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    miiimniniinmmnmiiinmm^ NEW YORK Confidential By LEE MORTIMER ~~ TUESDAY, AND IS IT NEWSDAY! Sherman Adams may Tbe of the White House, but he is not out of the hearts of probers ) want to know about possible "influence" behind the Army's d^ on to change the uniform color to green "at a cost of several idred million?╟÷to the delight of textile manufacturers including i B. Goldfine . . . Wonder if Joe Adonis knows his 22-year ol<f ghter prefers 'teen age boys? (Cradle robber.).. .Royal family 1 enough trouble, this week, when British customs men declared ?╟≤ing was using Queen Elizabeth's Sandringham estate for the very and collection of drugs. This is Exciting, Too (Anyway it is to me)! Add rtpcorning ibes: The "leak" on the Federal Reserve Bank's decision to "upn margin rates to 90 percent. Who profited when the market pped last week? . . . Those in the know won't be surprised if estigators come up with info that the fascists who run thes^ tte groups" are secretly financed by Communists?╟÷and certain w York "liberal" groups who cash in on unrest and publicity. >t of Reichstag fire. (Or Hitler-Stalin pact.) PLEASANT TIDINGS FROM ACROSS THE DRINK. Inas- ich as actress Susan Strasberg's mother is a persistent denier, I ect a denial that the real reason Susan likes London is Colin Clark, i of Sir Kenneth Clark, chairman of the Arts Council. ..If Eva ?╟≤tok and Milford Haven are that serious, what was she doing h handsome racing driver Prince Shiv of Palitana, wherever t is, and what was he doing with model Carolyn Ponsonby, Hit* of Lord Sysonoby?.^ -^. AND HAPPY DOINGS HERE AT HOME: Big laugh when> nry Ford II saw the illuminated Cadillac display in the glitter* f lobby of glittering El Morocco and demanded "equal time" froni in Perona . . . Top Met Opera star Cesare Siepi back in town hi le to catch "the only girl I'd like to marry," when Mitsuko Mori- i, Japan's most famous beauty, opens at the Latin Quarter this ek-end in the new Donn Arden revue starring Jane Russell. (And mow a lot of guys who'd like to catch Russell.) . . . T. S. Froige, i builder, had reason to celebrate with Maurice at Ed Wynne's p.Harwyn: The birth of a daughter and a $14,000,000 Edgemere using contract all on the same day . . . Others celebrating there various reasons were Gia Scala (recovered from her suicide try England) with Marty Mills, Tommy Dorsey's widow Janie for- tting with Al Besselink, the golf champ, and Natalie Trundy, f deb actress, with Oscar Molinari who flew in from Paris to . dace young Batista. ^J? VIVE LA FRANCE: Can't find a happier guy than me over !eess of lovely France Nuyen as "Suzie Wong." She's one of i' most adept performers I've ever seen, full of fire and feeling, i natural too, a great actress on or off stage. She's worth the be of admission and more, a fantastic child with a fabulous ure. But I hope she's being misquoted by the scribes about her Jial and political views, No. Comment, Please: Funny ho?Σ≤' ?╜?Σ≤no nf +^~ ~-'~ *- ""-- Bill Smith It's now Dick Shawn, Barber & Dale and The Morlidor Trio, holding down the top spots at the Latin Quarter. Rest of the show, the Donn Arden productions, still the best on the Street, holdover. Shawn is a very"Tunny guy. His leather jacket and Elvis Presley take-offs pulled j top howls . .,. Harber & Dale., slick barlroomologists, pulled big with j their lifts and spins . . . The Morlidor Trio (two girls and "raggedy-1 doll" in trunk) gave an added plus to an already solid bill. j * * * Al Kelly did one day's shooting for an industrial film. Price was $4,000. Not bad for one day . . . Henry Okun, a music business press agent, was offered four weeks' work for $250 a week by Benny Goodman. He turned it down because, "Only for four weeks ? What'Il I do the fifth week?╟÷sing Kol Nidre?" . . . Rosemary Harris who got the lead in "Disenchanted" turned down Jose Ferrer's offer to play in "Edwin Booth." * # * Burt Lane, director, caught a courtroom yarn on Tv. He watched the actor playing the lawyer and shook his head. "Perry Mason,," Lane said of the actor, "he ain't." The cartoon character, Emily Tipp ('I'm the Tip-Top Lady) has fan clubs . . . * * * Brazil's teenage singing hero, Coby Dijon signed with William Morris. First American release will be on Epic Records . . . Ruth Lawrence now assistant choreographer on the Patti Page show. Filled similar slot on last season's "Hit Parade." * * -x- Harry Belafonte comes back into the Waldorf either late this month or early next month. He'll be alone this time; no chorus . . . Alan Young with Steve Allen Nov. 16 . . . June Vaili on the Jimmy Dean Show week of October 27 . . . Martha Raye on the Steve Allen Show Nov. 9 . . . Myron Cohen, Kay Armen will start a film series, "Love & Marriage" for CBS in the next few weeks. She'll play opposite Bill Demarest. Series will be produced by Lou Adelman who also produces the Danny Thomas show. ^^^^?Σ≤ Producers of the remade "Last Mile," starring Mickey Rooney threw a press party at Albert's in the Village. It was a huge success, newsmen ordered double orders of steaks, drank up for free. Photogs took j Dorothy Donegan Eddie Hodges Broadway Roundup J Diplomatic circles talking about a possible meeting between globe trotting John Foster. Dulles and Red China's Chou En-lai before the end of November, in India. . . . Big shakeup, to be felt a r ,o u n <' the world, due in the State Department shortly after elections. . . . Los Angeles to get an $8 million new zoo without laying out a cent, via a group of animal enthusiasts called Friends of the Los Angeles Zoo. ... The Nationa Academy of ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_ Science s-Na- ?╟?^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^?Σ≤ iional Research Council is planning to bore a hole three miles deep into the ocean floor in order to get a history of the earth from its very beginning. . . . New Hampshire to erect a monument in honor of the potato. ?╟≤ ?╟≤ ?╟≤ Harry Truman's public appearances in the last two weeks have brought in more contributions to the Democratic treasury than it has seen in almost a year. . . . Now that liquor ads have broken into radio and TV advertising, some agencies are toying with the notion of using women in magazine^ and newspaper liquor ads. . . . Chicago faith healers adding rock 'n' roll to their services to attract members of the teen-age set. . . . "The King and I" has been banned in Thailand because the government feels it is "inaccurate historically." . . . World champion auto race driver Juan Fangio to embark on a movie career in France. . . . Westerns may be the thing at the moment on TV, but the industry is gearing itself for a dramatic show comeback in 1959. . . . Julius LaRosa's latest record, "The Girl in My Office," was composed by fellow singer Tommy Leonetti. ... The Mike Preston who waxed the hit disk of "A House, a Car and a Wedding Ring" is a London TV cameraman. ?╟≤ ?╟≤ ?╟≤ The Bolero, a notorious dance hall famed for its female clientele, in Rio de Janeiro, was off-limits to officers of the U.S.S. Ranger and other fleet units on a recent visit there. But, on the other hand, the Copacabana Palace, mecca of the elite, was off limits to enlisted men. . . . The Paris theatre set for a Don Juan "revival," with three versions of the great lover's life currently in rehearsal. . . . William Tonetti, formerly general manager of the Hotel Ambassador here, appointed general manager of the multi- million dollar Montauk Beach Co., developers of Montauk, L. I. . . . Red-haired moppet Eddie Hodges of "The Music Man" wings out to Hollywood shortly to make his movie debut in "A Hole in the Head." . . . Marvin Rubin, son of the owner of Chandler's restaurant, experimenting with a mail order (frozen) steak business. . . . Roy Cohn's latest date is Toni Carroll, just returned from a professional singing engagement in Moscow. . . . Jimmie Rodgers using royalties from his new Roulette album of folk songs to buy timberland near Camus, Wash. . . , Dave Brubeck, who is set for -another Carnegie Hall appearance Nov. 7, now owns two salmon canneries in Oregon. *i ?╟≤ * Lionel Hampton, with unexpected bookings on college campuses as well as concerts, has postponed his sixth world tour until late 1959. . . . Latest to join the belly dancer roster in New York is a gal ?╟≤who calls herself Boubouka. She's in Donn Arden revue at the Latin Quarter show, starring Jane Russell. . . . Sophia Loren's contract with Paramount guarantees her $1,440,000 for making four more films for the studio. . . . The "dog suit" that Hume Cronyn ?√ßwears in "The Man in the Dog Suit," opening tonite, costs $600 and was made by Japanese artisans out of Belgian hare fur. . . . For Pictures No Artist Could Paint: Robert Montgomery and daughter Elizabeth, with their respectives spouses, cheering the gymnastics of jazz pianist Dorothy Donegan at the Embers. . . . Dorothy has joined Jane Russell and Dorothy Loudon as last minute additions to the newspapermen's Byline Ball at the Hotel Astor Saturday. . . . And, did you know that Sherry's 1890 restaurant has more gas lights than the City of New York? pictures. J