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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 constructed By sOOnoni under contracts sta#§ ?•-pur­suant fee Bale i if the ansi aegulatiens off ih© Water Company on file with the Pefelie Service Ceewis- ales* ef the State «f Kevada an# conveyed fey said eth­ers fee- the let#*' Ooapaosyv its swesesaers sr assigns * KefewlfehefehaAing the provisions sf twfeparagmphs (a), (fe) aii$ (®) ef this lleefeien. 11# tie satire test ef the ia^jroveeemfee fee*. im constructed fey the Ball**®*# wndtov Salt Lake e^spguf* Work Order 5015 covering the eansferusfeissi of a Booster piping st**-- felem containing tnce pumps at Charleston Boulevard lieservotr, fete construction of a 300#OOCHgallon, elevated# steel tank approximate*- ly 2# MOO feet westerly of said reserve.£r, and the construction ef approximately P*S00 feet of Ife-iiteh pipe Mbs extending fro® said pumping station fee said elevated tank together with Incidental 10* ***** lines, valves# ate., which will serve the residential -sut< -divisions on West Charles fee® Boulevard, including Federal H®»s vtlapamfe, shall fee home fey First Parties an# shall mot fee added to the Basis purchase pries* ****"» ®hall fee deducts# froa the feaaie fsnffefease prise the mrefunde# amounts stfejtefe to refund as of the tale data under H eaitfenaefea mde fey tha Water Company# or ifea aaaeaaaaaa in ownership of its sal# dimtrtfcution system# pursuant to iuie f «f the sal# Mules an# S»§ulafeies*i# of the Water Company «* it* suaaaaaor or si®* ilar rules contained in. the mim and Hasalatiena of the water Oca* pmy P»vlowly on file with the PafeUe -Service Cowaission of the State of levant* ST.