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    / ? - taking head*. She District representatives, however, Im I that I f we would accept part pajroeat la toad®, I t would give the head® a rsputa-t i t s which th«y » i # t act otherwise have aad thorety ha helpful la disposing of then* <f) (Paragraph I) Shi® w ill, of course, ho taken car® of la oar Contract of Sola, (f) (Paragraph 5) WO are a ll a l i t t l e aaoortata as to what the object of thio paragraph Is, sales® i t was pat la to oaahlo the District to withdraw the offer la case emhoteatial pahllo orltleloa developed when the hid was aado pahllo* At thio eritloloe has sot developed so far. It to doubtful i f ths right w ill he exercised, there to one aore natter which my have soae effect on the aaosat of the flaol poyuaat to ho aado to us ty the District* However, It w ill not effect the net return wo w ill receive for the property, notice ha* been sowed on at by the U tility Oowdoelea that farther ooa-plaint* have heea received regarding the adequacy of water service and that the hearing® which wore held aheat a year ago on thio subject w ill he resumed, tea w ill reaeaber a t that tine wo installed puwp* on cer­tain wells la order to towperarlly increase oar productive capacity. Should the Qoaalooloa order as to ache farther expenditures la the hope of Increasing thl* water capacity wo w ill, of course, request the approval of the D istrict before asking each expenditures, end naturally the ex­penditures w ill ho added to the aaouat which the D istrict w ill he called upon to pay us. AO indicated above, 1 consider this offer as being well within the authority given la your le tte r of August 12th* However, I would appreciate year concurrence or eoaaeate, and If you agree, year approval to so advise the hater D istrict. X weald appreciate as proapt action on thio as possible as in sp its of a ll the dilly-dallying and delay# of the District in these negotiations, they are now pressing us almost daily for a reply to their hid* (Signed) Vs, Seinhavdt