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I«as Vegas, Rev. Oct. 7, 1930 S u b ject: Chae. Richards speech regarding R a ilroa d Company's ta x red u ction ISr. F.H.K nickerbocker, General Manager, Los A ngeles, C a lifo r n ia . Dear S ir: Pleas© n ote newspaper c lip p in g in re feren ce to campaigning ta lk o f Mr* Chas. R ich ards, dem ocratic candidate fo r governor* Would advise th at at Chamber o f Commerce meeting today, our President* Mr* S. R. Whitehead, made a very p o s it iv e d ecla ra tio n in h is speech b efore the Chamber, that the settlem ent o f the tax qu estion by the Commission had deprived Clark County o f #140,000.00 in ta x a tio n . I am n ot a t a l l sure about the fig u r e s in the red u ction o f ta x a tio n , but have been lea d t o b e lie v e that i t amounts to on ly between s ix or seven thousand d o lla rs* Mr* Whitehead i s our presen t County A u d itor, and i s up fo r r e -e le c t io n , and from h is speech o f yesterday and oth er ou tside ta lk I have heard, b e lie v e he is rath er a n ta g o n istic aga in st us* I think we should make every e f f o r t in the w orld to a s s is t Governor B alsar in h is r e -e le c t io n , fo r I f e e l p o s it iv e that he has been our frie n d in the past and w i l l be a very g rea t help to us in the coming fou r years and i t would seem that from R ich ard s’ campaign throughout the S ta te, he has adopted the Tax Commission as h is main issu e o f fig h t a ga in st B alzar. Yours very tr u ly , WALTER K. H H V ice-P resid en t & Agent. E n el. 1