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Boo 7 1 « cf2 8 0 I and coven a n ts In and under she covenants contain e-i in that cer- I ta in deed dated ^W^s. 11 hr exesu“ed by Los I S a lt Lake Ral I read ?30$any, gran tsr and covenantor, to Union i a- I e l f i e Railroad Company, grantee and covenantee, conveying the land hereinabpve described. TC HAVE AITD To HyLD the said p rea 'ses unto the Grantee, i t s successors and assigns,, fo re v e r. IH WITNESS THEREOF the Grantor has caused these presen t* to be executed on i t s b eh a lf the day and y ear f i r s t h erein I w ritten by it s re s p e c tiv e o f f ic e r s thereunto duly a u th orized. onION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY I:. aMJ-nwiyr ViMj president a t t e s t : fS W < 3 I rr0l6681 W 38 «3 h * J D1668U 166 82 1 1 0 2 8 1 BGG* 7 1 »c i2 8 u STATE OF NEBRASKA COUNTY OF DOUGLAS On th is / B * * day o f — 195 f . b e fo r e ^ __ a NNootharryj PPuubblliicc oo ff tthhee SSttaette* onfr Nebraska, duly au thorised to take acknowledgments in the County o f Douglas, person ally appeared A . 1. Stoddard k n ow to me to be ___________ P resid en t, and X. J. Bachman k n ow to me to be A ssista n t S ecreta ry, o f UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, the corporation that executed the w ith in in stru - aen t, and know to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on b eh a lf o f the corporation h erein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto s e t ay hand and a ffix e d ay o f f i c i a l seal the day and year in t h is c e r t if ic a t e f i r s t above w ritten . au. Pu blic t i / y . 'j? a I /j