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    World's W at Moulin Rouge BY TOM KETTERING Mirror Staff Writer Stout-hearted Frank Sennes, who nearly six years ago introduced Southland cafe society to spectacularly produced nightery shows, rang the bell again Thursday evening when he unveiled his latest> ?╟úWonderful World/?╟╓ at the Moulin Rouge. Not alone is this the most colorfully costumed, extravaganza to hit the local boards but first-nighters were treated to another Innovation when Sennes presented his v e r s i o n of ?╟úSennescope.?╟Ñ The stage has been extended on either side so audiences get that ?╟úCinerama?╟Ñ feeling. If Producer Donn Arden has his way,; Westerns won?╟╓t be confined in the future to TV screens. Ponies and Gals His opening, ?╟úWild West Show lit the Sky?╟Ñ complete with pinto ponies, Indians, cowpokes and a host of shapely cowgals has more appear that anything Marshall Dillon has ever encountered in Dodge City. i Most lavish of the production numbers is held for the pnale. ;! Tagged by Arden as "?╟úAfricana,?╟Ñ it tops anything |Billy Rose endeavored to do feqme years back when hfel IprodUced/?╟úJumbo.?╟Ñ At that itime it was the talk of I Broadway when Rose spot-! lighted an elephant on stage. Thb Moulin Rouge has a trio of them. And, in case of a tie, a score of doves. While Madame Berthe?╟╓s costuming of ?╟úWonderful World?╟Ñ is sparkling, Harvey Warren too rates a bravo for his scenic designs. Star billing goes to Anna Maria Alberghetti, theyouth-ful thrush. Unfortunately, Miss Alberghetti?╟╓s choice of songs would be more appro-j priate in concert. She> works j above her audience?╟╓s head;I While her voice is delight- k ful, she needs more warmth/ in her presentation. The Happy Jester, threeg lads and a few dozen impres-l sions, are back at the old/ stand again wearing out! their welcome. They are bnl stage far too long. Their en- j tertainment value doesn?╟╓t! warrant it. After opening eve, I?╟╓m con-| fident that Sennes and Ardeng will make some changes inf the offerings of both Miss AD| berghetti and the Happy 1 threesome. But even if they! didn?╟╓t, ?╟úWonderful World?╟╓s?╟Ñ j production numbers alone | are worth the price of a du-1 cat. t*e?? ditgeles*, Smiitrdiiy, October' Hr195* Mirt?·o f\~ 'hi5 fi Moulin H Show Gigantic Picturesque and gigantic production numbers -4 three of them ?╟÷ surround lovely songbird Anna Maria Alberghetti in ?╟úWonderful World,?╟Ñ the new revue that opened last Thursday night at the Moulin Rouge. A celebrity-packed audience applauded without let or hindrance. Under the direction of inventive Donn Arden, who divides his time between the Lido in Paris and the Moulin Rough in Hollywoodv with periodic excursions to Las Vegas, 100 singers, dancers and instrumentalists swarm over the big stage, along the side platforms that now extend out into the auditorium, and along the runways. AMERICANA?╟÷ For ?╟úAmericana?╟Ñ they present a Wild West show, with cowboys and cowgirls in costumes worked out (just for the fun of it) in a rose and blue color scheme; with feathered Indians and "with gorgeous white horses. ?╟úBig Ben Beat,?╟Ñ, with the 1 famous London clock in the | background, is a night scene lin crimson and black, showing off long-limbed Sandra |Dale/the year?╟╓s most cherish-jable import from Germany. Jj ?╟úAfricana?╟Ñ has Voodoo rituals, elephants, a sacrificial /fire. It?╟╓s all full of excitement and fantasy and brassy music, and it adds up to the /best of the fine revues that ?╟≤Frank Sennes has presented 1 at this theater-restaurant in his five years of tenure. LA ALBERGHETTI?╟÷ As for Miss Alberghetti, guest star through October 22, she stirred the opening night audience to a reception that rocked the walls. She . /ranged in her singing| from coloratura to hotcha, from opera to ballad. | The trip-hammer speed of her words in Rossini?╟╓s ?╟úTarantella?╟Ñ was astonishing, the tenderness of her ?╟úNinna, Nanna?╟Ñ lullaby was touching. She danced a ?╟úvarsity drag?╟Ñ and a couple of other lively numbers with two talented boy partners, showed a trouper?╟╓s mastry of show business and looked so beautiful that she would have tri umphed if she had done nothing at all. Amplicifation of her voice was rather overwhelming, but pardonable: it is no easy matter for a singer to compete with a thousand steaks. Opening night being Frank Sennes?╟╓ birthday, there was an aftermath of celebration in which Sennes called to the stage Jimmie Durante, Milton Berle, Jerry Lewis and Sammy Davis. They all took turns making introductions, with Davis setting up a terrific roar by announcing that he had ?╟úthe honor to introduce Governor Faubus.?╟Ñ All these cbmmedi-ans are to be at the Moulin Rouge in the course, of/the new season.. ?╟÷ PATTERSON GREENE.