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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, September 1997



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    SPECIAL SERVICES HIGHLIGHT SEPTEMBER Invite a Friend Sabbath Do you have a friend that is looking for a syna; educate their children? A place to interact wit! lagogue? itn other A place to Jews in the community? Bring them to services September 12 to our "Invite A Friend Sabbath." we will meet in the Library at 6:45 p.m. They can meet the leadership of the congregation and enjoy the beginning of a special relationship. Tot Shabbat Join Jackie Fleekop on September 19 at 6:30 p.m. in the BeitTefillah as she leads a special Shabbat service for our Toddlers. Please RSVP to the office at 733-6292. ?: % Family Shabbat with Story teller Hester Kremer e are happy to share with you the wonderful story telling of Hester emer at our Family Shabbat, September 19 at 7:30 p.m. in the 'anctuary. Selichot Making of Ethic Wills: Cherishing our Past, Preparing for our uture? - This year?s Selichot Program will take place on Saturday evening September 27 at 8:00 p.m. Following light refreshments, Rabbi Akselrad will lead the Congregation in a discussion on ethical wills. What is an ?ethical will?? As Rabbi Akselrad observed, ?Over the years many people have expressed an interest in this uniquely Jewish topic. We are all familiar with a will in which one leaves money or property to heirs; well, this is a different notion. It is the bequeathing of values. An ethic will is a means by which a person states in writing the values and principals of faith that s/he would like (continued on page 5) Congregation Her Tamid Co-Hosts Community- Wide Kallah Festival On SuncJay aFternoon, September 21, tIhe kwisb Organizations ANd JEwisb AqENciES of Las Vegas iN cooRdiNATioN whb tLie JEwisb FEdERATiON of 1-AS VEqAS Will bE IrOSTiNG a COMMUNhy widE fESTivaI of JEwisb EducATioNAl Programs ceIe^ratIng tLie bEAUTy, taste ANd SONG of OUR TREASUREd flERiTAGE. Tf)E KaIIaIt FeSOVaI will bE LiEld iN vARious locATioNs tItrougIhout our COMMUNhy. We urge you TO MARk yOUR CAlENdARS ANd WATCfl fOR fuRTflER dETAiIs iN TbE newspapers ANd youR MAil. Congregation Ner TAMid will boST OUR pORTiON of TbE KAllAb fROM 12:30/2:00 p.M. You will bE TAkEN ON a jouRNEy tItrougIt TbE JEwisb yEAR wiTb discussioNS, Music ANd food. WELCOME TO OUR PRE-HIGH HOLIDAY ISSUE In this issue of the Bulletin, we will take the opportunity to highlight our successful programs, overview our High Holiday services and remind our members and prospective members of our numerous affiliates and committees. For more information on how to become in?volved, please contact Monty E. Willey, the Executive Director in the Temple Office at 733-6292. 03 m features Worship Services 2 Rabbi?s Message 2 Message from the President 3 Notes from Our Cantorial Soloist 4 High Holiday Ticket Policy 5 School News 6 B?nai Mitzvah 7 Auxiliaries & Committees 8 Birthdays & Anniversaries 12 NTTY and Mommy-n-Me 13 Tributes 15 Yahrzeits 18 c l (Spec-fa/ rj)lii(i- O'er (Belong,cWforsfiip Services Conducted by Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad & Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman September 5 Amy Klene Bat Mitzvah 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by the Klene Family September 6 Jessica Schnitzer Bat Mitzvah 10:00am Kiddush sponsored by the ScHNrrzER Family September 12 Invite a Friend Sabbath 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood September 13 Stacie Marano Bat Mitzvah 1 0:00am Kiddush sponsored by the Marano Family September 19 Tot Shabbat BeitTefillah 6:30pm Family Shabbat with Story Teller Hester Kremer 7:30pm Babynaming Seth Allen Butwinick Oneg sponsored by grandparents Jean and Jerry Friedman September 20 Lora Smylie Bat Mitzvah 1 0:00am Kiddush sponsored by the Smylie Family September 26 Shabbat Services 7:30pm Junior Congregation/Beit Tefillah Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood September 27 Selichot Program 8:00pm Selichot Services 9:00pm ?Facing the Challenges of tne New Year This coming fall, it is anticipated that our Temple will pass the milestone membership number of 600 family units. It is hard to believe that when 1 came nearly 10 years ago, that our membership was under 100 fami?lies. Having been busy from the first day 1 arrived, I often wonder not only where the time goes, but where the energy goes to continue to be a "hamish congregation." One which is not large and impersonal, but where every person matters. Though size obviously affects a congregation in many ways, we must not lose sight of the fact that size doesn?t automatically imply anything about the character or culture of a Temple. Small congregations can be clickish and impersonal just as easily as large ones. And large congregations can afford to provide a host of programs simply unavailable to small congre?gations. Our Temple however, is neither ?small? nor "large." We are amidsize congregation which is just beginning A A 2 A Conqreqa rioN Ner Tam id to feel the challenges of growth. We parallel in many ways what is happening in Las Vegas in general. /am determined however, that the spirit of our Congregation will be unaltered. We will meet the growing needs of our members by expanding our programs and at times the actual location of our programs. We are for example creating a West Side campus for our Religious school students in grades 4-7. Other activities will also happen throughout the year at various places in our community. And at the Temple itself we will continue to make efficient use of our facility by offering an even wider variety of programs. All of this comes with a price. And 1 don?t just mean dollars. To be sure, we will be hiring additional personnel?a new receptionist and a full time Program Director. But, the most important way that our Temple needs to grow is in the utilization of its members. We have an incredible pool of talent which remains largely untapped. Our committees are numerous, but we remain admittedly short on new involvement. This too will be uie a priority of mine, the entire s and the lay leadership this year strengthen our committee structure and to greatly expand the num' of members who give of their ti to the Temple. While I am proud of the literally hundreds of people who are involved in the Temple in so many ways, there are those who still have yet to find their niche within the Temple. So let me be clear and passionate: we need and want your help, your time, your talent. Please speak to me or any member of our staff to let us know what you would like to do to become involved in the Temple. And if you aren?t sure, let?s begin simply by talking and going over ideas. Together we can continue to make Congregation Ner Tamid ?a special place to belong. ? fRg5bi?cmforcCfA%se.(rad September Temple Board Members Bob Unger President Drew Levy VP Administration IpAVID Mendelson VP Ways & Means ?ra Spector VP Membership David Stahl VP Religious Activities Scott Stolberg VP Education Scott Dockswell VP Social Rita Goldstein Treasurer Ruth Urban Secretary Mel Hallerman Trustee Sylvia Beller Trustee Frances Klamian Trustee Jacky Rosen Trustee Jon Sparer Trustee Robin Greenspun Trustee Esther Saltzman Trustee Kenny Epstein Trustee Janis Rounds Sisterhood Jeff Markewich Brotherhood Sol Tolpen Golden Chai Dustin Tiep NTTY Shayna Unger TNT Jerry Gordon Past President Cal Lewis Past President Eileen Kollins Past President Kenneth Schnitzer Past President Dr. David Wasserman Past President .Dr. Steve Kollins Past President IMichael Cherry Past President Eugene Kirshbaum* Past President Leo Wilner Advisor | *Deceased RABBI BECOMES A BAR MITZVAH Would you bEliEVE iT? It was FEbRUARy 1988 whEN RAbbi AksElRAd ARRiVEd TO SERVE OUR CONqREQATioN. We Will CEUbRATE his 10Th yEAR ANNivERSARy ANd Bar MiTzvAh (RAbbi AksElRAd ENTEREd t!|E RAbbiNATE iN June 1984) ON jANUARy 10, 1998. We ARE iN THE pRElilVliNARy plANN'lNQ STAGES ANd lookiNq For psopU TO ASsisT iN plANNiNq ANd ORqANiziNq This iMpoR- TANT EVENT. IF yOU ARE iNTERESTEd iN hslpiNq OUT, pIease caII Yvonne CoRdoN at 875 1402 or JAcky Rosen at 45>6'7617. The High Holydays are approaching fast. This year our Congregation will host the largest Erev Rosh Hashanah and Kol Nidre services in our 21- year history. The High Holydays will also kick off one or the busiest fall and winter schedules the Temple has ever seen. As we have grown, so have the number of programs offered to congregants as well as the num?ber of events scheduled. There are over 50 Bar/Bat Mitzvahs this year alone. Congregation Ner Tamid has become a very busy place. This past June, our Board of Trustees approved a new full time position of Program Director. We are happy to announce that we have selected Jill Ginsberg for that position. Jill recently moved to Las Vegas from Los Angeles to marry her new husband Mark Druck- er. Jill comes to us from the Los Angeles office of B?nai Brith with rave reviews. She will be introducing her?self in next month?s Bulletin. 1 hope you all get a chance to meet Jill dur?ing the High Holydays or sooner. But watch out, you may end up on a committee, join a class, or volunteer to help. By now, you have received Mike Cherry?s letter reminding you about this year?s Kol Nidre Campaign. Please remember how important your pledges are to our annual bud- ?et and make your pledges now. >ur members come through every year and 1 expect great things from all of us this year. The past several months have been particularly diffi?cult ones for many members who are very close to and very active at the Temple. Several of our mem?bers lost loved ones unexpectedly. Our hearts and our love are with these members of our extended fam?ily as will be our prayers during the upcoming High Holydays. 1 am pleased to report an excellent start of our new Scrip Program. The new program includes many new stores and restaurants. Some of the stores are donating as much as 25% of each purchase to the Temple. Please make sure you become familiar with the new merchants and the new easy way to order and receive your Scrip, if only to stop me from talk?ing about it! 1 am also pleased to announce plans for a temple pho?tographic membership directory. We have made arrangements for photographers to be at the temple during the last two weeks of Oc?tober. They will be taking family photos that will be placed into a full color membership directory. You will be contacted soon to schedule an appointment. Please participate and make the directory a big success. There will be no cost to members for having the photos taken or receiving a direc?tory. The photographers will be selling optional family portrait pack?ages. A very special event will take place during January. Our Congregation will celebrate the tenth anniversa- 8r of Rabbi Akselrad?s arrival at ongregation Ner Tamid. It will also mark the 13th year he has been a Rabbi. As a result, we are planning a Bar Mitzvah! Rabbi Ak- selrad only agreed to let us hold this event if it could help raise funds for our Sanctuary. We, of course, agreed. There are already several committees formed. Therefore, if you would like to get involved, please call the office soon. One of the events of the day will be a roast of the Rabbi. While I was in the Temple office the other day, I asked several of the office staff for some ideas for the roast. After asking three or four people some ques?tions and getting absolutely no re?sponse, I suddenly realized that they were all wearing earplugs. I tapped the Rabbi?s secretary, Karen, on the shoulder. She turned and looked at me and said, "He?s already practicing for the Bar Mitzvah!" This roast is going to be fun!?? Bob a 3a kpTEMbER 1 997 c l (S p ec ia l ^ p laee Q ir r/ie lo n tj 4j---------V h ^tVateA-fz. om. aux. (Zajnl.nnJcif. V t As I write this article 1 am in the midst of High Holyday preparations and anticipating attending the Conference for Jewish Educators at Stanford University. This confer?ence is always a treat and gives me the opportunity to expand my Jewish Education, listen to many of my favorite Jewish music artists (including Debbie Friedman), as well as some of the upcoming artists, and get great new ideas from colleagues and other Jewish professionals. I especially look forward to participating in the Cantor?s choir which performs on the last night of the Conference. I always find some of the best pieces for both the Adult and Jr. Choirs at this Conference. Speaking of our choirs...Our loft area is almost too small to fit all of the wonderful volunteers who will be singing in the High Holyday Choir. We have never nad a better or larger group! 1 have added some beautiful new music and I know that this year?s High Holyday choir is going to WOW you all. Our Jr. Choir will be getting started at the end of September with a special rehearsal just for new members on Sunday, September 28. The Jr. Choir is open for students in the third grade and above and they sing at all of our family services throughout the school year. They rehearse on Sundays in the Beit Tefillah after Sunday School from 12:15 to 1:00 p.m. This is a wonderful way for your child to enhance his or her Jewish Education and have fun at the same time! If you have a child who is interested in participating in Jr. Choir, please plan on having them attend this special rehearsal on the 28th. B?Shalom, ?Befld ?o you have a jomity member or friend who is hospitalised? Rabbi Akselrad would like to help you and your family by visiting Temple members and friends of our congregation who have been hospitalized. Since there is no notification from the hospitals, please contact Karen at the Temple office at 733-6292 when a family member or friend is hospitalized. Homeless Project Maxine Gratz chairs our homeless project... What follows is a letter to the Rabbi following our August hosting of several homeless families: Dear Rabbi, There are no words to express thejoy I feel in my heart tonight (or shall I say morning). The 5 days I shared with the families from the IHN were the most wonderful days. I was very sorry to see the week end. The group of people who I and the other wonderful volunteers got to know were the nicest group of people. They all met at the 5alvation Army. We were blessed with 3 fa milies by weeks end. One family wasa wife anda husband and4children ranging from Byears old down toabout2years.Asingle mom pregnant with twins and a little adorable boy of 11/2 years old. The final family wasa single dad with two children, a boy 3years old and a little girl 2years. The girl wasafraid of women since she had been abused by her mom. By weeks end she was starting to come around. The little boy wasjust a flirt..cute as a button. All these families wanted to do was eat. They had been starved for so long that they couldn't get enough food in them. BOY DIDTHEY COMETOTHERIGHTHOUSE...Thefactthattheyhadtheirown private ?rooms? [our classrooms] wasa treat for them as well as the cots. At the shelter, you sleep on a very very thin mattress on the very hard floor all together...needless to say no privacy. One of the women who came on Thursday night was speaking with one of our volunteers, and told this volunteer that our Congregation has treated her like a queen. I don't know aboutyou...but this statement made tears well up in my eyes. I wish more people would have this experience of getting to know these wonderful people and realize how little they have to give to make a difference. A smile, a kind word, just being themselves can touch a persons life and make the world a better place. Maxine Gratz Editor?s note: If you would like to volunteer to help orto donate money to support this project, please let Rabbi Akselrad know. # A A 4 A CONQREQA rioN NeR Tam 'kI SEpTEMbER 1 9 ^ OUTREACH INFORMATION Reform Jewish Outreach was started to enable Reform congregations to respond to the needs of interfaith families and individuals seeking more knowl?edge about and/or conversion to Judaism. A recent survey identified Outreach as one of the most impor?tant current needs of U.S. congregations. Interfaith families now account for a large percentage of temple membership nationwide. Even more interfaith families are unaffiliated which results in their children not being given the opportunity to form a strong Jewish identity. Therefore, it is more important than ever that we continue to respond to this growing need. In addition, more people are seeking knowledge about Judaism and many decide to become Jews by choice. My whole family converted this past year and we personally experienced the excellent job CNT is doing welcoming and integrating these individuals into synagogue life. We are grateful for all the kind people at CNT who reached out to us, taught us, and made us feel at home. Our Rabbi has the honor of sitting on the National Outreach Committee and recently judged entries from innovative Outreach Programs throughout the country, awarding the top ten syna?gogue entries a thousand dollars each. The CNT Outreach Committee wants to develop Outreach programs that respond to the needs of our rapidly growing temple membership and community. Howev?er, to adequately identify those needs, the Outreach Committee must know the kinds of programs that you would benefit from and attend. Please take a minute and fill out the questionnaire we have enclosed in this bulletin and return it to CNT. Check the programs you Srefer including any ideas that you may have. The ut reach Committee is just forming and we could use any help you can give and would also appreciate any ideas you may have. If you are interested in becoming a committee member call us at the numbers below. Our first program will be on September 21 from 12:00 to 2:00 PM.. The program was developed by Jacque?line Fleekop and is entitled, HA Journey Through the Jewish Year.? It will integrate spirituality, observance, and the arts through crafts, music and food, by permitting people to rotate through stations. Rabbi will address the spiritual importance of the holidays; Jacqueline Fleekop will lead holiday prayer observance; and, pella Feldman will teach holiday music. There will also be a craft station as well as a traditional Jewish foods station. It will be a highly informative and enjoy?able program for the whole family. Please inform us if you will need babysitting so we can make the neces?sary arrangements. If you are on the Outreach mailing list, you will be receiving more information about this event. If you wish to be added to or delet?ed from the mailing list, check the appropriate box on the questionnaire and send it back to CNT. For more information call or E-mail me, Mary Ales at 572-0036, <>, or Sandi Sickle at 566-1717. 4 Lookingforwardtoseeingyou, tManjJAleS HIGH HOLIDAY TICKET POLICY 1997 / 5758 Ullilllf Congregation Ner Tamid Policy, as stated below, specifically outlines the procedures, which have been reviewed by the Board of Trustees. Our Membership ticket policy remains the same as previous years. All single members will receive one ticket and all family memberships will receive two tickets. Children under the age of 21 will be admitted without a ticket when accompanied with their parents. College students and Military service members with valid ID, will be admitted without a ticket. Tickets will be mailed out the week of August 25 to all members in good standing. Members in good standing must be current on all assessed fees (at least 75% paid on fees assessed in 1997 and 100% paid on previous years? fees) to receive High Holiday tickets. Tickets will be released thereafter as members become eligible. Members may purchase up to four additional tickets at a cost of $75 per ticket for both Holidays ($38 for one). Names and addresses of all recipients must be submitted to the office and tickets will be mailed directly to them. If time does not allow for tickets to be mailed, they can be picked up at the door immediately prior to High Holiday services. A limited number of tickets are available for non-members. Non members may purchase up to two tickets at a cost of $ 150. Tickets must be purchased in person only at the office. MENOJRAH LEYELDQNORS If you have any questions or need to acquire tickets, please contact our Executive Director, Monty E. Willey, at 733-6292. (Special Services - continued from page 1) others to remember.? Please come share in this fascinating program that will encourage each of us to face those intangible things in lire that are most precious to us. Following this program, the Adult High Holyday Choir conducted by Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman will join Rabbi Akselrad for Selichot Services. This program is open to the entire community. fEpTEMbER 1 997 cd S p e c ia l rf) la o e (Jo (B elon g. ^ 5 ^ chool News September is a wonderful month. Our children are back to school, activities start, and sometimes the Jewish Holidays occur. This year the holidays are in October which allows us to return to school and religious school uninterrupted. September 7th marks the return to religious school. The day begins with registration and an assembly beginning at 9:15 and parents are encouraged to fill out car pool and other forms as students receive their materials. Parents are welcome to spend the day with their children so they can meet their children?s teachers. September 14th Rabbi Shanawitzof Chabad has agreed to visit our school and show our students how shofars are made. K-3 assembly is from 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. and the 4- 8 assembly is from 11:15 to 12:00 p.m. On September 21st we will have normal classes although students without a background in Hebrew can be part of a Hebrew marathon conducted by Mrs. Melissa Roth. We are asking our students to bring a daily brown bag lunch so that we can have an extended day. This program which will take place from 12:30 to 2:00 will be part of a citywide family educational kallah (gathering). We hope parents and friends will join us as we take a journey through the Jewish year. Rabbi Akselrad will discuss the spirituality of the holidays, there will be music with Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman, discussions on tradition with the school director, arts and crafts, and a taste of holiday foods prepared by Sisterhood. Each student attending will be given special credit. September 28th will be a normal day filled with Hebrew, ludaica, Music, Tefillah, and holiday art. Additionally, the first Parents Advi?sory Meeting will take place at 9:30 on the morning of the 28th. There is so much to look forward to in October. The High Holidays, the October 5th Campership meeting. October 17th there will be a Succot family dinner (see flyer). On October 19th we will have our second annual parking lot sale. Please start saving your items. Look for instructions about bringing things for the school in the October bulletin. Moreover, on October 24th we will consecrate new students and celebrate Simchat Torah during service. I?m not sure that our school is considered normal to parents that had a different experience. Our school is busy with education and fun. We hope that we can encourage your child to enjoy religious school and for you, the parents, to participate and support our school. B?Shalom, JacquelmeTkefg]} Director of Education Don't Forqet to reqIster For REliqious School!!! A A 6 A ConqreqarioN Ner Tam 'hI SACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL OFFER. 3Y TEMPLE SCRIP PROGRAM We have expanded our Scrip Program to offer a larger and broader variety of gift certificates. These are ideal for dining out, back to m and much more. We ,,,, if will order them twice IS a month and have IS' 71 them available in the office. As always, fft you can reduce your I,1, 7,7 Temple dues up to ,,,, ? i iv a MAXIMUM of 17 ,,, , i, $100.00. For every ,,, $100 purchase, I 1 If II |W $2.50 will be applied iy, 11 i 1 1 |;V toward your dues ,,,, .,7 ,,, reduction. 77, Ami ,,, 1 No extra cost to 7,7, you, an excellent fundraiser for the Temple and a money saver in dues. Make gift giving and rewards easy by purchasing SCRIPfor families, friends or employees. Any questions, please call Monty at 733-6292. No cred?it cards please. liiipw 1'11'''''111 " " SEpTEMbER 1 9*. Kfazel Tov to our ? September ^ B'naf MitzvahStudents ***** Please come as we are caJ1et> to the Torah ***** Stacie Marano September 13 Hi! My name is Stacie Marano. I was bom on September 6, 1984 in Atlantic City, New Jersey. I have just started the eighth grade and enjoy softball, cheerleaoing, and swimming. I can?t wait until 1 see all my family and friends in Las Vegas, as I become a Bat Mitzvah. Amy Klene September 5 Hello, my name is Amy Klene. 1 am thirteen and going into the eighth grade at Becker Middle School. My interests are listening to music, talking on the phone, going out with my friends, dancing, and occasionally surfing the net. It would be a great pleasure to my family and I if you would join me on my special day! Jessica Schnitzer September 6 Hi, My name is Jessica Schnitzer. I am a student at Thurmon White Middle School, about to enter the eighth grade. I have dedicated many hours to the preparation for my Bat Mitzvah. This is going to be a very exciting day in my life and 1 hope that the whole congregation will join me for this wonderful occasion. Lora Smylie September 20 Hi, 1 am the one in the picture, Lora Smylie. I was born on September 25, 1984 in Cedar Sinai Hospital of Los Angeles. Until I was six 1 lived in West L.A. and then in 1990 moved to Las Vegas. We live in Desert Shores and Twill be an eighth grader in the fall at Ernest A. Becker Middle School. Last year, I participated in the National Junior Honor Society and liked making solar cars in Technology. My hobbies include: going to the movies, talking on the phone, hanging out with friends, shopping, and basketball. I?m involved in modeling, was on a baseball team, and was in karate. My Bat Mitzvah is September 20th when finally all of my studies will pay off. I?m very excited to share this special day with family and friends. Religious School Parents Orientation and first day September 7, 9:15 am First Tuesday Religious School September 9. 4:30 pm First Wednesday (West Side) Religious School September 10, 4:30 pm First day of Confirmation Class September 7. 5:00 pm X hpTEMbER 1997 c t S p e c ia l r( ) la c e O ?& (B elon g, CoNQRECjATiON NeR TAMid AffiliATES ANd COMMiTTEES AdulT EduCATiON: PROVidES ONQOiNq pROQRAMS TO EduCATE ThE CONqREQATiON AboUT JudAisM. TIhESE iNcludE SCholAR' iN'RESidENCE pROqRAMS, EduCATiONAl TRipS TO ViEW JEWisb lifE iiN Los ANqElES (ir\cludiiNq HEbREW UNiON ColUqE), ANd AdulT EduCATiON cIaSSES. TIhE COMMiHEE should MEET AT IeAST foUR TiMES A yEAR. SylviA BeIIer, Chairperson. BROTbiERhood: TIhe BROThERhood woRks to stImuIate jEWisb CONSCIOUSNESS ANd iNCREASE COMMUNiTy iNVolvE- MENT. TbEV Also SPONSOR EduCATiONAl, CuItURaI & SOCiAl pROqRAMS (OR t(hE MEMbERSbip. JeH MARkEWicH, PRESidENT. ChAVURAh: A ChAVURAb is A qROUp of pEOplE WiTb SiMilAR iNTERESTS, qEHiNq TOqETbER, bAViNq fuN, SUppORTiNq EAcb OTbER ANd TbE TEMplE COMMUNiTy. CbAVUROT ARE AVAiUblE bASEd ON AqE, MARTiAl STATUS, SOCiAl iNTERESTS ANd A lOT MORE. Sue ANd Steve Joseph, Co-CHaIrs. ColdEN CbAi: ColdEN CbAi iS TbE SENiOR AUXiliARy of CONqREqATiON NeR TAMid. ColdEN CbAi MEETS TbE fiRST ANd TbiRd TbuRSdAy of EAcb MONTb TO pROVidE SOCiAl AcriviTiES foR TbE SENiORS of our syNAqoquE ANd OTbERS. Sol To/pi'N, PRESidENT. Kol NidRE CAMpAiqN: RESpONSiblE foR SEHiNq Kol NidRE qOAls ANd pUTTiNq TOCETbER A qROUp of PEOplE TO SOliCiT TEMplE MEMbERsbip AloNq WiTb OTbER SUPPORTERS foR TbE Kol NidRE AppEAl. Meets REqulARly fROM June TbRouqb OcTobER. Mike CHerry, CHai'r MEMbERsbip: SERVES TO pROVidE pROqRAMS ANd ACTiviTiES TO ENCOURAqE pEOplE TO AffiliATE TbEMSElvES WiTb OUR TEMplE. In AddiTiON, This COMMiTTEE SERVES TO PROVidE ONqoiNq pROqRAMS TO iNTEqRATE ANd iNVOlvE NEW MEMbERS iN Tbs TempIe. This commhtee MAy pROvids RECOMMENdATiONS TO TbE BoARd ANd/OR budqET COMMiTTEE AS TO duES STRUCTURE WbhiN TbE TeMdIe. TbiS COMMiHEE Also pIans Tbs New MemBer SAbbATb. FiNAlly, This coMMinEE pROvidEs TbE BoARd wiTb iNsiqbT as to wby CoNqREqANTS Ieave TbE TempIe. Meets MONTbly. Ira Spector, VP MeivibERship. OuTREAcb: PROvidEs A VARiETy of pROqRAMS dESiqNEd TO iNTEqRATE INTERfAiTb fAMiliES iNTO CoNqREqATiONAl lifE. TbiS COMMiHEE MEETS MONTbly ANd bAS ONE pROqRAM AppROXiMATEly EVERy Six WEEks fROM SEpTEMbER TO MAy. Mary Ales ANd SANdRA Sickle Co-CHa 'irs. Passover SEdER: This commutes pIans TbE annuaI CoNqREqATiONAl PASSOVER SsdER iN CONjUNCTiON WiTb TbE TempIe AdMiNisTRATOR ANd TbE RAbbi. REspoNsibiliTiES iNcludE loCATiON, publieiTy, ROOM dECORATiONS, TbE SEHiNq of TAblES, fiNdiNq A CATERER ANd MENU SElECTiON. Phyllis MARks, CHa/rperson. PRESCbool COMMiHEE: SERVES TO iNVOlvE PARENTS iN TbE EARly EduCATiON of TbEiR cbildREN. AssiSTS iN TbE dEVElopMENT of pROqRAMS ANd OVERSiqkr iN TbE OPERATIONS of TbE PRESCbool. AssiSTS iN TbE dEVElopMENT of TUiTiON SCbEdulES ANd REPORTS TO TbE BoARd ON TbE pROqRESS of TbE pROqRAMS. Scott SmlbeRq, VP EduCATiON. Rsliqlous School: Serves to iNvolvE parents iN TbE EduCATiON of TbEiR cbildREN. SETS STANdARds foR REliqious ANd HEbREW iNSTRUCTioN foR TbE REliqious School. PROVidES TbE BoARd wiTb AN annuaI budqET ANd REqulAR REPORTS ON TbE pROqRESS of TbE School. RAiSES fuNds foR TbE School ANd PROMOTES TbE School WiTbiN TbE OVERAll COMMUNiTy. MEETS MONTbly, SEpTEMbER TO MAy. Scott SrolbeRq, VP EducArioN. RItuaI: SeIects boNORS foR TbE Hiqb Holy Days ANd SAbbAThs ThROUqboUT TbE yEAR. DiSCUSSES philoSOpbiCAl iSSUES of A REliqious NATURE ANd pROVidES RECOMMENdATiONS TO TbE BoARd. Could Also PROVidE SpECiAl pROqRAMMiNq OR EduCATiONAl CLASSES foR TbE CoNqREqATioN AbouT JudAisM. Meets as NEEdEd. David StaHI, VP R/'tuaI. SiSTERhood: TbE SiSTERbood is AN ORqANiZATiON foR WOMEN who bEliEVE iN pROMOTiNq TbE JEWisb CAUSE ANd shARiNqThE CAMARAdERiE of hAViNq COMMON qOAls ANd idEAls. TbE SiSTERbood pROVidES lEAdERsbip foR TbE syNAqoquE CAMpERsbip PROGRAM, RUNS TbE Cifr Shop, ODERATES A PARTy Shop THAT pROVidES ONEq ANd KiddushES ANd A VARiETy of CATERERiNq NEEds foR Tbs syNAqoquE. jANiS RoUNds, PRESidENT. WAys & Means: hcludEs TbE followiNq SubcOMMiHEES: Goods & SERViCES AuCTiON, BudqET, Kol NidRE ANd ScRip. PROvidEs ONqoiNq fuNd'RAiSiNq PROqRAMS TO MEET yEARly budqETARy NEEds ANd pROjECTEd NEEds of TbE TEMplE. MEETS MONTbly. DAvid MeNdelsoN, VP Wkys & Means. YouTh AaiviTiES: Serves to pRovids pROqRAMMiNq foR TbE youTb of TbE TempIe. HiRES ANd supervises VARiOUS AdviSORS foR OUR CURRENT TWO YoUTh CROUpS; NTTY ANd TNT. PROvidEs support to youTb qROups ANd SERVES AS A VEbidE foR pARENTAl iNVolvEMENT iN TempIe youTb pROqRAMMiNq. ENCOURAqES youTb DARTiCipATiON iN JEWisb CAMpS, iNCludilNq buT NOT liMiTEd to, Camp PearIsteIn. Meets MONTbly. EstHeR Sa/tZMAN, ChAiRpERSON. A8 A CoNqREqATioN Ner TAMid SEpTEMbER 1 9 *0AUXILIARIES & Dear CNT Family, Well, here it is September already. Where has the summer gone? Hope that yours was terrific, mine was! Terrific, because it was filled with planning the upcoming cal?endar for Sisterhood and that is not only challenging, but rejuvenating! We can all use a little rejuvenation once in a while! We have so many wonderful events planned for this year, you won?t want to miss one of them! Golden Choi I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B I During the month of Septem?ber, we will meet on Thursday, Sept. 4th and Thursday, Sept. 18th. On Sept. 4th we will repeat a bingo game that was well received at our July 3rd meeting. On Sept. 18th we will be entertained by Bobby Shawn, a singer with a beautiful voice. We will not have a meeting on Oct. 6th since it is the first day of Rosh Hashonah. We will have a variety show at our Thursday, Oct. 16th and meeting, and a card party on Sunday, Oct. 19th. You are most welcome to attend our meetings and to join our group. We meet at 11:30 am, a bagel brunch is served. Membership dues are only $7.00 a year. Love and Shalom, SoffoCpen, President Before I tell you about some of those wonderful events though, 1 want to encourage you to send in your dues and either become a member or renew your existing membership. The dues this year are only $25.00. Please send them here to Temple addressed to Sis?terhood, Attn: Dotty Henkin. As you will see, you won?t be sorry. Some of the upcoming events you must be a member to attend! We will start the year with our won?derful Paid Member Luncheon on Oct. 5th., who says there?s no free lunch! This year Rabbi will do two book reviews! The first is in No?vember and will be on another book by Harold Kus