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I agree.PRODUCTION TITir HOWDY FOOTER fCUSTER??S LAST STAND) __________ PAGE_J,1 NAMF OF SFT . EXT, PROMT OF TRADING POST CTAG?· SCENES___________Z __________________AT SIGN............................OR LOC. ___________________ PAGES___________k EXTRA TALENT AND BITS I CAST AND WARDROBE CHANGE | SCENE NUMBERS AND SHORT RESUME OF ACTION-- S??. ?·0 DAY Driver?½?½ Bit Genuine Helpers Abby Genuine Abby Kitty Johnnie Callahan Genuine Entratter Terry EFFECTS MUSIC AND MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION ESSENTIALS Sands?╟╓ sign as indicated Rig sign to short circuit Front of stand to collapse ESSENTIAL PROPS Truck with derrick attachment A large truck is parked at the entrance to the trading post# Genuine tells the driver to move it out* The driver tells them they have to put up the sign* Genuine goes nuts ??= e^cits to hotel* 1.1/2 Pgs. Scs* 6^-65-66-67-68-69 NIGHT Grossing to the Hotel, The sign is short-circuited and blows up plunging the whole area in darkness* 3/k Pg. Sea, 78-79-80 DAY The sign has been removed and loaded on truck. Genuine is giving directions to driver who backs truck in to stand wrecking it* 1 pg# For?╜ 235 5/50