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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegs.* - December 23, 1953 W 23-1-135 Mr. E. E« Bennett - Los Angeles eel Mr. Wo. Relnh&rdt Mr. C. M« Cory Attached please find copy of latter from Mr. L. B. Harbour, Jr., to aa dated December 21, 1953# relative to easement and release of right to refund of revenues by owners of property adjacent to O&key Boulevard northerly of Charleston Park Subdivision. Referring to second paragraph of Mr. Harbour1* letter wherein he states that the release of "right to refund of revenues* has been executed by the proper parties and Is being eent direct to you In Los Angeles. It Is my thought that this release to right to refund of revenues should be signed by the same parties who have executed the easement through OsJcey Boulevard, copy of vhloh 1 now have, the names of these parties are listed In my letter to Mr. Ben Welngart dated December b, 19 53# copy cf which was furnished you. If this release has been exeouted in proper form and you will send it to me, I will proceed to request Mr. Cory to prepare Agreement with Mr. len Welngart covering installation of lines to serve Charleston Park Subdivisions mashers 1 and 2« Referring to the last paragraph of Mr. Harbour* s letter you will note that he requests a letter advising that the Water Company will furnish water to both of the Charleston Park Tracts upon demand. Mr. Ben welngart was furnished the usual form of letter to subdividers stating that the Water Company wohld extend Its water mains which was dated October 16, 1953# copy of which was sent you and Mr. Reinhardt. Mr. Karsten T, Bronken, who Is engineer for Charleston Park was In my office this morning and It was his opinion that a