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    •13* *•*«?# to naintain, at it» srpanaa, saohinary acuip&aat m m «jntelri«a In lha paofclng housa ay horaaftar l***** agroalug to roplaoa starlit »#r now loeafoO in the building, oxtand oanrayor syatsn, and units rnmmmmy alaotrio- # plunbing e m m m upon ooapXatlon of afcioh t^JIt i* to pay additional Monthly rants! at rata of ono-*t*wlfth of # of total oo«t, tantatlraly asttnatad at 366G#O0, to, and ? ***« U iwmty, ratiflad, approirad and aonflruad* da notion duly aooondod, it o m hl$C3*¥I&, that tha notion of vios-Praaldont Xnlo&arfeoeltar in axaeuting lattar agrooaont da tad my 1, 1936, with A**rio*n Fruit dmmrn Xaoovpoyotodt to savor aonstruotlon of o-ssapool, togothar with aooasaary litis lino and rant, also raarrangaetant of existing savor sonnaottsn, at pasting housa loostad at First and Palsaaraa dtraata, California, imdor la&sa to tha Fruit arowara, lno«| mote work to bo par* fo*»od by tha inad and water Coapany at an actiostad eoat of ^00*00, Lassaa to pay lnsraassd oonthly rants! at rat# of ®f ^ of total actual sost during eontinuanoo of loan*, ^ioh otplroa ffovoobar 1, l»3?j i*osaaa to Maintain said ooam-pool a«d. senna*tions at its solo *txp*e»s#s ondinaiie* rooontlgr paosod by tbs City of Posaoaa prohibiting diaoiiargo of bonce ^ othor treating solutions in sanitary sowars naeansltatlng •onotriMtiOft of said cesspool, to, and tbs sans is barely, mtlflsd, approved and sonflrood. f 0* notion duly jMeonded, It was WWOMH®, that the notion of the President in