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    Hollywood, Calif. Variety_____ (Circ, D. 9,402) ' LAS VEGAS, NEVADA Covina, Calif. San Gabriel Valley Tribune (Cir. D. 72,094 - S. 73,881) MAY 2 3 196$ ^QtLn?╟╓i P.C.B. Est. 1888 BARNEY GLAZER IN tXSVEGAS 'Tout Paris, Now Touted As Best Show Strip le.Stardust Hotel last.weete mnreimorio , was !1 'i. .. * The; Stardust Hotel last week premiered ?╟úTout Paris,?╟Ñ eighth edition of thg~Lldu ite Paris in its magnificent Cafe Continen- tal- As with its first seven1?╟╓edi-i tions, ?╟úTout Paris?╟╓' featured spectacular production num- bers interspersed with many, Je^dtot-acts. Wm _Donn|Arden again presented nis singers and beautiful Bluebell Girl dancers in-the pro- ductionlnumbers. The - Lido ,of Paris is their home base/ but ae- musicians, last seen here in i 1966. All other acts, from the 1 Pans Lido, appear here for the t first time. ?╟≤ ,t Ice skaters Parker a n d j Powers headline the moveable ice stage show. Rudy Schweitzer i has an unusual juggling-act Binder and Binder, a teeterboard boy-girl apt, performs feats of balance, a Speedy, comic contortionists tl Evers and Toni add the Tyro- lean -flavor.: month to hear him at the Dunes before he begins his national tour, He?╟╓s worth the trip, even if ?√ßthe: visit interrupts your savings plan. Line Renaud, who opened the Dunes?╟╓ ?╟ ^Casino de Paris?╟Ñ show, in 1961 and stayed for one year, replaces Rouvaun. ?╟≤ She opens June 25, returning to Las Vegas after; a long stay in France at the Casing de Paris. ----riavor. - -?╟≤ -r*Jacduelipe -jbouguet, singled fBFm Ieading If y??u?╟╓re looking for the most PR Chief Lee Fisher as a Eutooean e nsfe-ft in town, no Fture superstar, returns to the rflpitajg ?Σ≤enH^d to,make ah.iSsue of it as]Duhes in September to head Tte'^hth MgawfliWIM!CMS.?╟Ñ greatdhtaster spene. tiaditional L ^Ude fhJ ??De ]Ust married M ^ faere f ?╜ Juhet Prowse?╟╓s ex-boyfriend.- BS WSm time. this week - resemtions well in^d-|^e.dlan dackie Vern??n at the hoth m LaS ^as wth l vance of your planned visit ?·iaddin and Erro1 Gm^er in the bf\A I both MX independent elevatprs car-jthp sqm*1 idea M'\ ANOTHER TIP, this one bas- SS n??╟╓ t?·r at eS a either ed on a Personal scoop, handed vShllifv BS3 StuS* increase me by Rouvaun himself. The visibihty from all seats and sensational singer closes June 23 make viewing eatv fmm ?╟??╟??╟? ^ BS8 t>._?╟? i , ej Friday May. 24. Openings Tuesday, May 2; - eggy Lee at the Frontier, joi ed the following night by Ja< E,, Leonard; Henry Mancj and orchestra at the. Sahara.' Cur r ent show: Caesar Palace?╟÷Fiddler on the Rod Bottoms Up, Crazy He$ Revue, Desert Inn: ?╟úPzazz'?╟╓68?╟Ñ an ?╟úTom Jones.?╟Ñ Pepper Davis i Tony" Reese closed but Jef lauding memories with : thei mini^nusic^f, ?╟úHap Wrongs?½* of the West Side Story.?╟Ñ ' :dS3 j ?╟≤ Fi^riingo;, Frank GoE0j| Lairtie Kazan.?╟╓ | .Frerapiil FranMe Laine. Riviera: Mifg Gayndp and Shecky Greejfll wotta sensational pair 'Ji make'viewing easy from any table in the room. A staircase lends further flex- ibility to the panoramic stage. Tlie descending disks remain, with new decorations. Beautiful chandeliers have been added. Italian costume designer Folco made all costumes for the show ^ ^as?╟  - , wines Will miss jiyH acts include: The handsome, personable IS fhtwits,^zany group of lolthrilling vocalist. You have onf/' w , oV* V-IVOW UUI1C 40 a at t the Dunes Hotel, as star of j ?╟úCasino de Paris.?╟Ñ Originally j j scheduled to return to the l Dungs in December from an extensive concert tour through- ji but the country, Rouvaun said, j ?½| won?╟╓t return In December j but will' wait until next June.?╟Ñ Ji | That?╟╓s a long- dry spell ?╟÷ andp ihe Dunes will miss the* Wednesday, Jane 5, 1968 Stardust, Las Vegas Las Vegas, May 20. Igl'Tout Paris Revue,?╟Ñ With The nitwits (10), The Reberte (4), Evers & Toni, Jffthcy Lee barker h Nicky Powers, Rudy Schweitzer,' iMarya Linera, Jack Kassel, Les 'Bluebell Girls (18), Les Belles du |Mdo(18); Arden Boy Dancers(9), Mrden Boy Singers (9,), Eddie O?╟╓- Weil Oreh& 18); doncbhved by Pier- re f-Louis-'&uerin & Rend^Fraday; 's&ged & directed, by Bonn Arden;, produced by "Frnpik SennesZ/ cos-1 fi%i&hes by*' Folco: art direction, liirvey Warred;, sets, H. Warren WSmfcost; original mustei.if . P- %Lan- Ydfeau; .lyricsi'-G. AUe'niyfgHting .< & miind, Eddid'^White; $7 h?½' nhni- eighth- etHtJon"' of Le - Lido de Paris, ?╟úTout Paris,?╟Ñ is, in some inspects, less of a blockbusterJthan :ta;evious revues, although the com- parative values will make- little cr Bo difference in attracting peak Crowds for the year-plus run. '-The Lido shows at the,Stardust have always been toip magnets over ' ithpt years with their lavish display lof flesh in and out of extravagatft ^bsjmnes, plus the use of special effects that rfeveal swimmibg' pools, 4ce#inks, fountains, fireworks and taiways the featured ?╟úcatastrophe?╟Ñ which has employed floods, fires, ?╟≤(volcanic eruptions,'?╟╓ /l earthquakes land-almost every bther kind o?· de- structive force for . breathtaking impact. ?╟≤ Another factor ^ which has' (brought tourists back 1 time , and time again is -the gleaning 'of top (continental talenfes-oj, offbeat'acts essentially grooved for such show- lcasting as director Donn Arden haA structured within . the jMpsgfa eu?½:-Stardust format. The Nitwits -Ifrom England are such an -attrac- tioh. The 10 zany musical weirdos, led by Sid Millard, have returned to Isiead the ?╟Ñ68 opus and word is sure to get around fast that the fave aet of "editions past is back, funnier than ever. . Although most ribtickling effects ??r$ obtained instrumentally, ?╟ one ?½f ?╟╓the excruciating highlights is the vocal chorus, ?╟úLily of La- . guna,?╟Ñ in which diminutivedown Charles Rossi makes most fablers Simp from laughter during his panto antics. Credit also the ex- prc jive, rangy Negro, Cyril Lagey, for some outlandish mugging and falsetto warbling, Walter Stewart for perfect timing, Chriss Fox, (Ronnie Genarder, Arthur Calkin, (Sid Flood, Brian Firth and Toni Traversi for , contributing, multi- talents to the inspired madness. The Reberte ds a quartet of gym- nasts whose flips, and tumbles in solo or grouj? bear hihe mark of expertise. Theirs is a sleek presen- tation that contains comedic ele- ments as well as highly kinetic muscular expositions.; Also in the musicular division arse^the pretzel (contortions of Evers. & Toni ' who ibring gasps with their almost pii- ibelieyable limb knots. Nancy Lee Parker and Nicky Powers reveal smooth dub blade style on the rink, with Powers hhndlfng the major - single exhibits. Climax is a thrill- er with Miss Parker?╟╓s zoom over the ice into Powers?╟╓ arms and ibeing whirled at finish to 'defy sail principles of centrifugal force. (Rudy Schweitzer?╟╓s; juggling of hats, (balls and boxes is speedy and (nearly faultless. The ?╟╓68 Lido ?╟úcatastrophe?╟Ñ is a falling chandelier and fire in a ?√ß?╟ ?╟ Phantom the Opera?╟Ñ sequence. ; The entite prpduction misses con- ! siderably the former high marks , net in previous years. Other scenes, vising the full cast of.; Blue-bell Girls, the perambulating nudes, the Arden boy darners, and sing- ers, have the added embellishment of Marya Linera whose supple and i well-endowed frame is well ex- posed during her various chore os. Costuming' is more lavish and opulent this edition, particularly with the use of furs.' However, the opening production numberv ?╟úNuit d?╟╓Eleganee,?╟Ñ is overlong; and has many moments of- ennui after., logi- cal - endings are-gcontinued. -. The vise of twcT live, camels in-the sand-, storm sequence (not ?╟≤ real sand , (blowing, just billowing g&uzeV.'is a conversation buzzer and she-most e^fective -u^e of afl of the f'eromes is ;tbe sexy, , scene. Will.