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m gillie large ma it eminates from ??uf office downtown* so?╜# a $3,000 budget in that* Than your promotions ?╟÷ your shewsheeis, you voted to continue, your has Veg.>s Mites program, you voted to pntinue that the very nominal amount for the amount of work that is put out down there *** your Las Vegas brochure ****your accommods* lions b ok sign rental and Las Vegas report. Those things were act- ually budgeted, gentlemen ?╟≤* if you* 11 recall ?╟÷ into your.budget, hen it ?╜bii determined that any amount of Money that was received rom Llvewlre and the County In excess of the expenditures for these ; Iwe operations of the Chamber of Commerce, namely the Mews Bureau and lie Publicity and Promotion Committee as budgeted, would be set aside ff accumulated for the purpose of your paid advertising, slew that ?√ß Ings up up to date on the history of how the accounting Is done ?√ßthe Chamber of Commerce relative to this Committee and the News Iwreay, In your recapitulation at the bottom of the page, If You*11 recall at the time we were making up the budget, wepredicated the in- H me ?╟÷ the' Llvewlre income ?╟÷ on what we thought would be an in- creased Llvewlre contribution ?╟÷ and t?? ayknowledge to date ?╟÷ the increased corttritution from Livewir?? ?╟÷ the re-evaluation of everyone*! fammXlvewir# contribution ?╟÷ has not been increased. That is neither ' !ti:w'?╜:Sf|?║w there, fc|i the figures are down here, , jljlll ?√ß End of Roll #1, Bp* * *?╟≤dated for the fiscal year *61 * *62, Then in the next column, we take our budget to date, in other words, take in this case, one ^1| of it because we*re 6 mcs. Into ffce year, v/?½ should, if our anticipated revenue would have been correct, we should have had lob,566 from Llvewlre* However, we have .only received $44,938 fro?½ Li vewi re, leaving us under 121,627,11 that we have yet on the'budget* Of Course, bear in mind, here again, that a budget is Just ah antici- pated thing, it?╟╓s practically impossible to say you?╟╓re going yo re- ?╟╓ ceive SI33,133?√ßfrom Llvewlre contribution# ?╟÷ you may receive more r you may receive less* -Of course our County contribution frw the airily Commissioners is pledged at $20,000 a year, and we* re off , furteen cents there someplace and that*# ?╟÷ well we*ve actually?╟╓ '?√ß eceived $10,000,14 ?╟÷ I don*t know where the fourteen pennies came *;c?? but it** down there* ?╟≤ So we have actually received $54,939,03 or this first si* months of our year from Llvewlre and County, h*ve expended for Mews bureau $48,656, Publicity ?╜ Promotion Committee. 21i?·-f#iMs:m %Imi Publicity 'utid loo ^ ?║372#23 iwtiicti consists of Alxiiiws tfiwl ventIon and miscellaneous makes up the $373,23. Mow, those figures would Indicate that as of Dec, -list the expenditures exceeded the in- come by $1,687,13* However, the Chamber of Commerce, in order to end $he of Directors in a meeting over a month ago, ?√ß decided ' that they would transfer (and this l* Just merely to facilitate?╟╓ a little easier accounting records) $$,000 In to the bank account of the Mews Bureau and Publicity and Promotion, because that*# just one bank account so that.we could go ahead and pay the bills fro?½ the general account, , Mow, another matter' of explanation that 1 would like to make as far as the accounting is concerned, if you*!! refer to page one, you*11 notice you have under current assets Llvewlre receivable, the second ?√ßfrom the bottom figure, under current assets and if you will notice down ther under deferred income, the second xSPK