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Letter from C.M. Holt (Incline Village, Nev.), to Mr. Schorin (Crosby County, Nev.), undated


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    P.O. Box )i.lp Incline Village, Nevada O9lj.NO phone Q31-llli8 'Democratic Chairman * Omsby County, Hevada. Dear Fr. Sheorin In the Feb. 1st. issue of the-Tahoe Chronicle, I noticed your namo in connection v/ith criticism of Gov. Laxalt, and of Warden Carl Hockor of- the Hevada Dtate prison. Be advised that I was a correctional officer for four month in 1967 and resigned my position as a point of honor because of the method used to operate the orison, and because of the blundering stuoidity of the superiors within the system. I informed tho Gov. that if certain personnel remained in their positions of authority that it would become a political issue at tho next oloction. It nopoar3 that it will become an issue and I want to help defeat Gov. Laxalt, and through his cefoat remove Carl Hooker from his political appointment as 'Warden. I can supply you with inside tho wall information concerning tho prison, which no !,fact finding committee" con liopo to discover. Matter of fact I would doom it a pleasure to aopear before the legislation body and express my knowledge, which I attempted to havo tho nev/3papors publish and was ^eDused. I want to talk with you concerning these it'uns and perhaps the Democratic party of Nevada can use this information. I em -a 20 year veteran of the U.S. Navy, and havo enough education to make an honest evaluation of tho situation within tho prison system. I am a fluent public speaker, and taught engeering in tho Navy 7 years. I might be able to do the Party some good. Please contact me at ?he above address or phone mo any evening at the numb' r at the head of this communication. In any event I ^ant to ciscuss this matter with you. C. M. Holt