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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    124 CONTINUED -(2): 57. 124 BASHIK (placating) Eight minutes more and then we'll rest. Look. (pointing) There's the yucca plant Just up ahead. Kelly digs dust from around his eyes. Scott peers ahead. Only the miserable, half-buried road and the same dreary creosote bushes, or whatever they are. I can't even see a mirage up there. BASHIK (pleasantly) Then you're not ready yet to be the Arab ,.. are you? SCOTT (a beat) All right. Eight minutes and that's all. All Three are looking better. Scott is even sitting. Bashik looks at him: well? Scott looks back: you're improving. Bashik picks up more pebbles. 125 EXT. DESERT AHEAD - POV - DAY 125 126 BACK TO SCENE 126 SCOTT WIPE TO: 127 EXT. DESERT - AT THE YUCCA - DAY 127 One rather tall plant, the Mohave yucca (Yucca Schidlgera), which can be shady if the sun's low enough; with a smaller one on either side. The gaps between have been filled with brush gathered from roundabout. PROM OFFSCREEN, OR BEHIND THE CLUMP, ONE FINAL TUMBLEWEED IS TOSSED ON TOP OF THE TALL YUCCA. 128 EXT. SHADY SIDE OF YUCCA - DAY 128 Kelly crouches and looks up to where he threw the bush SCOTT Stop showing off. (CONTINUED)