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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Hovarabdr 31, 1944 1 33-3-3 Captain 1. L. Dopseysr DS.e ni8.o rP uSbalniict aHreya bltghI nSeearrvi ce San Franolaoe 11, California Dear Captain Dopmsyart submiOtnte dr ecneeiwp twa otfer y oaauarp lleaat tteor tohfe N oSvteamtebe aru t8htho,r itwioe s at Bono, for both bacteriological and obamloal analyse! of theX ePunbcllloos eS ceorvpiyc eo fD ilveitstieorn ,f rroemg aCrodmimnisg shiioen eorb aAmdolronasl Aannaallyyssiess, oaf sH wnenlllo lapaa lt Hhaet epra.m Spuhlppetli eesnt* iftolre d 19?4O4h,e mwiholale h oonforas to the analysis of samples wa Just submitted. Tfielae .m ayB ree talhrsno tshtea tpeadm pthhlee tI,r osns oXo ntheawnts aIn o otpbsy wfaotre mry Is nreegnleiwgeidb lfer;o m Itnh et heea atnearl bysyi st,h e icsaomne a onhde malionamll nruema catxieo n. If there Is an appreciable amount of Iron present, a ahasps eVreatgae s dHeatetremri nthaet iIorno lna o moandtee,n tb ulta Ilnow ,t hae so daeatse romfi ntehde by visual teat, and is slaply oailed a Hiaoi1. "NegaTthiev eb apcrteseurmipotliovgei c-al S aanfea layts sati mseh ewofe ds atmhpel iunsgu"a.l Vary truly yoora. A. U. FOLGEB Baal.