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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    ?√ß P?½?║# 35 ft) I | ill DEITCH* lies# n#sp?╜:lrs haven?╟╓t changed ;"eithen these are the si??s pleture^jie?╟╓vt hath aeding them for five years. Ittiviri DIEDMJCH* ffii look yi th?½ special seet-ons, th?½ Pott, there ft# pi hi in/there that had to lie eight year?½ old, Al* Al FiEfiif if only two days'eld to editor?½ of th# Post. ThsySre not tight yearnsiold. ipli DIETCHfi They?╟╓re th# eats?½ ones w?? sent the* last year* how cots# lief tj#ei|j it? .'7, 'pH If If fff i; ?║?║ If ?╟╓* f ?√ß .* V'-f ' /If, i fpiiriwnsj |i??r?½ wiPs?½ voice 3/4 on roll 9}cannot ?║i understood* apeak?½ ??# P?½pper\s resignation. Harvey says It premature) HARVEY ICH* Mr* Pepper has resigned, that?╟╓s true. His successor has net yet been made* ' The Chamber of Commerce hat scheduled with th?? owners ^meeting Monday* The Chamber of Commerce also has selected a cosasitttNi which will meet with a committee from this group following their-.Session with the owners to select a successor for Jack Pepper* And 1/'would like now, 1 don?╟╓t anticipate that this committee assignment Is gilup -to take a lot of time? we would like very much to have Al Freeman dim?? GeneMurphy to si t in with me on that committee* mwwmwtt 1:41,1 be out of th?½ city* | M/FEllfiilrjjlfi I * PL welcome the export-.nity to fight you at Its/ turn. iiilVlf DilmmmitAlright babyl You?╟╓ve got It. J 1|CCL"'Bii is Mr# Fisher said, that would help the good of the HABV^/iirSDERlCH* ;i|ck, will you be available next week? y@?║. . / .... K0mmmmmXCHt' Freeman, williams and Oiedtrich, a combination from here; plies will meet Cocasertnrgroup. At wmmmt At whet timet ' ; /' Hi'iiVct DIED ERICH* well, we won?╟╓t know, Al, till after they have the meeting Monday with the owners* a|| fheilMsiii.l;:Itii,?║ii get per deimY i ^;$v?·V\ / /ft-., * * w:?╟ . lilllSIplip jj haIvey ?╜ i?╜ the pest, ai. ' 1 ?╜;?╟≤ ?╟╓ 1 : 7iIfilillllllllllilllSpi ' ?√ß H^lVEY DISDERJCBi >1*11 entertain a;motion to adjourn unless there?╟╓s further oh, sorry Gene* Prior ie your arrival, we discussed the Arthritis and Rheumatism thing aiia: it was requested that the chap with