekend in February. NTTY delegates went to both events, had a great time, and brought back valuable infomation for the group. Locally, our own NTTY chapter traveled to Red Rock Canyon for a day of picnicking, singing, hiking, and picking up trash. Inspite of the rain, we all had a super time in a scenic environment. NTTY wants to thank the Sisterhood for co-sponsoring the Oneg Shabbat at our Creative Service. We are pleased with the service that we wrote, and we hope that all who attended were moved to take action after hearing our report on "The Plight of the Children." The sleep-over following the service was a blast. All who attended had a great (but sleepless) time. On March 6th at 5:30 p.m., NTTY will be decorating the religious school for the annual Purim Carnival. We need all able-bodied NTTY members to help. Alicia Appleman, author of Alicia: Mv Story, will b