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Record of velocity ?£& wall 24. Depth (feet) Velocity (feet per second) Depth (Feet) Velocity (feet per second) Depth (feet) Velocity (feat per second) Depth (feet) Velocity (feet par second 20 .0 120 .18 402 .20 515 .36 45 0 145 .18 403 .27 525 .37 60 0 170 .20 405 .27 535 .37 62 .04 195 .19 410 .27 545 .37 63 .11 220 .19 420 .27 555 .35 64 .14 245 .19 445 .27 555.5 obstructs 65 .23 270 .19 470 .28 70 .18 295 .20 495 .37 >75 .18 345 .20 498 .33 85 .18 395 .21 500 .34 95 .18 400 .20 505 .34 Wall 25 Wall 2-5 is owned by the Lindsay Estate and is known as tha Sund well. It is provided with a valve to control the flow from the well, but when the valve is closed a large number of small springs appear J 1 near the well. Views of this well are shown on Plate 1, B. C. On September 7 tha valve was closed and the flow from the springs as measured was 230 gallons a minute. On the following day, after the wall had been flowing with the valve open for about 24 hours, the total flow from the springs and the well amounted to 360 gallons a minute. The meter was lowered on September 7 to a depth of 230 feet below the valve, which is about at ground level. According to the driller’s log, the well has 136 feet of 8-inch casing and 341 feet of 6-inch casing (from 62 to 402 feet). On the basis of a 6-inch casing, there was a flow amounting to about 15 gallons a minute. The water moved up the inside of the 6-inch casing from a depth of about 230 feet and gradually left the well between depths of 194 and 94 feet from the surface. The meter would not go below a depth