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The Bulletin from Temple Beth Sholom, December 2007



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    Temple Beth Sholom Bulletin December 2007 TBS Hanukkah Festival Thursday, December 6 at 6:00 pm The Fourth Annual Temple Beth Sholom I lanukkah Festival will be held on Thursday, December 6 at 6 : 0 0 PM in the Sigesmund Sanctuary. TBS Hanukkah Seder The Order of Hanukkah, Saturday, December 8 4:00pm to 6:00pm Join Rabbi Goodman for a first of a kind event as he explains that there are many ways to tell the story of Hanukkah, but nothing is like the Hanukkah Seder. During this innovative program, we celebrate the holiday with exuberant singing and storytelling about the ancient Israelite victory over the Greeks. The Hanukkah Seder is a creative, spiritual experience that incorporates history, tradition, theology. The Seder highlights our regular candle lighting ceremony and transforms it into a source of wisdom, knowledge and song. This event is free of charge for T B S members and $ 2 5 for non members. Contact Danielle Zenou, Program Director, or 8 0 4 - 1 3 3 3 ext. 1 0 8 for more information and to RSVP Orchestrated by Cantor Daniel Friedman, this free event will feature a menorah lighting, singing with the students of the Sandra and Stanley Mallin Early Childhood Center, the Solomon Schechter Day School and the Judy and Ronald Mack School of Religious Studies and instrumentation by the Ruach Ensemble. After all of the singing and performances, guests will convene in the social hall for dancing with a disc jockey. A Hanukkah Festival would not be complete without latkes and Women's League will provide delicious latkes for all to enjoy. This program is free and open to all congregants and school families. TBS Hanukkah Chavurah Party Monday, December 10th at 7:00pm Enjoy some latkes and yummy jelly donuts as you make stronger connections with other I B S members. Make your T B S membership more meaningful and join a Chavurah. The Chavurah program at Temple Beth Sholom provides congregants with the opportunity to make new friendships, deepen existing friendships, share meals, and celebrate Jewish life in an intimate group setting. A Chavurah (Friendship Group) can connect members who share common interests. Join us as we form new Chavurot for singles and couples of all ages. Please bring a wrapped gift for our gift exchange not to exceed $15. The cost is $ 5 . 0 0 per person. Contact Danielle Zenou, Program Director, at or 8 0 4 - 1 3 3 3 ext. 1 0 8 for more information. Rabbi's Message Kosher Food... It will do your soul some good! Rabbi Felipe Goodman Living in Las Vegas for almost ten years has been, by and large, a wonderful experience. We have seen our congregation grow seven times from its size in June 1998. Thanks to the vision of our leaders and the generosity of our members we have a beautiful facility that is still growing. We have managed to establish an excellent Preschool program and an incredibly successful Solomon Schechter Day School within our walls. Our services are alive with the music and the sounds of Shabbat and our1 Religious School has grown to over two hundred students. On a personal note, two of my three children were born here and this is not only the city that 1 call home, but one day after my fortieth birthday everyone in my family became an American Citizen. With all of those wonderful things, and I am sure that I left some out, there was one thing still missing in Las Vegas. No matter where you looked you couldn't find one, years of experimentation didn't yield any fruits! You know what I am talking about, right? Well, it's obvious: A GOOD KOSHER RESTAURANT. For many of us this is no joking matter, not that there is anything wrong with Shawarma and Falafel 2 but it would be nice if from time to time you could enjoy a nice meal in a beautiful place that didn't necessarily serve Israeli cuisine! The wait is over, my life changed a little last Saturday night. You know I am not a food critic! You also know that 1 have been to my share of good Kosher restaurants all around the world. I have been to enough to be able to tell a good one from a not so good one. We now have an excellent one here in Las Vegas: Village Steakhouse at the Milage Square Shopping Center. As a Rabbi I am not permitted to endorse political candidates but I can endorse Kosher restaurants and let me tell you, we need to make sure this one stays! 1 always felt that being part of the Jewish community is not only about attending services in a synagogue it is about supporting those institutions that make a Jewish community thrive, and yes! Kosher restaurants can help make a Jewish community thrive. It's not all about food, it goes beyond food. The idea that finally a community with the Jewish population the size of ours can support a restaurant that is very good even by New York, Chicago, Miami or LA. standards should be a welcomed sign on the horizon of our growth. By the way, the food was great, excellent service, a very nice atmosphere and the best KOSHER Roasted Duck Prosciutto (Is this the correct spelling? I have never written that word before!) I have ever had. When we left I almost wanted to hail a cab to take me back to my hotel room in New York City. I promise I won't review any more restaurants but try this one, it will do your soul some good. Cantor's Message By Cantor Daniel Eli Friedman The most influential Jewish singer of the 20th century, Shlomo Carlebach was born in Germany in 1926. His family fled to the United States in 1939. His father founded a synagogue, Kehillat Yaakov, on Manhattan's Upper West Side. For the last 30 years it's been known as the Carlebach shul and is nominally Orthodox. From a long line of llasidic rabbis, Shlomo studied at the mitnag Lakewood Yeshiva but was ordained by Chabad and in 1949, sent by Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson to do outreach to secular Jews. In his travels, Shlomo, the charismatic singer, discovered the power music and melody has in touching the human soul and lifting the Jewish spirit (shechinah) regardless of gender. The more Shlomo was true to the gifts God gave him the more he discovered how incompatible his beliefs were with Chabad and he ditched those parts of Orthodox Judaism he found inconvenient such as the mehitza Executive Director (partition between men and women during prayer), and the laws against women singing publically before men. Shlomo hugged everybody, including women he was not married to. He talked about wanting to hug every Jew in the world. He was the Jewish Leo Bascalia, radiating warmth and compassion by simply stepping into a room. Along with his friend Rabbi Zalman Shachter-Shalom i (who became the leader of the Renewal movement), he was excommunicated by Chabad in the 1950's. While Orthodox doors shut on him, many others opened as Jewish youth fell in love with his modern spin on Hasidic songs and stories. Shlomo combined popular mysticism and Jewish practice with messages about self-fulfillment and health food. During the 1980 s, Shlomo embraced much of the New Age movement and its rhetoric about a new heavenly knowledge spreading around the world. 1 le recorded about 2 5 albums and wrote several songbooks. By not copyrighting his work, he made it easier to spread. His teachings find music influence tens of thousands of Jews all over the world. Shlomo never cashed in on his popularity and when he died on October 20, 1994, he was financially poor but spiritually rich. Today, 1 write to introduce a new Kabbalat Shabbat service - Shabbat Unplugged. Shlomo's Shabbat. A service dedicated to presenting the music of Shlomo Carlebach in the spirit of Shlomo Carlebach. Please join us Friday evening December 21, 2007 as we share the music and spirit of Shlomo Carlebach. This service is fully participatory, inclusive and will be shared every third Friday of every month. Please come and join us in welcoming in the Sabbath with peace, joy and celebration in our hearts. I look forward to seeing you at Temple. Our Temple, Our Community! By Laura Sussman Executive Director People sometimes ask me why 1 choose to work in a synagogue when there are many great professional opportunities in the for-profit sector. For me, it always comes back to community. Since 1979, I've worked in Jewish nonprofits with the focus of strengthening Jewish community. I believe that as professionals in the community, we have the task of creating opportunities for people to get involved in the community. We work with committees of volunteers to open the doors to involvement. It is your job to walk through the door. This past month, we opened some new doors for involvement at TBS. We had our first congregational Shabbat dinner in a long time. Close to 150 congregants came together to start Shabbat as a community, with friends, singing and, of course, food. We also started a Rabbi's Tisch (Table) on Shabbat morning. After services many congregants sat at an extended Rabbi's Table to study Torah, sing and enjoy a special Kiddush. The Adult Education program has many new offerings and the Bikel, Mizrachi, Friedman concert was a huge success. As you look through this month's Bulletin, I encourage you to participate in one or many of the upcoming programs. In doing so, chances are you'll have a great time, meet some wonderful people and feel more a part of Temple Beth Sholom. Why not make your participation a Hanukkah gift to yourself & your family. I wish you a very Happy Hanukkah. Friedman Pavilion i Donor Spotlight Jeff and Carol Zucker I Iardlv a Shabbat goes by that we do not see the Zucker family at Temple. Jeff lias been a member of Temple Beth Sholom since 1962. when his family moved to Las Vegas from Connecticut. After receiving his B A. from Yale and his J.D. from Harvard, Jeff returned to Las Vegas to develop a practice with the law firm of Lionel Sawyer and Collins, with an emphasis on business transactions, real estate and corporate matters. Carol was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas and moved to Las Vegas in 1983 after receiving her BA. at the University of Texas at San Antonio and graduating from University of California Berkley School of Law. She met Jeff while working in the labor and employment law department at Lionel Sawyer and Collins. They married in 1992. She is currently a partner in her own firm, Kamer, Zucker, .Abbott, representing employers in labor and employment law matters. Despite their busy law practices, Jeff and Carol have found a great deal of time to contribute to the betterment of the community. They believe that a Jewish Community is only as strong as its youth programs and Jewish education. Carol was actively involved with the Hebrew Academy for many years, serving on the Board and as the school's President. She is currently on the Youth Commission at Temple Beth Sholom. Jeff represented the Temple both in acquiring the I Iavenwood property and in selling the Oakey property. The leadership at the time admired Jeff's contribution and he was elected to the Board of Directors in 2000 and served as President of Temple Beth Sholom from 2 0 0 2 - 2 0 0 5 . Jeff is currently Chairman of the Solomon Schechter Day School Committee Jeff has also been a member of the Board of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas. Carol's daughter, from a previous marriage, Audrey Davis, and her two children, Elyse and Reuben, are also active members of the Temple where Reuben attended the preschool. Last year, Elyse became a Bat Mitzvah in Israel with family, friends and Rabbi Goodman in attendance. According to Jeff, "I have been particularly interested in inculcating Judaism in our youth. The Pavilion will directly or indirectly allow for expansion of the Schechter School, religious school and pre-school. It will also provide the facilities to give our children the opportunity to get together with each other for various activities in a Jewish environment." This was the impetus for their gift to the campaign. To discuss how you can make a difference by contributing to the Capital Campaign for the Friedman Pavilion, contact Laura Sussman, Executive Director, at 804-1333, ext. 133. Schwartz Judaica Shop Come check out the great selection of Hanukkah items in the gift shop. Hours Sunday-Friday 9:00 am-Noon Education The Sandra & Stanley Mallin Eark Childhood Center 1 Iere We Grow Again! I am pleased to announce the addition of our second 18-month old classroom opening in January - The Ducks! With our currently successful classroom compiling a waiting list, we had enough interest to start a brand new classroom that has almost reached full capacity. We have fabulous teachers who can't wait to kick off the new year with these fantastic toddlers. Each Thanksgiving the preschool students adopt several families from Jewish Family Services in order to provide them with food and table decorations to make their Thanksgiving holiday a little more special. This fabulous project helps to teach the children about the mitzvot of ILAAKIIALAT REEVIM (feeding the hungry), TIKKLN OLAM (repairing the world), and GEMILUT HASADIM (acts of lovingkindness). I lanukkah celebrates the Festival of Lights. Thursday, December 6, we will come together as a Temple community for our annual 1 lanukkah Festival. Our preschoolers will be joined by Solomon Schechter Day School, the Religious School, Rabbi and Cantor to light up the night with songs to honor the story of Hanukkah and its symbols. Our own creative movement teacher, Ms. T, choreographed and directed the preschoolers along with Cantor Daniel. Delicious latkes (provided by the Women's League), joyful music and dancing will follow this entertaining performance. Please join in the fun! Jennifer Zukowski Early Childhood Director B'nai Mitzvah where he hit two home runs. Alex chose his Mitzvah Project based on his concern with the environment and in particular the ongoing deforestation. The beneficiary of funds raised will be The Nature Conservatory whose mission is to save the rain forests of the Osa Peninsula in Costa Rico by promoting Adopt An Acre Foundation'. ? Alex Jay Blutman will become a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, December 1, 2007. Alex is the dear son of Louise Frankel and Kenny Blutrnan. He is the very special step son of Scott Frankel and that of Jerri Blutrnan. Alex enjoys a unique endearing relationship with step sister Alyssa. Proud grandparents are Elaine and Leo Guttman of Montreal, Canada and Maureen and Aaron Blutrnan of Las Vegas. Alex was born in Westlake Village, California. At age six, the Blutrnan family moved to Las Vegas, Nevada where Alex was enrolled in The Hebrew Academy. Alex is now a seventh grader at Sig Rogich Middle School. He is a straight A student and was asked to join the National Junior I lonors Society. He attends a writing institute class conducted by his English teacher. Alex is also an outstanding athlete. Years of playing hockey, soccer, basketball and for relaxation ' a good game of tennis', he now devotes himself almost exclusively to baseball. A catcher for the I .as Vegas Baseball Academy team, ' The Lightening', he had the experience of a young lifetime this past summer when the team was invited to participate in Cooperstown Dreams Park National Invitational Tournament To raise money, Alex organized a basketball shoot out with participating friends and fellow students enlisting sponsors Alex enjoys reading, listening to good music, getting together with friends and family, and running and playing with his dogs, Lucky and Chloe. Miriam Ilavah Novick, daughter of Emily and Michael Novick, will be called to the Torah on December 15, 2007. Miriam is an honor roll student at the Meadows School where she is in the sixth grade. Miriam enjoys singing, reading and art. She has won national awards for her school art posters. Her favorite sports are dancing and gymnastics. Miriam spends her summers experiencing Judaism at Camp 1 less Kramer in Malibu, California. Miriam's Mitzvah project is called Pizza IDF. She is currently collecting letters, artwork and money so the Israeli soldiers can enjoy letters, art, pizza, sodas, soup and much more. Miriam is a kind, happy, intelligent blessing and she is honored to share this special simcha with family, friends and neiglibors. Education Solomon Schechier Day School of Las Vegas Solomon Schechter Raises Money for Southern California The Solomon Schechter Day School of Las Vegas - its students, parents, staff and teachers ? have been closely following the situation in Southern California and the damage done due to the devastating wildfires. Therefore, the school has embarked on an important Tikkun Olam project. As part of its ongoing Tikkun Olam "Global Initiative7', Schechter will not only raise money for victims of the wildfire, but will establish ongoing connections with actual families and organizations. Solomon Schechter Day Schools inculcate in its students the notion of citizenship ? the duties and responsibilities that come with being a member of a community Social action is an important value in the SSDS-LV and it is nurtured and encouraged throughout the year and in both General and Jewish Studies. Students have been overflowing class tzedakah boxes with their generosity and look forward 6 to sending as much money as they can to Southern California. Parlor Sessions for TBS Families Announced The recruiting season for 2008-2009 is officially underway. Invitations have been mailed for this year's important parlor sessions. Parlor sessions are informal evenings for prospective Schechter families to learn more about our school. This year's sessions were and are as follows: November 27th: TBS PreschoolPre-Kindergarten Classes December 11th: Temple Beth Sholom Community January 9th. TBS Preschool General Community Parent Organization Throws Hanukkah Party! On Tuesday, December 4th, the Schechter Parent Organization will throw a 1 lanukkah Party for all Schechter families. There will be games, food, prizes, and much, much more! Coming up in January.. .the Parent Organization heads to Red Rock Lanes on January 13th. Religious School & Midrasha Artist in Residence Mordechai Rosenstein led a great workshop for Religious School students jmd their parents on Sunday, November 18th, and each family went home with a beautiful creation based on one of Rosenstein's pieces. Kitah Vav Kabbalat Shabbat Service The students of Kitah Vav (6th Grade) did a great job of leading the Kabbalat Shabbat service on November 30th, and wowed the congregation with their performance of a skit based on the Torah portion of the week - Vayeshev. The drama of Joseph and his coat of many colors played out on our own bimah, and the students created artwork to demonstrate all that they learned of Joseph's travails. We are very proud of our students! Kitah Hay (5th grade) will be leading a unique service of their own on January 25th. Coming up! We will be joining with Solomon Schechter and the I BS Preschool to celebrate I lanukkah at the annual IBS Hannukah Festival on Thursday evening, December 6. We'll be enjoying a Religious School Hannukah Fxperience together on Sunday morning, December 9th, during regular Religious School hours. Mark your calendars for January 13th, when we'll celebrate Tu B'Shvat with special activities in the morning, and then the Tu B'Shvat activities for the entire Jewish community of Las Vegas continue at the beautiful Springs Preserves, all afternoon! Snack Sales Snacks are now available for sale before Religious School hours - bring a dollar and buy a snack (or two!) If you have any questions about the Religious School events or programs, feel free to send an e-mail to rsinfo@ Midrasha Midrasha st udents are breaking out of the study and forging into the community to learn and create meaningful experiences together. From the JNF offices to UNLV, from the dining table to the theater, they are making their mark on the Jewish community of Las Vegas. Jon Mitzmacher Director of Education Yon ina Schnee Assistant Religious School Director Education On November 16th, our Midrasha leader, Cindy Fox, held a Shabbat dinner at her home before students headed over to Temple Beth Sholom for Kabbalat Shabbat services. They enjoyed a great dinner and discussed the weekly Torah portion. On November 19th, Midrasha joined I Iillel students at UNLV to hear a talk by Bentzion Kravitz, founder and director of Jews for Judaism. They learned about Christian missionaries and their persuasive methods, as well as ways to combat the efforts of these missionaries to convert them. Coming up On December 2nd, Midrasha students will perform a mitzvah by helping out at the JNF phone-a- thon. They will learn about how JNF operates by working the phones and sending thank you letters during this important fundraising event. December 9th is theater day! Fiddler on the Roof will be performing at UNLVs Judy Bayley Theatre, and our students will be going to see the show following a brief seminar on "Your Grandfather's Shtetl". Rosh Hodesh Rosh Hodesh: It's a Girl's Thing! draws on the tradition of Rosh Hodesh (the monthly celebration of the new moon) to build and enrich the Jewish identities of adolescent girls. The program takes place in an informal setting, with small group size, and carefully designed activities draw on Jewish texts and practices through: Creative Arts & Expression Celebration of Jewish Rituals Learning About Women from the Jewish Tradition Intimate Group Discussion Food & Friendship! Age Group: 7th, 8th, and 9th Grade Jewish Girl's Program Fee: $54 Registration is limited to 12 girls per group. Email: LV.Rosh.Hodcsh@gmail. com For registration materials call 804- 1333 ext 114. Rosh Hodesh: It's a Girl's Thing! 5768 (2007-2008) Schedule Thursday, December 13 at 6:00 to 7:30 - Tevet Thursday, January 10 at 6:00 to 7:30 - Shevat Thursday, February 14 at 6:00 to 7:30 - Adarl Thursday, March 13 at 6:00 to 7:30 - Adarll Thursday, April 10 at 6:00 to 7:30 - Nissan Thursday, May 8 at 6:00 to 7:30 - lyar Thursday, June 5 at 6:00 to 7:30 - Sivan Facilitator: Cindy Fox Assistant- Facilitators: Brianna Kirsh and Rebecca Walden Rosh Hodesh: It's a Girl's Thing is supported by the Women's League of Temple Beth Sholom. Adult Education Current classes are underway and new classes are being planned for the spring. Keep your eyes posted for an informational flyer. In the meanwhile, TBS is pleased to participate once again in Read Hebrew America. We will be offering a one-day, four-hour crash course in Hebrew on Sunday, December 2nd at 10:00 am. For more information or to register, please call Ivy in the education office at 804-1333, extension 114. USY Events ? December 1st -Kadima I Ianukkah Party ? December 2nd -Are You Smarter than a Teenager? at 4:00 pm.TBS Small Social Hall (refreshments and snacks will be served) Join TBS USY for an afternoon of game show fun! Test your knowledge on teen movies, T.V, fashion, music, celebrities, and texting 101. ? December 11th - Jr. & Sr. USY Latke Making at Little Pastry Chefs, 6:00 p.m. Temple News Men's Club News By Harvey Gitel The Men's Club meeting will take place on Wednesday, December 19th at 7:15pm. This meeting will give everyone an opportunity to view many of the Jewish web sites that members have enjoyed A special football handicapping contest will provide a unique opportunity to support their favorite charity and win some money to pay for those I lanukkah gifts. In addition, we will be honoring our latest Schecter School award winner and hear from some of our B'nai Mitzvah's. The Men's Club has 20 Las Vegas Bowl tickets available to Temple members on a first come, first serve basis. The Las Vegas Bowl has been sold out for months. Tickets are $20 each. Please contact Myrna in the Temple office to reserve and pay for the tickets. Enter the following dates in your calendars: World Wide Wrap---February 3rd, Men's Club Shabbat---March 8th Yom Ilashoah candle mailing--March 30th For those men who have not yet joined our organization, membership dues are only $36.00 a year. Please contact the TBS office or e-mail tbsmensclub@ to join. Women's League News By Kim Memar Please share and participate with your TBS family throughout the year. I don't know about you, but for me the time has been Hying by. With Hanukkah starting early this year, December 4th, our Judaica Shop is stocked full of everything your heart desires to make this holiday a special one to remember for years to come. Please stop by and see the beautiful as well as whimsical items that we have available. Special orders are always welcome also. Alas, our shop is in need of help. If you can volunteer at least once a week or even once or twice a month from 9am-noon on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday please call Marci at 364-9411 or Kim at 429-0888. We would love to have you get involved with your Women's League. Your support is invaluable and it is an opportunity to meet and kibbutz with your fellow congregants as well. Our next event is a one of a kind spectacular New Year's Eve party! We have everything you could get on the Strip and more dinner, dancing, drinks, party favors, the best of everything including your friends. No traffic problems, no pushy people (well, maybe a few), and a price you cannot match anywhere. Look for upcoming details to be sent to you in the mail and in the Temple's Newsflash. Mark your calendar now for an unforgettable and wonderful evening. Our Women's League Shabbaton will be on January 18th and 19th. If you would like to participate, please e-mail Lillian Radomsky at or call her at 553-9425. We would love to have your participation and Lillian has offered to help anyone who would like to learn "a little something1' to get involved and be a part of this dynamic and amazing group of women. Of course, your presence, at services would be appreciated the most! There will be an outstanding Oneg and Kiddush following services prepared by our own Women's League catering committee which is chaired by Beverlee Chervitz. We wish you and yours a heart warming Thanksgiving full of gratitude for everything that G-d has blessed you with in your life. I know you have heard it before, but giving IS truly better than receiving. The deep satisfaction we experience when we lift the spirits of just one person is beyond compare. Please become an active member of our Women's League and/or our Temple. One person at a time, each one of us makes a difference!! I Iappy, Healthy Holidays L'dor V'dor Making a Difference for Seniors By Shel Kolner We are well into our sixth year entertaining homebound seniors. Our first two events were very successful and well attended. Our next event is Tuesday, December 4, 2007 when we will celebrate Hanukkah. Our students will do their part to keep the generation-to- generation atmosphere alive as they present each of the guests with a Hanukkah gift as well as entertaining them. What a mitzvah they perform ? giving of themselves for our older generation. Jeanne Brei doing what she does best, "Jazzin' with Jeanne," who is currently entertaining at Fitzgerald's Casino will then entertain our guests. She will be singing 'standards and gems' from the 20's, 30's, 40's and 50's. Our guests will then move into our Social Hall and enjoy one of Gustav Mahler's well-received luncheons. Fifty volunteers, most of who are our friends and neighbors, will serve the 2 2 5 + guests. As we progress into the year, our goal is to consistently serve 250 seniors. The past event had 228 guests from 23 facilities in the area and from Temple News private homes. If you know of any senior who is homebound and could benefit from this opportunity to socialize with other people, please let (he L'Dor VDor coordinator, Shel Kolner (228-4744 or 334-8914), or the Temple office (804- 1333 ext. 100) know. We will send them invitations. Future events are planned for Purim on February 19th, Passover on April 22nd and Shavuot on June 3rd. The 50 volunteers make these events the successes they arc1 and their efforts are greatly appreciated by all of us who manage the program. They are the backbone for each of the events. If you have any questions regarding L'Dor VDor, please call Shel Kolner or the Temple office. We invite you to make a difference in the life of a homebound senior and be part of the L'Dor V Dor family. Join A Chavurah If you are a TBS member and not yet in a Chavurah (Friendship Croup), what are you waiting for? Chavurot are informal groups of congregants with similar interests. Most get together once a month for social activities planned by the group. If interested in joining a Chavurah, please come to the Hanukkah Chavurah Party on the 10th. If you cannot make it, call the office for a Chavurah form. Rabbi's Tisch Saturday, December 8th In communities throughout the world, people gather around the table of their Rabbi for an afternoon of food and learning called a Shabbat Tisch. We invite you to join Rabbi Goodman for insightful study, a Kiddush lunch & song immediately after Shabbat services. Our 1 Ieritage and Our Health: Genetic Conditions among the Ashkenazim Sunday, December 16th, 10:30am - 12:00pm Join TBS and the community for a program that provides education on the latest information available in the hope that it will empower individuals to discuss these issues with their rabbis, physicians, and family members. All ethnic groups have an increased risk for particular genetic disorders. In the Ashkenazi population, many of us have heard of Tay-Sachs disease however, Fay- Sachs is only one of more than a dozen conditions that occur more commonly in the Ashkenazim. These disorders include Gaucher disease, Canavan disease, Cystic Fibrosis, Bloom syndrome and others. Gaucher disease, not Tay- Sachs, is the most common Jewish genetic disorder. This program, "Our Heritage and Our Health: Genetic Disorders in the Ashkenazi Population" provides information about these disorders including a basic overview of genetics and the historical reasons they occur with greater frequency in this population. This program is free of charge. Presented by Sarah Iden, MPH, CGC Paitent Care Liason/ Certified Genetic Counselor. For more information, contact Danielle Zenou at dzenou@bethsholomlv. org or 804-1333 ext.108. I BS Shabbat Dinner Friday, December 21, at 5:45pm 150 people enjoyed the November Shabbat Dinner. We invite you to join I BS families and individuals for Continued on page 12 22 Kis,ev 23 Kislev M 24 Kislev 4 ? ? 25 Kislev 5 26 Kislev 6 Are You Smarter Than Your Teenager (USY Event) 4:00 pm Read Hebrew in a Day 10:00 am Parashat Ha'Shavuah 12:00 pm Berevement Group 10 am L'dor V'dor Hanukkah 10:30 am First Hanukkah Candle Womens League Board Meeting 10:00 am Second Hanukkah Candle Hanukkah Festival 6:00 pm Adult Education Third Hanukkah Candle 29 Kislev J * 1 Tevet 10 j m j k 2 Tevet 1 1 m 3 Tevet 12 ^ 4 Tevet Parashat Ha'Shavuah 12:00 pm Berevement Group 10 am Women's League Meeting 11:00 am Rosh Chodesh 6:00 pm Sixth Hanukkah Candle Chavurah Hanukkah Party 7:00 pm Seventh Hanukkah Candle USY Latke Making Eighth Hanukkah Candle Adult Education ^ tf* 7 Tevet 16 MjpF 8 Tevet Q 9 Tevet j m 10 Tevet 19 11 Tevet Jewish Genetic Conditions 10:30 pm Parashat Ha'Shavuah 12:00 pm Berevement Group 10 am Men's Club Meeting 7:30 pm E a r l y C Z h i l d h o o d E d u c a t i o n W i n t e r < D e c e m b e r 1 7 * 2 1 CZ a m p> ^ ^ 14 Tevet M 15 Tevet 24 16 Tevet 17 Tevet ^ ^ ^ ^ 18 Tevet ^ ^ 21 Tevet m Womens League New Year's Eve Party 7:00 pm Office Closed Adult Education E a r l y C h i l d h o o d E d u c a t i o n W i n t e r C a m p D e c e m b e r 2 4 , 2 6 - 2 8 FRIDAY SATURDAY Special Events Read