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Board meeting minutes for Nathan Adelson Hospice, May 19, 1980



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    MINUTES DATE: CALL TO ORDER: ATTENDING: MEETING OF THE NATHAN ADELSON HOSPICE BOARD OF TRUSTEES May 19, 1980 4:00 P.M. Members of the Board of Directors: Renny Ashlemail David Brandsness Sharon Brandsness Anthony Carter, M.D. Thalia Dondero Lovee Du Boef Marydean Martin (for Jim Joyce) Charles Kilduff, M.D. Irwin Molasky, Co-Chairman Susan Molasky Owen Peck, M.D. Willis Russell, M.D. Muriel Stevens David Zenoff Staff and Guests: Rev. Jerome Blankinship Sondra Daughety, R.N. Ernest Libman Art Simon, Financial Campaign Coordinator Irving Warner, Hospice Development Counsel CHAIRMAN'S REMARKS: Irwin Molasky, Co-chairman, chaired the meeting, pointing out its principal purpose was to up-date Board members in the accomplishments to date and to consider a number of policy matters that required attention. Minutes of the previous meeting of September 21, 1979, were approved. REVIEW OF BYLAWS AND APPROVAL OF PROVISIONS: Ernest W. Libman discussed the Bylaws and the revisions required for better control and direction and to meet the conditions of licensure. Renny Ashleman made the motion which was seconded and carried to approve the Bylaws, incorporating the revisions as presented and attached to the minutes. PROGRAM POLICIES: Dr. Russell discussed the Administrative and Program Policies delineated in the Home Care Manual. This document establishes the authority for conducting the day-to-day activities of the Hospice Home Health Program. Dr. Kilduff made the motion which was seconded and carried to approve the Administrative Program Policy as presented and attached to these minutes. Page 2 COMMUNITY ADVISORY GROUP: Dr. Russell reported on the purpose of a Community Advisory Committee and the role it is to play in directing the activities of the Nathan Adelson Hospice. Owen Peck made the motion which was seconded and approved establishing the Community Advisory Committee and appoint-ing the following members: Paul Boyar Janet Bubnis Walt Cansdale B. J. Craft Irene Dalton Gerald Farinola, M.D. Tina Fontana Mary Craft Peter Graze, M.D. Ruth Jay, R.N. Mary McElvain, R.N. Cheryl Russo Kerin Scianna John Unrue Joyce Varhola, R.N. BANKING RESOLUTIONS: The Board of Trustees instructed the staff to establish separate accounts for the handling of operating funds distinct fromcommunity fund raising expenses. In order to facilitate meeting current expenses, a loan of $150,000 will be made from Valley Bank of Nevada using the pledge of $150,000 from LaCosta Country Club as collateral. APPOINTMENT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Irwin Molasky pointed out the need for the Executive Committee to take a good deal of responsibility in making a number of decisions that will be required during the next months. Fund raising and program development will require a good deal of Board attention. Renny Ashleman made a motion to approve the following Executive Committee: Merv Adelson Richard Thomas Renny Ashleman Irwin Molasky Kenneth Sullivan Sharon Brandsness Willis Russell Eli Boyer Thalia Dondero Muriel Stevens The action was seconded by David Brandsness and approved. FUND RAISING: Irwin Molasky asked Irving Warner, Nathan Adelson Hospice Development Counsel, to report on his efforts to date. Mr. Warner's presentation established the fund raising goal and the organizational framework intended for a successful campaign. He reviewed his analysis of the number of people expected to contribute and the size of gifts expected. He announced that Dr. Kilduff has agreed Page 3 PROGRESS REPORT: ADJOURNMENT: to chair the committee which will be working with seeking contributions from the medical community. Lovee DuBoef and Susan Molasky have agreed to co-chair the Special Events Committee. Appointments will be made of other fund raising committee chairmen within the next two weeks. Dr. Russell and Rev. Blankinship discussed the progress in shaping the Hospice program. The Bereavement Follow- Up, as expected, has become one of the most essential parts of the Hospice program. It is meeting an important need in the community. The first class of volunteers graduated are enthusiastic and effective proponents of the program. The second volunteer class is already being recruited for the June class. The Nathan Adelson Hospice has a patient census of five and by the end of the year will be serving 30 to 40 patients. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 4:55 p.m. Ernest W. Libman