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    Milwaukee Journal Milwaukee, Wis. JUL ens PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 San Francisco Portland - Seattle San Bernardino, Cal. Sun (Cir. 35,751) IN HSfLYWOOD Sonja Henie to Skate Out Into Audience in 3-D Film By ERSKiNE JOHNSON HO&fJgWOOD ?╟÷ ,(NEA> ?╟÷ Exclu4ve^|i^"ri: Sonja Henie tSlmiihjt rigi^^utf into the audi- 4___f__|,|b 3-D? Producer Harry 3ft^roWn has Sonja's word that she will make her movie cora^e-' back under his banner in a big 3-T) musical extravaganza. -,. '^t's '"a :ftjattef""ol timing," Brown told me on the set of "I Ride Alone," a new 3-D film for Columbia. "If Sonja can get through with her London ice show and dates in France On time, we'll'start the picture this fall. We've been talking about it for several months. She's very enthusiastic about the idea." The long-expected blowup of the" Arlene Dahl-Fernando Lamas romance is near. Arlene's been seeing Raymond Hakim, whom she dated long before Lex Barker came into her life. Lili St. Cyr, the strip queen, has only one page of dialog in "The Son of Sinbad" at RKO. But with Lili, who needs talk? .... John Huston's "Richard the HE" will be the 10fcfull-length 3-D flicker to bejfmac]g_in London., Sir Lauren^ replace Jose Fei Jose doesn't wai wood?╟÷and \Ftos ON THE UP Aj Van Johnsoi a song and di Entratter of Las Vegas W'We'd forgottf|! a studio exectjtr fessed to J&Qk- Stature of movie flesh, night-club "I'm sold on movie names," Entratter. told me after two weeks of jawv-packed business with Van's hoofing, singing and breezy chatter. "But* they must be movie stars with talent. They can't just stand up there with a take-a-look-I'm-a-movie-star attitude." It was Entratter, now producing the lavish shows at The Sands, who lured the first 1||11#t wood star, Jane Powell, to play the Copacabana Quh. in New York two years ago. Now he's ready to sign more movie names for The Sands, with negotiations already on for Marie Wilson, Marlene Dietrich, Bill Bendix, Peter Lawford and others. EJntratter's always on the prowl for super-gorgeous dolls to decorate his shows, but even in Hollywood it isn't easy to find | them, he admitted. Thirty girls I with movie chorus experience | turned out for his last audition. | He hired only two of- the daz- zlers. "A movie camera can hide defects," he told me^ "A night-club spotlight can't." 8EPARATON DID IT I The separation caused by their careers, Director Don Siegal is saying, backgrounded the breakup of his marriage t*> Viveca Lindfors. Now directing "China Venture," Don told me: "No marriage can last when the partners are at opposite ends of the (jouhtry?╟÷Viveca's career took her to New York. The divorce is entirely amicable. There is no bitterness on either side." ; Mona Freeman's mother is poised for that ocean hop with daughter ?╟÷ another log on the fire that could spell marriage to Bing Crosby. I Peggy Lee, who wrote the mu- slcand lyrics of her new record hit, "Who's Gonna Pay the Check?" wires: "My song is positively not inspired by the legal battle, between Marion Davies and Charlie .Morrison over the Johnny Ray party." Nancy Olson is forsaking Hollywood for a year or more. When, the stork delivers the second bundle this summer, she will settle down in New York with hubby Alan Jay Lerner. \Vo LAS VEGAS THIS "Broadway on the Desert" boasts the wqr^s^ largest 'collection of floor | shows. T Even the longhaired concert stars are invading, the night club circuit. Not even New York, Monte Carlo or Palm Beach can advertise seven top name FREE flooi& shows at seven swanky hotels, plus free drinks and cigarets at the 24 hbur a day gaming tables and free breakfast and an atom bomb show Tuesday at 5 a.m. Now high brow stars from opera and concerts are scrambling for spots in the high paid floor shows in this fabulous gambling resort. Lauritz Melehior started the ^Vegas: Broadwa^fon the Desert ihen he sang at the Sa- lara hotel. Jeanetie MacDon- _d followed him mere. Ezio iza just finished ainm at the and Nelsfm Eddy is bisect into* the Sah >vie and stagejfistars who have\n ever entertained in mVhtVliiJis hgf-p^snrh as Zsa Zsa,Gabor^Tan Johnson, Gene Nelson, Mae West and Tallulah Bankhead, have whipped up acts to cash in on the easy money, too. Zsa Zsa pulled down $6,000 a week for just giggling in a Hungarian accent and looking beautiful. Since the opening of the new Sands and Sahara hotels last year, a price war has spiraled salaries for big name acts. The Desert inn will pay Johnnie Ray $20,1)00 a week to cry among the dice tables. "This town offers more entertainment than any town in the world because we're the only community that can afford to pay high salaries," explained Sahara hotel owner Milton Prell. "We pay five times the^salary of a New York clu b." ?╟≤ i Ts^-pfK -^^^^ But the most incongruous sight in this land of dice tables and blazing neon signs among the cactus are the refugees from opera. "Everybody else .was doing this so I decided to get in the act," explained the cultured Miss MacDonald. M e 1 eh Sw& says, "There's more money in this than opera." Pinza sang both "South Pa llf cific" tunes and longhaired ditties in his act, and insists "audiences are the same anywhere, they like good music." George. Muro, who produces the lavish shows at the Sahara. says with a sigh that he has to j educate the high brow singers M^the'ways of the night clubs. When the roly poly Melehior arrived at- the Sahara, be explained to; MurO- he planned to sing "Pagiiacci" and then re- j tire to his dressing room to I "rest" for 15 minutes. "I asked him what would the i audience be doing all this j time?" recalls Muro. "Melehior said, 'Oh, they can talk to each other and rest, too!' " ?╟÷ALINE MOSBY ;*Ma^in ior what you paid Wm ttiroe? 0 000 Ydu can t nop* w ?╟≤" foows ^J^/^oldattte ?║atara; .i^^^JS^Veies) ""tSThoIU, *J?· <_JllL ens -eU-heeled friends- wh,| xWitz Mdd??ior*rt_ ?·/shrv1 singer*. gU $*_*fm Johnsoi ["* t^bteSw at the Sands] was also a mg armm ^ RTHE ORIGINAL _ omeikF PRESS CLIPP^S ?√ß?√ß 220 W. 19* St., NEW YORK 11, N.Y. T& CHelsea 3-8860 C|r.. (D 335,497] This Clipping From LOS ANGELES, CAL.^ HERALD & EXPRESS PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 LOS ANGELES San Francisco Portland - Seattle Solana Beach, Cal. San Dieguito Citizen __H/?· (Cir- '.780) LKas Vegas Visitors (I Mr. and Mrs. EdwaJ^^^g found Las Vegas and^ore-^ cifically the wondrous nl% ?·ands J Resort^an Aha* -thl brochuflfejpr?? jmise. *\\ afid Mrs. WalslSfel I journey/orthward this week wS ^Hollywood" as their destination <J\IU ens PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 LOS ANGELES San Francisco Portland - Seattle Hollywood, Calif Reporter {Cir. 6,821) WAY NITERY NOTES Dtfltothy ^Shay opens six-week engagement a) thfe Palmer House, Chi- cagoVrOTTidflWy night. Andy and Delia Russell headline at the Flamingo, Las Vegas, for two weeks | starting May 28. The Carsony Bros., acrobatic juggling trio, join the Joni James bill opening at Ciro's Fridav. Comedienne Patsy Shaw breaks in a new JPtai|Tops, San Diego, May 26. Jme Graymds, back from six weeks at tfeJiii&uth^KS, Honolulu, open Fri- davpt BaT^rsfrajd's Saddle and Sirloin prjpfto touringwie Orient. iLajis Armstrong set for two weeks arfhliSands HoteW Las Vegas, starting Jurfe fO, B7 AssoclBooking Corp. Jokephine PremSe held overat^Bflr of N/^?║ic on bill l/ith Dv^gKTiske, who op^sMay 28fwith his "Songs My Mother N?║^w^J6dSght Me." Irene Ryan set for two weeks at the Thunderbird Hotel, Las Vegas, starting jiiKa attended a huge Hudson sales rally recently at the Rodger Young Auditorium to hear details of a mammoth sales contest. The contest will be on both'new and used car sales with drawings for silver ojn giant jack pot boards held each three week period of the contest. At the fuial drawing which will be held on or about July 7 the top 30 salesmen in the Los Angeles zone will receive an opportunity jo win additional awards of silver dollars Lsame 30^ta^yill compete for a grand prize Jj*e2NlL& k??tl1 the new^d used car division which will be anmexpense tour anl^ree-day weekend vacation 11 ^ ^HL?·or each winnP&ind his wife as guest at the beautiful^^ds Hotel. J. I^YTex) Stevenson mer- chand^smg malllrP&^the Hudsftp Sales Corp. (left of speaker stand) andTfrs^iajjaj^Scott zone manager of Hudson Sales Corp. (on thTright) conducted the meetmg. ESTABLISHED 1888 BArclay -7-5371 PRES^LIPPINS BUREAU 165 C\?║/<0 Street # Nev^ York iUFFALO, N. Y. ?√ß mimNG mwm % Circ. D. 284,755'HS ^#27 1953- NEWS FROM HOLLYWOOD Mary McCarty Gets Role in 'French line' With Jane Russell v I ir%y SHEILAH GRAHAM S^cial^o The Buffalo Evening News and ~*-*f American Newspaper Alliance .LYWOOD, May 27.?╟÷Mary McCarty has landed the second lead to. Jane Russell in "The French Line." And she's on a crazy diet to shed some excess weight. Steve (Mr. Vm-_m__*mmpm verse) Reeves willflFSl play Mr. Universe W:?╟÷wB?╟÷ to :Esthj Hams' j at Meti TallJ head, althe Sandsl in Last made eleryone- incliidinlk leader Ri tra - room when JL hearsed her t off of Dorothy! Parker. TaU * very nervous. Mrs. Fred Mac-?╟? Mary McCarty Murray is in an oxygen tent in St. John's Hospital because of a recurrence of ultra high blood pressure . . . And Eva Gabor's ex-husband, Charles Isaacs, is also seriously ailing. RITA HAYWORTH has to sleep with a board under her mattress for as long as she has lumbago" . . . And Dick HaymeffM1' is flying to Hono-1 lulu for dates! with Rita when 3 she's not doing location for "Miss I Sadie Thompson." i Dick has a way I with lonely wim-1 men. When Joseph | Gotten was asked r by a British newspaper chap, "are I you going to Lon-F don on the 181 months taxi Jthing?" he re- Iplied, "no, only Dick Haymes ?√ßfor a fortnight, to brush up on my ?√ßEnglish." 1 Judy Garland looks well, but Jshe's still too heavy. So don't hold ?√ßyour breath waiting for "A Star Is iBorn." . .. But poor Florence Bates has lost 100 pounds in the six months since her husband died, and she can't get roles because she [doesn't look like herself. . MERIAN COOPER brought cinerama, to Louis .B. Mayer, so it seems odd that, according to report, L. B. is trying to ease Merian out. Fortunately,';Cooper has a five- year conlra$fc.A The current .separation of George Sanders and Zsa Zsa Gabor looks permanent. >''?√ß Marti Stevens surprised the breath out of me at her Mocambo debut here. I think she'has tre- mendous^aleht and the indefinable quality that-spells stardom. In fact, she's so good she doesn't need her father, Mek^pfepejr^ft is merely head man ?-t Loew's -and Metro. . . . PubKc-r^Mons' genius Russell Birdwell, %M waly, is branching out., He's not only Marti's manager but he i??ut Jhe act together and booked it.