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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway System* f Cs Albuquerque, N. M., A p r il 4th 1917 Mr W alter P Bracken, Agent, Las Vegas Land & Water Co Las Vegas Nevada Dear S ir : - In re p ly to your l e t t e r o f March 10th to Mr Hitchcock. The Santa Fe Reading Rooms are not R ailroad Y M C As as your l e t t e r would in d ic a te . We do not have Gynasiums in them. They are R ecreation Hals where the men have the use o f L ib r a r ie s , d a ily papers and magazines. They also have dorm antories, baths, pool and b i l l i a r d tab les as w e ll as bowling a lle y s and a minimum charge o f 10 cents per hour is made on the b i l l i a r d and pool tab les and fiv e cents fo r each person p la y in g , on the bowling a lle y s . We g iv e the employes o f the Santa Fe a bed fo r 25 cents fo r each 12 hours. Am sending you herewith a booklet which I think w i l l answer any questions, but i f there is anything that you would lik e to know more than is contained th erein , please w rite me, asking d e fin it e questions, and I s h a ll be very glad to qnswer them. Yours very tr u ly ,