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I agree.• iJpWj j • S § 1 # ' I *K*L.,D. 8075 1 A_.fcJLJL8LILJL*.f 2 i a tSLIS AUBflBNllilf, nude and latcnd Into as of tto y 3 day of * 1953r by and between the LAS VISAS LAND 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 AH® M X K R C0MPAMY, a corporation or the State of Nevada, herein-after called "Company,* Party of the first Fart, and HAT tm & L m t L f m s , XKC*# a Kevada corporation, with place of bootee** at 815 last Charleston Boulevard, Las Vegas, Nevada, hereinafter called "Sahdirider,* Party of the Second Part, m tM m a m m m m tA is WHKREAS, the Company 1* engaged in the business of die- 11 tributing water as a public utility, ia the City of Las Vegas, 1 2 Clark County, levadaf and 1 3 HHHR8A8, the Subdivider is engaged in the development of 1 4 Lot# 9, 10, 11, and 80 to 84, Incluslvo, Mayfair Tract I®, 8, 1 5 Las Yogas, Moved*, as per nap recorded in Book 8, Page 47, of Flats, 1 6 Clark County Recorder* s Office, and has wade application for water 17 service to servo said tractf and 18 HHHKSAS, the Company is willing to servo said tract with I 19 water, pursuant to its rules and regulations on file with the PubltiP 20 Service Commission of the State of levadaf 21 22 ARTICLE-1» 23 8 i p x r i » ACRiis: 24 1# At its sole cost and expense to furnish all necessary 25 26 materials .and labor for the construction of, and to construct, ~1~