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OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS, NEVADA. February 7th, 1922. At a regular adjourned meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas, Nevada, held pursuant to adjournment, Tuesday, February 7th, A.D. 1922, at the hour of eight o'clock p.m. Present Mayor Pro Tem Dentner, Commissioners Hodgens, and Anderson, together with the City Attorney and City Clerk. Bills allowed as per claim book on file with the Clerk. At this time it was the order of the Board upon motion of Commissioner Hodgens, seconded by Commissioners Anderson, and duly carried that the bond of W.E. Arnold, as commissioner of the second class, heretofore approved by the Chairman of the County Commissioners be, and the same is hereby accepted. Voting Com. Hodgens, Anderson, and Mayor Pro Tem Dentner, Aye. Noes, none. Thereupon W.E. Arnold took the required oath of office, and assumed his seat as Commissioner of the Second Class. At this time Mayor Pro Tem Dentner appointed Commissioner Arnold as Commissioner of Streets and Public Property. At this time the Clerk read the following communication from the Chamber of Commerce; Las Vegas, Nevada. February 7th, 1922. To the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners, City of Las Vegas, Nevada. Gentlemen: In response to your letter of recent date inquiring as to the advisability of proceeding to make a survey as to the feasibility of a municipally owned gas plant, will say that from a resolution adopted at the regular meeting of the Board of Directors held on Monday, the 6th instant, it is the sense of the Chamber of Commerce that a municipally owned gas plant is not feasible at this time, and that it would serve no useful purpose to expend money in making a survey for the possibility of such plant. Very truly yours, Las V gas Nevada Chamber of Commerce. By Henry M. Lillis. whereupon it was the order of the Board that the above letter be placed on file for future reference. At this time there appeared before the Board E.W. Griffith with a request for funds to aid in the development of the Agricultural Park deeded to the City of Las Vegas, and the County of Clark jointly, After discussion the Board informed Mr. Griffith that while it was impossible to vote any definite sum for the work at this time, it appeared to the Board that it would probably be able to devote at least One Thousand Dollars to the work, and would give more if the financial condition of the City should warrant. It was the order of the Board, upon motion of Commissioner Hodgens seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Dentner that the Clerk be, and she is hereby ,authorized to write a letter to the Governor of Nevada, requesting him to appoint some day in February to be observed by the city as Arbor Day. Voting Commissioners Hodgens, Anderson, Arnold, and Mayor Pro Tem Dentner Aye. Noes, none. Thereupon it was the order of the Board upon motion of Commissioner Hodgens, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, and duly carried that Commissioner Arnold be and he is hereby appointed to meet with the County Commissioners, and with the City Attorney, and District attorney to aid in formulating some plan and in drawing up an ordinance providing for the maintenance of the Agricultural Park. Voting Commissioners Hodgens, Anderson, Arnold, and His Honor the Mayor Pro Tem Dentner, Aye. Noes, none. It was the order of the Board upon motion of Mayor Pro Tem Dentner, seconded by Commissioner Hodgens, and duly carried that Commissioner Arnold be, and he is hereby appointed to look after the interests of the City of Las Vegas in regard to the purchase of a street roller now owned by the County of Clark, and to report concerning the same at the next regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners. Voting Commissioner Hodgens, Anderson, and Arnold, and His Honor the Mayor Pro Tem Dentner Aye. Noes, none.