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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Re; LVL&WCO. v. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, First Ju dicial District Court No. 13345 I discussed the above mentioned case with Mr, Wm, Reinhardt today and advised him that Judge Guild had refused informally to set aside his judgment of Sep­tember 15th with the understanding that the rates fixed by the Commission in its Order of August 13*1952, would be put into effect and the case dismissed with the con­sent of the Commission, I explained to Mr, Reinhardt that we could file a higher schedule of rates at any time in the future when it appeared to us that our revenues justified such ac­tion and that we would be entitled to justify thosi rates in a new proceeding if the Commission suspended them. In view of this fact and in view of the hearings before the Public Service Commission which are coming up in the fall of this year Mr, Reinhardt accepted my recommendation and yours that we not appeal from the Court's judgment of September 15* 1952, I I think that you should notify the Commission and Judge Guild of this fact, letting them know that we are accepting the rate .increase at the present time for the purpose of ascertaining the effect which it will have upon our earnings, recognizing that we have the right to request further increases if our revenues in the fu­ture are not sufficient. Los Angeles, September 22, 1952 4737-11-104 WM. R. SEP 23 1952 Mr, Galvin M, Cory (cc - Mr. Wra, Reinhardt) Bennett