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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, July 1992



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    Congregation Ner Tamid he Reform Synagogue of Las Vegas 2761 Emerson Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 89121 v July 1992 Sivan/Tammuz/Av 5752 Sanford D. Akselrad, Rabbi Cal Lewis, President Cynthia Wood, Temple Administrator Jeanne Schomaker, Principal Deborah Stadt, Editor Julie Gruber, Preschool Director Schedule of Services July 3, 1992 Services at 7:00 p.m. Services conducted by: Rabbi Akselrad Oneg Sponsored by: Sisterhood July 10, 1992 "Sundae Sabbath" Services at 7:00 p.m. Services conducted by: Rabbi Akselrad Oneg Sponsored by: Jody & Richard Berger July 17, 1992 Shabbat Service Services at 7:00 p.m. Services conducted by: Rabbi Akselrad Oneg Sponsored by: Yvonne & Jerry Gordon Summer Shabbat During the summer, our lives tend to take a frantic turn. The summer is a time for fun, excitement and vacations. The connections we nurture during the winter months become less binding during our rush to fill our summer with "fun". Our Temple family has less of a hold on our lives. The pressure to "vacation?, play and have lots of fun during the summer is intense. Here it is, only the beginning of July, and many of us are yearning for a peaceful weekend, one free of commitments and obligations. We need to slow down, take a deep breath, and relax. Remember what we are doing, what our lives are about. Do we need to fill every moment of summer with a frenzied rush of weekend activity? Or do we, perhaps, need to remind ourselves that the pleasure and peace we know during the winter celebrating Shabbat with our families can be found during the summer also? The summer is a perfect time to begin, or reestablish, our observance of Shabbat as our own, personal, family holiday available to us each week. Our time to reconnect with our families, to reaffirm our commitment to Judaism and to take a collective deep breath and release the week from our minds. Attendence at Shabbat services always falls off during the summer months, with everyone again reappearing on Rosh Hashanah to recommit themselves for another winter. Services in the summer months have a completely different "flavor". The pace is slower, the service abbreviated, the discussion more personal. Onegs during the summer are our chance to reconnect with friends, and schmooze at a more leisurely pace. This summer at CNT, Rabbi Akselrad will lead special educational Shabbat services. The topics of his sermons will be thought provoking and personal. He will seek to inform, educate and challenge our perceptions regarding Judaism. This is a time when we have an opportunity to experience a piece of what Shabbat could and should be, all year. A time of learning, a time of relaxation, a time to "regroup". As an added bonus, this summer there will be two very special Shabbat services for families. On July 10 and August 7 CNT will be hosting two Sundae Sabbaths. The service will conclude with a very special Ice Cream Social. Fill at least part of your summer with Shabbat peace. Look upon this summer as your own "window to Shabbat". July 24, 1992 Services at 7:00 p.m. Services conducted by: Steven Weissman Oneg Sponsored by: Sisterhood July 31, 1992 Services at 7:00 p.m. Services conducted by: Steven Weissman Oneg Sponsored by: Sisterhood July 3 William Goldberg, Roselyn Goldberg, Rose Kestenbaum, Jack Rivkind, Herman Nass, Jonas Ames, Meyer Benedict, Dora Salmon, Herbert Harris, Samuel Mark, Sid Aberman, Violet Advocate, Jennie Adler, Mrs. Anna Kalish July 10 Lou Letizia, Sadie Stromberg, Sam Krashine, Dora Weintraub, Jacob Lader, Ruth Lepman, Abraham Herman, Rose Joffee, Katie Reiser, Irwin Eskeles July 17 Samuel Schlesinger, Katie Reiser, Bernard Ginsberg, David Simon, Robert Levy, Fanny Loeff July 24 Yetta Panken, Charles Wientraub, James Stone, Eugene Schramm, Bernard Bernstein, Dora Kramer, Jane Gittleson, Samuel Liebert July 31 Jayne Benedict, Morris Nathans on, Gussie NewmanRabbi?s Message With summer upon us it is all too easy to become absorbed in ways to escape the terrible heat! For many it is a time to leave for cooler climates, for others a time to stay indoors, and for yet others it is time for watersports. It is also a time, though, for Temple. To be sure, with school out and many committees on summer hiatus, it is easy to give Temple activities a respite. Yet, this is the perfect time to become involved. We are, after all, forming our committees for coming year. We are looking for new people and new ideas, but we need you to step forward. If you have been thinking of becoming involved in the Temple, now is the time to make that thought a reality. Please give me or our new administrator, Cindy Wood, a call and let us tell you how to help shape the direction of our Temple. One more thought: we signal a change of pace at our Shabbat services by moving the time forward one hour. Services in July and August are at 7:00 p.m. They are more relaxed and informal. I enjoy the opportunity to share, in more detail, topics of an informational nature. During the course of the summer I will be talking to you about the meanings of our prayers, interpretation of Pirke Avot, and Jewish viewpoints on a variety of subjects. If you have more time in the summer to relax, then take the time to get back to your Jewish roots. You?ll be glad you did. B ?shalom Sanford D. Akselrod Rabbi Bar Mitzvah ofRotm Berger My name is Ronn Berger. I am a student at Kenny Guinn Junior High School. My hobbies are roller skating, roller blading and playing baseball. On July 11th I will be called to the Torah, and I hope you will all join my family and friends on this happy occasion! Bar Mitzvah of Jeffrey Gordon Jeffrey Gordon was bom July 29, 1979 and will become a Bar Mitzvah on July 18, 1992. Among those witnessing his Bar Mitzvah will be Jeffs immediate family: sister Sara, parents Yvonne & Jerry, and grandparents Mimi and David Gordon. Recently finishing 7th grade at Guinn Jr. High, Jeff achieved honor roll grades. He particularly enjoyed his math, science and computer classes. Outside school, Jeffs favorite activities include endless computer involvement, drama productions, and "hanging out" with friends. President's Message As my second year begins, I want to welcome the new board members: Paul Cohen Roger Ewan Carol Siegel Jerry Polis These well qualified people have accepted the responsibility of helping run our Temple, and are ready to do so with time and energy. I know they will do a fine job. Again, I remind all members that the board needs your input so we know in which direction to guide. We also need your help, support, and participation. Have you been to Temple lately?? Tiininnin beautification committee has brought us new furniture for our foyer and it is very nice. I would like all of us to treat the furniture as we would in our own homes. If this furniture is to last for any time at all, we need to treat it with consideration - no shoes, no food, no rough housing. On the first Friday night that it was delivered, I picked up four plates of food from the cushions. Please, PLEASE, help us keep your facility looking sharp. I have set some goals for the coming year. I think we can increase our membership to 400 families. This is a good figure for our facility and our present staff to handle. If we all find some activity or group to join, we will all benefit from what is offered. We have also been thinking of some long range planning. Our Congregation is 18 years old and we have come a long way from our early beginnings. We need to plan for a sanctuary to complete our facility and better serve our needs. See President, Page 9... CONGREGATION NER TAMID PAGE 2 As you all know, we have been working very hard on the Beautification of our Temple. For those of you who have not been to Services lately, please come by the Temple and you will immediately notice the various changes that have been made. Our Art and Beautification Committee has worked very hard. First they had the exterior entry completely remodeled and landscaped. The new plantings make a wonderful impact when you approach our door. When you enter the Temple, you will notice new furniture and artwork hung in the lobby. This committee has worked very hard to improve the appearance of our Temple. We all thank them very much for the time that they have devoted to this project. In addition, we should all be proud of our new look and work very hard at keeping these new areas looking as beautiful as they do today. Thank you Yvonne Gordon, Joni Akselrad, Christy Cleek, Jan Cobb and Jackie McRitchie. Cynthia Eskeles Wood Temple Administrator Stop By and See our New Look! The Art & Beautification Commmittee, headed by Yvonne Gordon, has worked wonders with our foyer. Stop by and see how beautiful it is. More on the renovation in August. iililllil iHi mm Summer Fun and Ice Cream Two special Sabbaths are planned this summer for CNT. On July 10th and August 7th we will be holding Sundae Sabbaths for the Congregation. These are special abbreviated services, followed by an Ice Cream Social. Although especially fun for the families with children in our Congregation, these Sabbath services are for everyone. Please come and enjoy these special Sabbaths with Rabbi, Bella and our Congregational Family. Teen Choir A new choir for the teenagers in our congregation is now being formed. Teenagers - begin your year with a mitzvah - join the special High Holidays Teen Choir. Your duties will include singing, leadership for discussion groups, and having lots of fun. This choir is for youths in grade 7 and up. Join us and have a wonderful time! Boy Scouts In September, 1992, we will be starting our Boy Scout Troop. Lenny Gropman will be the leader, and it promises to be a great activity for the boys of our Congregation in grades 6 and up. Call the Temple office and leave your name and number if you are interested. Adult Choir Begins Rehearsals for High Holidays The Adult choir will begin rehearsals for the 1992-93 year, beginning with High Holiday Choir, on Monday, July 20, at 7:00 p.m. in the CNT Social Hall. We have a new Choir Director, Lillian Kollar. Ms. Kollar has many hopes and expectations for our Choir, and will make this a great year for CNT. Please, if you are interested in joining the Choir, contact Judy in the Temple office at 733-6292, and she will take your name and phone number. You will be contacted prior to the first rehearsal. COMING SUNDAY, AUGUST 30 2ND ANNUAL GOOD AS NEW SALE Bring us your unwanted, usable items which are in good saleable condition. ?Clothing* ?Household Items* ?Electronics Items* ?Books *Toys*Etc. * We will store your tax-deductible contributions. Call the Temple at 733-6292 for information on donations. CONGREGATION NER TAMID PAGE 3 mmmEmcTrmms "Next Year in Jerusalem" Congregation Ner Tamid Travels to Israel! On June 6, 1993, Rabbi Akselrad will lead a Congregational trip to Israel. In eleven days, you can absorb the essence of Israel, visiting some unusual sights along with all the important, must-see highlights. You will stay in First Class hotels in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Half your stay is based in Jerusalem, where you will see the old and new quarters of the City of David. You will spend a night in Tiberius at the Sea of Galilee, and spend time sunning on the sands of Tel Aviv. Why not plan on bringing your family? This would be the perfect graduation, confirmation, or B?nai Mitzvah gift for your child. Israel is such an incredible country; what better way to see it than with your family, as well as with your Temple family? The pricing of this trip will be very competitive. Space will be limited. Over 80 Congregants have expressed interest in this trip; if you are thinking of going please fill in this form and return it to: Congregation Ner Tamid 2761 Emerson Avenue Us Vegas, NV 89121 ATTN: ISRAEL TRIP Next year in Jerusalem, let?s do it! Dear Rabbi, We are excited about joining you in Israel in June 1993. Please send more information when it becomes available. NAME ----------------------------------------- ADDRESS________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE NUMBER______________________________ NUMBER IN PARTY_____________ XTTXTDS? ::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::xttx:7x:7xt:xt7X7txt: xt:xt:x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::xttx::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x:: x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x:tx::x v.XyXi. vi /? x: ; x: H: ! x: * x: ? x: * x: ! x: ; x: "5 x: ::s x: * x: ::s hi ^ Pictorial Directory Have you made an appointment for your photo session for the Pictorial Directory? Please call the office and schedule an appointment on either July 19 or 20. Make sure your family is represented in our Congregational Directory! ::x::x: x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x::x:: CONGREGATION NER TAMID PAGE 4 A special thank you to the members of the Social Action Committee for their participation in the Shabbat services on May 22, 1992. It was a meaningful evening, especially with the presentation on the serious concerns about mental health in our community by Jim Spinello. Our committee has had an excellent first year, with lots of successful projects that have been generously supported by the Congregation. Be sure to mark your fall calendars for September 20, 1992. It will be a two-fold Social Action project. During Sunday School that morning there will be voter registration available for any Congregant who wishes to register. In addition, that evening there will be Adult Education Committee Members The CNT Adult Education Committee is now forming. Your Temple needs you and your ideas!! Call me NOW! Heather Zabinofsky Adult Ed Chairperson 892-0922 Havurah Happenings ADULT EDUCATION will be holding its first meeting on THURSDAY JULY 9, 1992 at 6:00 P.M. in CNT LIBRARY Hors D?oeuvres & Refreshments will be served. RSVP by Tuesday July 7, 1992 a Political Forum with several candidates running for office here in Nevada. Moderators for the panel will be Jeff Germain, Kathy Hanson, and Jon Ralston, all active members of the Las Vegas media. Voter registration will be available that evening also. A special thank you to Don Schlesinger for coordination of the Political Forum and to Harry and Betty Schloss who will be in charge of the voter registration. If any Congregants are interested in joining the Social Action Committee for the 1992-93 year, please call the office and give your name. We would be happy to have you become a part of our committee. Eileen Kollins Chairperson Social Action Committee Currently there are five active Havurot busily meeting for social and Judaic reasons. In the works are five more groups who are very ready to begin meeting, going and doing with their new groups. The Havurah groups have participated in an Adult Education activity at Rabbi Askelrad?s home. It was both an enjoyable & informative evening. Another such activity is planned for later this summer, once again targeting the Havurah groups. If you are interested in joining or forming a group, please call either Phyllis Lewis at 458-8119, or Jeanne Schomaker at 733-6292. Better yet, stop in the office and pick up a Havurah invitation sheet. r > In Memoriam We record with great sorrow the passing of: Molly Bender Beloved Aunt of Dyane Kohnen Everyone is welcome to attend this vitally important meeting. Please come and participate in your Temple?s activities, including films and videos, guest speakers for special events, courses and much more. If you are interested in participating and cannot attend, please call me so that I can add your name to our special mailing list. We would like to see all organizations from Ner Tamid represented at this meeting in the interest of a more united Temple. Please call me now so that you don?t forget. We look forward to seeing you there! Heather Zabinofsky Chairperson Adult Education 892-0922 CONGREGATION NER TAMID PAGE 5 TEMPLE AUXmimiES 1991-1992 - Sisterhood can certainly stand up and be counted. We have had a most successful year, thanks to a wonderful board. Marlene Sherman, Treasurer, taking care to see that our books balance; Helen Zliser, Secretary, taking minutes and keeping track of motions carried and tabled; Frances Klamian, Corresponding Secretary, sending cards and flyers to get us to our meetings and programs on time. Maxine Gratz and Marcy Samoiloff, Vice Presidents of Ways and Means, put on a show of shows, progressive dinner and a Chanukah Bazaar to remember. Keeping our Membership on an upward track are the Vice Presidents of Membership: Sandy Ewan and Audrey Mishalow. Their smiles will get you every time. Vice Presidents of Programming, Phyllis Mark and Gail Godorov, created programs with decorating, doctors, do-overs and doodlers, lunches and desserts. Betty Schloss and Mami Diamond sent the tributes for us, sad and glad. Barbara Rosen, our Sunshine Chairperson, sent out greetings of all our feelings. We were bom to shop!! Phyllis Lewis and Mary Fox have made it so - when seeing all the great things in our very own gift shop. On Friday night there is always an Oneg, Alma Bemay is there to help in any way. The parties, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs and special days are done by Sophie Pisetsky with great array. Bernice May sells Union Grams which help maintain the Hebrew Union College where our rabbis get their knowledge. When all is said and done, Sandy Ziskrout keeps the donor records for all our members and made one lovely luncheon to thank each and every one. Writing this down for posterity, our Historian, Lois Doctors, had an album put together for all to see. Our Annual Mickey Wilner Great Lady Award, presented by Leo Wilner, went to our great lady, Phyllis Lewis. Our annual Donor Luncheon was held at the Desert Inn Country Club, the 55 ladies attending enjoyed a wonderful afternoon. Installation was held June 10th at the top of the Dunes. Our officers for the coming year are: President: Rita Moses Malkin V.P. Membership: Maxine Gratz V.P. Programming: Phyllis Mark Rec. Sec.: Helen Zliser Corr. Sec.: Frances Klamian Treasurer: Marlene Sherman Sisterhood will continue to support, wherever our support is needed. We are primarily concerned with Jewish survival, the perpetuation of Jewish values and the reinforcement of our culture and traditions. Shalom. Rita Moses Malkin President CNT Sisterhood Several weeks ago Golden Chai members attended the annual "Take a Senior to Lunch" day luncheon at the Hacienda. We were able to pay most of the cost from our fundraising profits, and we had over six tables, each seating ten people. Besides enjoying lunch and entertainment, we also were lucky enough to have six door prize winners. Next year we hope to purchase our tickets earlier so that we can improve our location. Our next project will be the second annual "Good as New" rummage sale on August 30th. We hope to share this event with Sisterhood and Brotherhood. With everyone?s help we can make this year?s sale even more successful than the last. Proceeds will be used for next year?s senior luncheon. Sisterhood has also asked if we would like to cosponsor a New Year?s Eve party at the Temple. Enough of our members expressed interest to warrant our involvement. More later. We are now paying a small fee to improve the quality of our entertainment. Please join us for our bigger and better programs. Shalom Helen Zliser President CONGREGATION NER TAMID PAGE 6 The CNT Brotherhood is once again geared up for their annual fireworks sale. This year the booth will be located at Arden and E. Charleston, one block East of Lamb. There are many new products, along with the old standby favorites. Come by and stock up for the Fourth. They will be open from 10:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. The next Brotherhood meeting will be at CNT on Wednesday, July 15th at 7:30 p.m. Hot dogs and cold drinks will be served. The agenda will be to update the members on the outcome of the fireworks sales, and to make plans for upcoming events. The upcoming year promises to be bigger and better than the last so join us on the 26th and find out what Brotherhood is all about. Steve Joseph President CNT Brotherhood wmmmwm. mmWmMMMrn- C.J. Akselrad 7/2 Samuel Akselrad 7/31 David Allazetta 7/28 Ronn Berger 7/8 Clifford Bemay 7/4 Nathanial Bolotin 7/12 William Bossak 7/12 Mara Braun 7/29 Mattthew Bulavsky 7/8 Christy Cleek 7/30 Charles Cleveland 7/31 Rachel Cleveland 7/27 Barbara Cohen 7/29 Andy Cohen 7/4 Harrison Comfort 7/17 David Daitch 7/20 Mami Diamond 7/10 Jennifer Dias 7/31 Honii Edlow 7/14 Cory Erickson 7/5 Allison Etcoff 7/2 Bella Feldman 7/31 Gordon Fink 7/13 Ariel Gale 7/21 Michael Glasser 7/22 Rebeccah Glicken 7/20 Marvin Glovinsky 7/2 Kaylee Goldhammer 7/18 Marcie Goldstein 7/2 Barry Goodman 7/11 Jeffrey Gordon 7/29 Laura Grau 7/26 David Gross 7/14 Adrian Havas 7/12 Marie Havas 7/8 Jay Herman 7/25 Jared Hogeg 7/18 Stuart Kallick 7/30 Charles Kallick 7/30 Ryan Kaner 7/18 Barbara Kaplan 7/14 Debra Karlin 7/16 Jason Katz 7/24 Arthur Katz 7/28 Hester Katzman 7/6 Eric Kessler 7/16 Eileen Kollins 7/14 Louis Kravitz 7/25 Mike Lally 7/2 Darin Lefkowitz 7/22 Jessica Lefman 7/4 Cheryl Lewis 7/18 Larry Lovelock 7/31 William Mahon 7/7 Rita Moses Malkin 7/3 Tony Malone 7/21 Dena Mann 7/17 Katherine Meoz 7/27 Rona Mintz 7/2 Amanda Mutnick 7/30 Harold Naiman 7/14 Danielle Naiman 7/1 Bernard Nathanson 7/21 Bryce Ober 7/7 Norm Pena 7/5 Amy Portnoff7/29 Jeremy Poster 7/6 Nicole Raiman 7/5 Charla Rauthause 7/19 Jeff Resnick 7/6 Edward Seltzer 7/5 Mozella Seltzer 7/22 Lillian Shapiro 7/23 Irvin Sherman 7/30 Paul Schlisky 7/22 Brian Shure 7/15 Shannon Silber 7/8 Leslie Simon 7/1 Harriet Smylie 7/29 Donna Stuart 7/29 Ross Tonkens 7/16 Andrew Urban 7/20 Jeffrey Walsby 7/22 Doug Webb 7/2 Florence Weinstein 7/22 Lisa Weissman 7/16 Anniversaries Stanley & Georgia Ames 7/17 Blaine & Melody Benedict 7/15 Allan & Amy Boruszak 7/17 Leo & Renee Diamond 7/17 Bruce & Susan Einhorn 7/25 Michael & Irene Friedman 7/1 Tom & Marla Letizia 7/20 Philip & Dori Lombardi 7/6 Mitchell & Anita Posin 7/9 Steven & Elaine Reininger 7/21 Thomas & Dorothy Rodgers 7/17 Sheldon & Barbara Rosenberg 7/8 Edward & Mozella Seltzer 7/1 Brian & Cathy Siegel 7/14 Donn & Harriet Smylie 7/13 Arthur & Cindy Spector 7/6 David & Bette Stahl 7/5 Thomas & Donna Stuart 7/31 Richard & Shirlee Waxier 7/11 Jack & Larayne Zimler 7/26 - ? Wr CONGREGATION NER TAMID PAGE 7 Registration is still in progress, we have over 100 students already enrolled. As Principal, I have been very busy interviewing and hiring new staff members for next year. If anyone is interested in teaching on Sunday mornings, I still have one opening. Also, we are going to have a Teacher?s Aide Program. This is for students in grades nine and above. There are some qualifications to be met: 1. B average or above in school 2. Currently involved in CNT Youth Program 3. Currently enrolled in Confirmation Class, or have completed Confirmation Studies. If anyone is interested in either more information or becoming a Teacher?s Aide, please stop in the Religious School Office and pick up an application. All completed applications should go to Jeanne Schomaker. Remember to register your child/children for Religious School now!! Jeanne Schomaker Principal M. B, Dalitz Religious School Preschool News Preschool Graduation was a complete success. The students looked great in their caps and tassels. All the parents attended, along with the Rabbi and Cal Lewis, who said a few words. We all really had a great time and look forward to next year. If you have a preschooler, and want to register them you can do so before July 10th without paying the registration fee. You can call the office and I will get back to you ASAP to plan an appointment. Until next month!! Shalom, Julie and Andrea Cub Scout Comer The Scouts went to Zion National Park in May and had a great time. We went on several hikes, as well as attending a show on early Indian civilization presented by the Park Rangers. Our next adventure was an ovemighter at Mt. Charleston, where we stayed at McWilliams campground. The Scouts did many activities toward earning their pins and arrow points, and were reluctant to come down to "civilization." Anyone interested in joining Pack 145 should contact Bob Frankl at 454-9513 for imformation and registration forms. This is the only Jewish Scout pack in Las Vegas, and we really have a great time with the boys and their families. Join us and find out how great Scouting is! Senior Youth Advisor Needed We need a Youth Advisor for our 9th to 12th grade Youth Group, NTTY. If you are interested, please contact the Rabbi at the Temple office. M'Vl 'Y NTTY News Our last event ended with good food, good friends, and a good time at Lindsey Bemay?s house...Thanks, Lindsey, for the use of your swimming pool! Special thanks to our volunteers..Lindsey?s dad, Cliff, our "Chief Cook"; and Steve Gratz, our "Pool Guard". School?s out...MTTY NTTY?s over...and summer is here...HAVE FUN! Your Advisors and Friends: Peter Schomaker Sheryl Kogan Rabbi Akselrod would like to be helpful to you and your family whenever possible, particularly by visiting Temple members and their families when they are in the hospital, or nursing homes. The Temple office tries to maintain a current list of those who are hospitalized, so please call the Temple office at 733-6292 to let us know when you or your friends are going into the hospital. *_____________________________________ CONGREGATION NER TAMID PAGE 8 President, Con ?t from Page 2... Maybe the 30 or so B?nai Mitzvahs of the coming year would like to come back in 10 or 15 years for lovely weddings with receptions at their own Temple! Maybe the 200+ scheduled events per year will grow to 400. And my usual and enduring goal - INVOLVEMENT. We need to continually see new faces involved in more activities and supporting the various planned events. These are all planned for you and without your support they fail. I know there are capable, energetic people out there who could bring new ideas and leadership to our core of participants. These people need to step forward and be heard and become the leaders and participants that make your Temple "A Special Place to Belong". We need to put effort into our family and our Temple if we are to survive. Jews are made and retained in Temple and we must make a commitment to Judaism so that our children can grow up with the knowledge of their roots and living their Judaism proudly. Take care, have a good summer, see you at Temple. Cal smmmmwmMmmrnmmmmmmmmmmmm:. General Fund To Dr. David Wasserman & Family from Ruth & Charles Amira in loving memory of Milton Wasserman. To Dr. David Wasserman & Family from Art & Shirley Gellin in loving memory of Milton Wasserman. To Dr. David Wasserman & Family from Shirlee & Dick Waxier in loving memory of Milton Wasserman. To Carol Treat from your Havurah, wishing you a speedy recovery. To Carol Treat from Jeanne, Peter & David Schomaker, wishing you a speedy recovery. To Sandy Ziskrout from Jeanne Schomaker & Debbie Stadt, Mazel Tov! In honor of the 1992 B?not Mitzvah Class from Melissa Glovinsky. In honor of the 1991-1992 Confirmation Class, and in honor of Jennifer Gross? graduation from the Bemay Family. To Hortense Alper from UMC Ladies Auxiliary in memory of Samuel. In memory of Jerry Portnoy from Howard Jochsberger. Library A Jewish Holiday ABC - To Dr. David Wasserman & Family from Eileen, Mike, Lisa & Judy Kollins in loving memory of Milton Wasserman. High Holiday Prayerbook Fund To Dr. Wasserman & Family from Jane C. Kriensky & Kyoko Dollar in loving memory of Milton Wasserman. To Dr. David Wasserman & Family from Roz & Shel Sbarra & Ruth Block in loving memory of Milton Wasserman. To Dr. David Wasserman & Family from Larry Warshawsky in loving memory of Milton Wasserman. To Dr. David Wasserman & Family from Ms. Jan Fisher in loving memory of Milton Wasserman. To Dr. David Wasserman & Family from Carl F. Piazza in loving memory of Milton Wasserman. To Dr. David Wasserman from Dr. & Mrs. Harris Waters in loving memory of Milton Wasserman. To The Wasserman Family from Rita & Herman Malkin in loving memory of Milton Wasserman. To the Kaner Family from Marla & Tom Letizia in memory of your father, Harold Kochberg. To Marlene Sherman from Sisterhood in honor of the marriage of your daughter. Choir Fund To Mr. & Mrs. Murray Lipitz from Ida & Max Blumenfeld in loving memory of your mother, Celia. To Mr. & Mrs. Murray Lipitz from Shirley & Art Gellin in loving memory of your mother, Celia. To Mr. & Mrs. Murray Lipitz from Thelma Karo in loving memory of your mother, Celia. Tree Certificate To Ms. Andrea & Ms. Allison Fine from Shirley & Art Gellin in loving memory of your father, Francis N. Fine. To Maureen Johnston from Mr. & Mrs. David Johnston in memory of your father, Joseph. To Mrs. M. Johnston & Family from Mr. & Mrs. David Johnston in memory of Mike. To Raini Johnston from Mom & Dad in honor of your naming. To Beverly Patnoi from John & Lynetta Pelrocco in memory of Jack Patnoi. Building Fund To Ken Schnitzer from Shirley & Label Kravitz, a speedy recovery, get well soon. To Ken Schnitzer from Donna & Martin Kravitz, a speedy recovery, get well soon. To Ken Schnitzer from Jeanne & Peter Schomaker, a speedy recovery, get well soon. To Ken Schnitzer from The Lewis Etcoff Family, Wishing you a speedy recovery, Love. To Ken Schnitzer from Denise & Steven Bass, a speedy recovery, get well soon. To Ken Schnitzer from Jay Poster, a speedy recovery, get well soon. Rabbi?s Discretionary Fund Glenn Raynes Shirley Kravitz Dee Gust Kitty Farber CONGREGATION NER TAMID PAGE 9 UNIVERSAL BUILDERS, INC dba RADITIONAL LEON BENZER President COMMERCIAL ? RESIDENTIAL ? DEVELOPMENT 3580 Polaris Ave Suite 18 Las Vegas, NV 09103 Off. 367-1610 Fax: 367 2322 Lie.: 0029711 Lie : 0032249 THE COMMERCIAL GROUP <Tt Commercial Management, Leasing and Real Estate Consulting FRED KALLICK Associate 3910 Pecos McLeod, Suite D Las Vegas, NV 89121 702-798-6767 Beeper 381-2253 Fax 702-456-6851 CONFECTION CONNECTION, INC. Candies, Nuts and SPECIALIZING IN GIFT PACKAGES 2867 Green Valley Parkway Henderson. NV 89014 (702)456-9020 CONFECTION CONNECTION ?je (Tina! jAmeriran ^Bakrry o V a' ?PROUDLY SO" / 4746 E. Flamingo Rd. Las Vegas, NV 89121 (702) 435-0970 'Y/ CHUCK NIEDRICH "Ry<? de&nati/abcfewF O F C. R K E N \' A L L E V NURSING AND REHABILITATION CENTER 100 Cosada Delmar Drive Henderson, Nevada 89014 Linda Gustafson Administrator (702) 361-6111 Fax 361-2508 A Delmar Gardens* Enterprise BERTHA STEINBERG-KLEJNBERG PRESIDENT 900 East Desert Inn Road. #4 Las Vegas. NV 89109 USA. TEL: (702)732-2400 FAX: (702) 732-7770 1-800 487-5557 COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL ORECKXL Vacuums & Repairs Lenny Gropman ? general manager lagor corporation 1-800-242-1378 2955 E. SUNSET RD. LAS VEGAS. NV 89 1 20 1 -702-458-6558 1-800-992-1227 PVT FURN OFFICE FOR RENT SHARE SPACE WITH TEMPLE MEMBER. SMALL OFFICE NEAR CNT. $225/MONTH INCL. UTILITIES & PHONE FAX & COPY AVAIL. RANDY 737-6260 DESERT VALLEY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 6767 W?l Charleston. Suite E La* Vtfis, NV 89102 DENNIS ZACHARY, President (702) 870-0711 STEVE & DELLY THE SINGING IXT8 MAKE YOUR PARTY FABULOUS- OUR BAR/BAT MITZVAH PACKAGE INCLUDES: 1. DINNER SHOW. 2. SPECIAL DANCES. GAMES. CONTESTS. & 176 IN PRIZES. 3. PERSONALIZED CANDLELIGHTING, POEMS, & MUSIC. 4. OCCASIONAL "LIVE" SONG STYLINGS. FoOTGAUGg- 456-5462 ~iTie? R E MlU M 6275 Harrison. Suite #1 ? Las Vegas, Nevada 89120 702-739-6900 FAX 702-739.7885 ? PREMIUMS ? GIFTS ? INCENTIVES WHOLESALE Hyla and Ron Worth ite * it irroeosiu reicn V Full Service Printing 734-7788 Fax 734-2011 ? Business Cards ? Booklets / Newsletters Letterheads / Envelopes ? Flyers / Brochures Carbonless Forms, one ol our Specialities MIKE & TOBY EDELMAN 3139 Industrial Road ? Las Vegas, NV 89109 (one block off Strip, behind the Frontier Hotel) 17021 737-7275 1800) 755-7270 Fox 1702) 732-9652 ALANS. MANN Vice President, Investments All DEAN WITTER REYNOLDS INC. Mr First Interstate Tower, Suite 800 3800 Howard Hughes Pkwy., Las Vegas, NV 89109 PAGE 10 OHM 7p.\\ MSXmS*7R/#Z Harold Gerecht, GRI Susan Gerecht, GRI, CRS Broker Owners Park 2000 (702) 798-8600 6380 S. Eastern Ave. #8 Home: 435-1966 Las Vegas. NV 89 1 1 9 Cellular: 3 76-